Calcium includes a simple Python interface implemented using ``ctypes``.
Setup and usage
Make sure the Calcium library and its dependencies are built
and in the path of the system's dynamic library loader.
Then make sure that ``<calcium_source_dir>/pycalcium`` is in the
Python path, for example by adding it to ``PYTHONPATH``,
adding it to ``sys.path``,
or simply starting Python inside the ``pycalcium`` directory.
Import the module and run perform a calculation:
>>> import calcium
>>> calcium.ca(1) / 3
0.333333 {1/3}
>>> calcium.exp(calcium.pi * calcium.i / 2)
1.00000*I {a where a = I [a^2+1=0]}
If you don't mind polluting the global namespace, import everything:
>>> from calcium import *
>>> exp(pi*i/2) + ca(1)/3
0.333333 + 1.00000*I {(3*a+1)/3 where a = I [a^2+1=0]}
Current limitations
* Does not support creating new context objects or modifying
the settings of a context object.
* Leaks memory (for example, when printing).
* Because ``ctypes`` is used, this is not as efficient as a
Cython wrapper. This interface should be used for testing
and not for absolute performance.
* Does not wrap various functions.
API documentation
Functions are available both as regular functions and as methods
on the ``ca`` class.
import ctypes
import ctypes.util
import sys
libcalcium_path = ctypes.util.find_library('calcium')
libcalcium = ctypes.CDLL(libcalcium_path)
libarb_path = ctypes.util.find_library('arb')
libarb = ctypes.CDLL(libarb_path)
libflint_path = ctypes.util.find_library('flint')
libflint = ctypes.CDLL(libflint_path)
T_TRUE = 0
class _fmpz_struct(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [('val', ctypes.c_long)]
# ctypes.cast(x, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong))
# ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong)
[docs]class ca_struct(ctypes.Structure):
"""Low-level wrapper for ca_struct, for internal use by ctypes."""
_fields_ = [('data', ctypes.c_long * 5)]
[docs]class ca_ctx_struct(ctypes.Structure):
"""Low-level wrapper for ca_ctx_struct, for internal use by ctypes."""
# todo: use the real size
_fields_ = [('content', ctypes.c_ulong * 64)]
[docs]class ca_mat_struct(ctypes.Structure):
"""Low-level wrapper for ca_mat_struct, for internal use by ctypes."""
_fields_ = [('entries', ctypes.c_void_p),
('r', ctypes.c_long),
('c', ctypes.c_long),
('rows', ctypes.c_void_p)]
[docs]class ca_vec_struct(ctypes.Structure):
"""Low-level wrapper for ca_vec_struct, for internal use by ctypes."""
_fields_ = [('entries', ctypes.c_void_p),
('length', ctypes.c_long),
('alloc', ctypes.c_long)]
[docs]class ca_poly_struct(ctypes.Structure):
"""Low-level wrapper for ca_poly_struct, for internal use by ctypes."""
_fields_ = [('coeffs', ctypes.c_void_p),
('length', ctypes.c_long),
('alloc', ctypes.c_long)]
[docs]class ca_poly_vec_struct(ctypes.Structure):
"""Low-level wrapper for ca_poly_vec_struct, for internal use by ctypes."""
_fields_ = [('entries', ctypes.POINTER(ca_poly_struct)),
('length', ctypes.c_long),
('alloc', ctypes.c_long)]
[docs]class ca_ctx:
Python class wrapping the ca_ctx_t context object.
Currently only supports a global instance.
[docs] def __init__(self):
self._data = ca_ctx_struct()
self._ref = ctypes.byref(self._data)
def __del__(self):
# Python calls ctx_default.__del__ before all ca instances are
# destroyed, despite the fact that the ca instances contain
# references to ctx_default.
# WHY??????????????
# libcalcium.ca_ctx_clear(self._ref)
def _as_parameter_(self):
return self._ref
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_param(arg):
return arg
ctx_default = ca_ctx()
[docs]class ca:
Python class wrapping the ca_t type for numbers.
>>> ca(1)
>>> ca()
>>> ca(0)
>>> ca(-5)
>>> ca(2.25)
2.25000 {9/4}
>>> ca(1) / 3
0.333333 {1/3}
>>> (-1) ** ca(0.5)
1.00000*I {a where a = I [a^2+1=0]}
>>> ca(1-2j)
1.00000 - 2.00000*I {-2*a+1 where a = I [a^2+1=0]}
>>> ca(0.1) # be careful with float input!
0.100000 {3602879701896397/36028797018963968}
>>> ca(float("inf"))
>>> ca(float("nan"))
>>> 3 < pi < ca(22)/7
[docs] def __init__(self, val=0):
self._ctx_python = ctx_default
self._ctx = self._ctx_python._ref
self._data = ca_struct()
self._ref = ctypes.byref(self._data)
libcalcium.ca_init(self, self._ctx)
if val is not 0:
typ = type(val)
if typ is int:
b = sys.maxsize
if -b <= val <= b:
libcalcium.ca_set_si(self, val, self._ctx)
n = _fmpz_struct()
nref = ctypes.byref(n)
libflint.fmpz_set_str(nref, ctypes.c_char_p(str(val).encode('ascii')), 10)
libcalcium.ca_set_fmpz(self, nref, self._ctx)
elif typ is ca:
libcalcium.ca_set(self, val, self._ctx)
elif typ is float:
libcalcium.ca_set_d(self, val, self._ctx)
elif typ is complex:
libcalcium.ca_set_d_d(self, val.real, val.imag, self._ctx)
raise TypeError
def __del__(self):
libcalcium.ca_clear(self, self._ctx)
def _as_parameter_(self):
return self._ref
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_param(arg):
return arg
[docs] @staticmethod
def inf():
The special value positive infinity.
>>> inf == ca.inf() # alias for the method
>>> inf
>>> -inf
>>> abs(-inf)
>>> inf + inf
>>> (-inf) + (-inf)
>>> -inf * inf
>>> inf / inf
>>> 1 / inf
>>> re(inf)
>>> im(inf)
>>> sign(inf)
>>> sign((1+i)*inf) == (1+i)/sqrt(2)
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_pos_inf(res, res._ctx)
return res
[docs] @staticmethod
def uinf():
The special value unsigned infinity.
>>> uinf == ca.uinf() # alias for the method
>>> uinf
>>> abs(uinf)
>>> -3 * uinf
>>> 1/uinf
>>> sign(uinf)
>>> uinf * uinf
>>> uinf / uinf
>>> uinf + uinf
>>> re(uinf)
>>> im(uinf)
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_uinf(res, res._ctx)
return res
[docs] @staticmethod
def undefined():
The special value undefined.
>>> undefined == ca.undefined() # alias for the method
>>> undefined
>>> undefined == undefined
>>> undefined * 0
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_undefined(res, res._ctx)
return res
[docs] @staticmethod
def unknown():
The special meta-value unknown.
This meta-value is not comparable.
>>> unknown == unknown
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: unable to decide predicate: equal
>>> unknown == 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: unable to decide predicate: equal
>>> unknown == undefined
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: unable to decide predicate: equal
>>> unknown + unknown
>>> unknown + 3
>>> unknown + undefined
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_unknown(res, res._ctx)
return res
[docs] @staticmethod
def pi():
The constant pi.
>>> pi == ca.pi() # alias for the method
>>> pi
3.14159 {a where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}
>>> sin(pi/6)
0.500000 {1/2}
>>> (pi - 3) ** 3
0.00283872 {a^3-9*a^2+27*a-27 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_pi(res, res._ctx)
return res
[docs] @staticmethod
def euler():
Euler's constant (gamma).
>>> euler == ca.euler() # alias for the method
>>> euler
0.577216 {a where a = 0.577216 [Euler]}
>>> exp(euler)
1.78107 {a where a = 1.78107 [Exp(0.577216 {b})], b = 0.577216 [Euler]}
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_euler(res, res._ctx)
return res
[docs] @staticmethod
def i():
The imaginary unit.
>>> i == ca.i() # alias for the method
>>> i == I == j # extra aliases for convenience
>>> i
1.00000*I {a where a = I [a^2+1=0]}
>>> i**2
>>> i**3
-1.00000*I {-a where a = I [a^2+1=0]}
>>> abs(i)
>>> sign(i)
1.00000*I {a where a = I [a^2+1=0]}
>>> abs(sqrt(1+i) / sqrt(1-i))
>>> re(i), im(i)
(0, 1)
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_i(res, res._ctx)
return res
def __repr__(self):
s = libcalcium.ca_get_str(self, self._ctx)
res = str(s, 'ascii')
return res
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
[docs] def __bool__(self):
t = libcalcium.ca_check_is_zero(self, self._ctx)
if t == T_TRUE:
return False
if t == T_FALSE:
return True
raise ValueError("unable to decide predicate: is_zero")
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
t = libcalcium.ca_check_equal(self, other, self._ctx)
if t == T_TRUE:
return True
if t == T_FALSE:
return False
raise ValueError("unable to decide predicate: equal")
def __ne__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
t = libcalcium.ca_check_equal(self, other, self._ctx)
if t == T_TRUE:
return False
if t == T_FALSE:
return True
raise ValueError("unable to decide predicate: equal")
def __le__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
t = libcalcium.ca_check_le(self, other, self._ctx)
if t == T_TRUE:
return True
if t == T_FALSE:
return False
raise ValueError("unable to decide predicate: le")
def __lt__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
t = libcalcium.ca_check_lt(self, other, self._ctx)
if t == T_TRUE:
return True
if t == T_FALSE:
return False
raise ValueError("unable to decide predicate: lt")
def __ge__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
t = libcalcium.ca_check_ge(self, other, self._ctx)
if t == T_TRUE:
return True
if t == T_FALSE:
return False
raise ValueError("unable to decide predicate: ge")
def __gt__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
t = libcalcium.ca_check_gt(self, other, self._ctx)
if t == T_TRUE:
return True
if t == T_FALSE:
return False
raise ValueError("unable to decide predicate: gt")
def __add__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_add(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
__radd__ = __add__
def __sub__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_sub(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
def __rsub__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_sub(res, other, self, self._ctx)
return res
def __mul__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_mul(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
__rmul__ = __mul__
def __truediv__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_div(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
def __rtruediv__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_div(res, other, self, self._ctx)
return res
def __floordiv__(self, other):
return (self / other).floor()
def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
return (other / self).floor()
def __pow__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_pow(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
def __rpow__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_pow(res, other, self, self._ctx)
return res
def __abs__(self):
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_abs(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
def __neg__(self):
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_neg(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
def __pos__(self):
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_set(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def re(self):
Real part.
>>> re(2+3j) == ca(2+3j).re()
>>> re(2+3*i)
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_re(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def im(self):
Imaginary part.
>>> im(2+3j) == ca(2+3j).im() # alias for the method
>>> im(2+3*i)
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_im(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def conj(self):
Complex conjugate.
>>> conj(1j) == conjugate(1j) == ca(1j).conj() == ca(1j).conjugate() # alias for the method
>>> conj(2+i)
2.00000 - 1.00000*I {-a+2 where a = I [a^2+1=0]}
>>> conj(pi)
3.14159 {a where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_conjugate(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
conjugate = conj
[docs] def floor(self):
Floor function.
>>> floor(3) == ca(3).floor() # alias for the method
>>> floor(pi)
>>> floor(-pi)
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_floor(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def ceil(self):
Ceiling function.
>>> ceil(3) == ca(3).ceil() # alias for the method
>>> ceil(pi)
>>> ceil(-pi)
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_ceil(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def sgn(self):
Sign function.
>>> sgn(2) == sign(2) == ca(2).sgn() # aliases for the method
>>> sign(0)
>>> sign(sqrt(2))
>>> sign(-sqrt(2))
>>> sign(-sqrt(-2))
-1.00000*I {-a where a = I [a^2+1=0]}
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_sgn(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
sign = sgn
[docs] def sqrt(self):
Principal square root.
>>> sqrt(2) == ca(2).sqrt() # alias for the method
>>> sqrt(0)
>>> sqrt(1)
>>> sqrt(2)
1.41421 {a where a = 1.41421 [a^2-2=0]}
>>> sqrt(-1)
1.00000*I {a where a = I [a^2+1=0]}
>>> sqrt(inf)
>>> sqrt(-inf)
+I * Infinity
>>> sqrt(uinf)
>>> sqrt(undefined)
>>> sqrt(unknown)
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_sqrt(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def log(self):
Natural logarithm.
>>> log(2) == ca(2).log() # alias for the method
>>> log(1)
>>> log(exp(2))
>>> log(2)
0.693147 {a where a = 0.693147 [Log(2)]}
>>> log(4) == 2*log(2)
>>> log(1+sqrt(2)) / log(3+2*sqrt(2))
0.500000 {1/2}
>>> log(ca(10)**(10**30)) / log(10)
1.00000e+30 {1000000000000000000000000000000}
>>> log(-1)
3.14159*I {a where a = 3.14159*I [Log(-1)]}
>>> log(i)
1.57080*I {(a*b)/2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi], b = I [b^2+1=0]}
>>> log(0)
>>> log(inf)
>>> log(-inf)
>>> log(uinf)
>>> log(undefined)
>>> log(unknown)
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_log(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def exp(self):
Exponential function.
>>> exp(0)
>>> exp(1)
2.71828 {a where a = 2.71828 [Exp(1)]}
>>> exp(-1)
0.367879 {a where a = 0.367879 [Exp(-1)]}
>>> exp(-1) * exp(1)
>>> exp(7*pi*i/2)
-1.00000*I {-a where a = I [a^2+1=0]}
>>> exp(inf)
>>> exp(-inf)
>>> exp(uinf)
>>> exp(undefined)
>>> exp(unknown)
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_exp(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def erf(self):
Error function.
>>> erf(0)
>>> erf(1)
0.842701 {a where a = 0.842701 [Erf(1)]}
>>> erf(inf)
>>> erf(-inf)
>>> erf(i*inf)
+I * Infinity
>>> erf(-i*inf)
-I * Infinity
>>> erf(uinf)
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_erf(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def erfc(self):
Complementary error function.
>>> erfc(inf)
>>> erfc(-inf)
>>> erfc(1000)
1.86004e-434298 {a where a = 1.86004e-434298 [Erfc(1000)]}
>>> erfc(i*inf)
-I * Infinity
>>> erfc(-i*inf)
+I * Infinity
>>> erfc(sqrt(2)) + erf(sqrt(2))
>>> erfc(uinf)
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_erfc(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def erfi(self):
Imaginary error function.
>>> erfi(0)
>>> erfi(1)
1.65043 {a where a = 1.65043 [Erfi(1)]}
>>> erfi(inf)
>>> erfi(-inf)
>>> erfi(i*inf)
1.00000*I {a where a = I [a^2+1=0]}
>>> erfi(-i*inf)
-1.00000*I {-a where a = I [a^2+1=0]}
>>> erf(2)**2 + erfi(i*2)**2
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_erfi(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def gamma(self):
Gamma function.
>>> [gamma(n) for n in range(1,11)]
[1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880]
>>> gamma(0)
>>> 1 / gamma(0)
>>> gamma(0.5)
1.77245 {a where a = 1.77245 [Sqrt(3.14159 {b})], b = 3.14159 [Pi]}
>>> gamma(0.5)**2 == pi
>>> pi * gamma(pi) / gamma(pi+1)
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_gamma(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs]class ca_mat:
Python class wrapping the ca_mat_t type for matrices.
>>> ca_mat(2,3)
ca_mat of size 2 x 3
[0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0]
>>> ca_mat([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]])
ca_mat of size 3 x 2
[1, 2]
[3, 4]
[5, 6]
>>> ca_mat(2, 5, range(10))
ca_mat of size 2 x 5
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> ca_mat([[1,-2],[2,1]]) * ca_mat([[1,pi],[1,2]])
ca_mat of size 2 x 2
[-1, -0.858407 {a-4 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}]
[ 3, 8.28319 {2*a+2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}]
A nontrivial calculation::
>>> H = ca_mat([[ca(1)/(i+j+1) for i in range(5)] for j in range(5)])
>>> H
ca_mat of size 5 x 5
[ 1, 0.500000 {1/2}, 0.333333 {1/3}, 0.250000 {1/4}, 0.200000 {1/5}]
[0.500000 {1/2}, 0.333333 {1/3}, 0.250000 {1/4}, 0.200000 {1/5}, 0.166667 {1/6}]
[0.333333 {1/3}, 0.250000 {1/4}, 0.200000 {1/5}, 0.166667 {1/6}, 0.142857 {1/7}]
[0.250000 {1/4}, 0.200000 {1/5}, 0.166667 {1/6}, 0.142857 {1/7}, 0.125000 {1/8}]
[0.200000 {1/5}, 0.166667 {1/6}, 0.142857 {1/7}, 0.125000 {1/8}, 0.111111 {1/9}]
>>> H.trace()
1.78730 {563/315}
>>> sum(c*multiplicity for (c, multiplicity) in H.eigenvalues())
1.78730 {563/315}
>>> H.det()
3.74930e-12 {1/266716800000}
>>> prod(c**multiplicity for (c, multiplicity) in H.eigenvalues())
3.74930e-12 {1/266716800000}
[docs] def __init__(self, *args):
self._ctx_python = ctx_default
self._ctx = self._ctx_python._ref
self._data = ca_mat_struct()
self._ref = ctypes.byref(self._data)
if len(args) == 1:
val = args[0]
if isinstance(val, ca_mat):
m = val.nrows()
n = val.ncols()
libcalcium.ca_mat_init(self, m, n, self._ctx)
libcalcium.ca_mat_set(self, val, self._ctx)
elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
m = len(val)
n = 0
if m != 0:
if not isinstance(val[0], (list, tuple)):
raise TypeError("single input to ca_mat must be a list of lists")
n = len(val[0])
for i in range(1, m):
if len(val[i]) != n:
raise ValueError("input rows have different lengths")
libcalcium.ca_mat_init(self, m, n, self._ctx)
for i in range(m):
row = val[i]
for j in range(n):
x = ca(row[j])
libcalcium.ca_set(libcalcium.ca_mat_entry_ptr(self, i, j, self._ctx), x, self._ctx)
raise TypeError("cannot create ca_mat from input of type %s" % type(val))
elif len(args) == 2:
m, n = args
assert m >= 0
assert n >= 0
libcalcium.ca_mat_init(self, m, n, self._ctx)
elif len(args) == 3:
m, n, entries = args
assert m >= 0
assert n >= 0
libcalcium.ca_mat_init(self, m, n, self._ctx)
entries = list(entries)
if len(entries) != m*n:
raise ValueError("list of entries has the wrong length")
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
x = ca(entries[i*n + j])
libcalcium.ca_set(libcalcium.ca_mat_entry_ptr(self, i, j, self._ctx), x, self._ctx)
raise ValueError("ca_mat: expected 1-3 arguments")
def __del__(self):
libcalcium.ca_mat_clear(self, self._ctx)
def _as_parameter_(self):
return self._ref
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_param(arg):
return arg
[docs] def __bool__(self):
t = libcalcium.ca_mat_check_is_zero(self, self._ctx)
if t == T_TRUE:
return False
if t == T_FALSE:
return True
raise ValueError("unable to decide predicate: is_zero")
def __eq__(self, other):
>>> ca_mat([[1,1],[0,1]]) ** 2 == ca_mat([[1,2],[0,1]])
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca_mat(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = libcalcium.ca_mat_check_equal(self, other, self._ctx)
if res == T_TRUE:
return True
if res == T_FALSE:
return False
raise ValueError("unable to decide equality")
def __ne__(self, other):
>>> ca_mat([[1,1],[0,1]]) ** 2 != ca_mat([[1,3],[0,1]])
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca_mat(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = libcalcium.ca_mat_check_equal(self, other, self._ctx)
if res == T_TRUE:
return False
if res == T_FALSE:
return True
raise ValueError("unable to decide equality")
[docs] def nrows(self):
return self._data.r
[docs] def ncols(self):
return self._data.c
[docs] def entries(self):
m = self.nrows()
n = self.ncols()
L = [None] * (m * n)
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
L[i*n + j] = self[i, j]
return L
def __iter__(self):
m = self.nrows()
n = self.ncols()
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
yield self[i, j]
[docs] def table(self):
m = self.nrows()
n = self.ncols()
L = self.entries()
return [L[i*n : (i+1)*n] for i in range(m)]
# supports mpmath conversions
tolist = table
def __repr__(self):
s = "ca_mat of size %i x %i\n" % (self.nrows(), self.ncols())
nrows = self.nrows()
ncols = self.ncols()
def matrix_to_str(tab):
if len(tab) == 0 or len(tab[0]) == 0:
return "[]"
tab = [[str(c) for c in row] for row in tab]
widths = []
for i in range(len(tab[0])):
w = max([len(row[i]) for row in tab])
for i in range(len(tab)):
tab[i] = [s.rjust(widths[j]) for j, s in enumerate(tab[i])]
tab[i] = "[" + (", ".join(tab[i])) + "]"
return "\n".join(tab)
return s + matrix_to_str(self.table())
__str__ = __repr__
def __getitem__(self, ij):
i, j = ij
nrows = self.nrows()
ncols = self.ncols()
assert 0 <= i < nrows
assert 0 <= j < ncols
x = ca()
libcalcium.ca_set(x, libcalcium.ca_mat_entry_ptr(self, i, j, self._ctx), self._ctx)
return x
def __setitem__(self, ij, x):
i, j = ij
nrows = self.nrows()
ncols = self.ncols()
assert 0 <= i < nrows
assert 0 <= j < ncols
x = ca(x)
libcalcium.ca_set(libcalcium.ca_mat_entry_ptr(self, i, j, self._ctx), x, self._ctx)
[docs] def trace(self):
The trace of this matrix.
>>> ca_mat([[1,2],[3,pi]]).trace()
4.14159 {a+1 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}
nrows = self.nrows()
ncols = self.ncols()
if nrows != ncols:
raise ValueError("a square matrix is required")
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_mat_trace(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def det(self):
The determinant of this matrix.
>>> ca_mat([[1,1-i*pi],[1+i*pi,1]]).det()
-9.86960 {-a^2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi], b = I [b^2+1=0]}
nrows = self.nrows()
ncols = self.ncols()
if nrows != ncols:
raise ValueError("a square matrix is required")
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_mat_det(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
def __neg__(self):
res = ca_mat(self.nrows(), self.ncols())
libcalcium.ca_mat_neg(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
def __pos__(self):
res = ca_mat(self.nrows(), self.ncols())
libcalcium.ca_mat_set(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
def __add__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca_mat(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
m = self.nrows()
n = self.ncols()
if m != other.nrows() or n != other.ncols():
raise ValueError("incompatible matrix shapes")
res = ca_mat(m, n)
libcalcium.ca_mat_add(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
def __sub__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca_mat(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
m = self.nrows()
n = self.ncols()
if m != other.nrows() or n != other.ncols():
raise ValueError("incompatible matrix shapes")
res = ca_mat(m, n)
libcalcium.ca_mat_sub(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
def __mul__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca(other)
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
m = self.nrows()
n = self.ncols()
res = ca_mat(m, n)
libcalcium.ca_mat_mul_ca(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
except TypeError:
other = ca_mat(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
m = self.nrows()
n = self.ncols()
k = other.ncols()
if n != other.nrows():
raise ValueError("incompatible matrix shapes")
res = ca_mat(m, k)
libcalcium.ca_mat_mul(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
def __rmul__(self, other):
other = ca(other)
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
m = self.nrows()
n = self.ncols()
res = ca_mat(m, n)
libcalcium.ca_mat_mul_ca(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
def __truediv__(self, other):
other = ca(other)
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
m = self.nrows()
n = self.ncols()
res = ca_mat(m, n)
libcalcium.ca_mat_div_ca(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
def __pow__(self, other):
m = self.nrows()
n = self.ncols()
assert m == n
e = int(other)
assert 0 <= e <= sys.maxsize
res = ca_mat(m, m)
libcalcium.ca_mat_pow_ui_binexp(res, self, e, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def conjugate(self):
Entrywise complex conjugate.
>>> ca_mat([[5,1-i]]).conjugate()
ca_mat of size 1 x 2
[5, 1.00000 + 1.00000*I {a+1 where a = I [a^2+1=0]}]
res = ca_mat(self.nrows(), self.ncols())
libcalcium.ca_mat_conjugate(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
conj = conjugate
[docs] def transpose(self):
Matrix transpose.
>>> ca_mat([[5,1-i]]).transpose()
ca_mat of size 2 x 1
[ 5]
[1.00000 - 1.00000*I {-a+1 where a = I [a^2+1=0]}]
res = ca_mat(self.ncols(), self.nrows())
libcalcium.ca_mat_transpose(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def conjugate_transpose(self):
Conjugate matrix transpose.
>>> ca_mat([[5,1-i]]).conjugate_transpose()
ca_mat of size 2 x 1
[ 5]
[1.00000 + 1.00000*I {a+1 where a = I [a^2+1=0]}]
res = ca_mat(self.ncols(), self.nrows())
libcalcium.ca_mat_conjugate_transpose(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def charpoly(self):
Characteristic polynomial of this matrix.
>>> ca_mat([[5,pi],[1,-1]]).charpoly()
ca_poly of length 3
[-8.14159 {-a-5 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}, -4, 1]
m = self.nrows()
n = self.ncols()
assert m == n
res = ca_poly()
libcalcium.ca_mat_charpoly(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def eigenvalues(self):
Eigenvalues of this matrix.
Returns a list of (value, multiplicity) pairs.
>>> ca_mat(4, 4, range(16)).eigenvalues()
[(-2.46425 {-a+15 where a = 17.4642 [a^2-305=0]}, 1), (32.4642 {a+15 where a = 17.4642 [a^2-305=0]}, 1), (0, 2)]
>>> ca_mat([[1,pi],[-pi,1]]).eigenvalues()[0]
(1.00000 + 3.14159*I {(a+2)/2 where a = 6.28319*I [Sqrt(-39.4784 {-4*b^2})], b = 3.14159 [Pi]}, 1)
m = self.nrows()
n = self.ncols()
assert m == n
lamda = ca_vec()
exp = ctypes.cast(libflint.flint_malloc(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_ulong) * n), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong))
success = libcalcium.ca_mat_eigenvalues(lamda, exp, self, self._ctx)
if not success:
raise ValueError("failed to compute eigenvalues")
res = [(lamda[i], exp[i]) for i in range(len(lamda))]
return res
[docs]class ca_vec:
Python class wrapping the ca_vec_t type for vectors.
[docs] def __init__(self, n=0):
self._ctx_python = ctx_default
self._ctx = self._ctx_python._ref
self._data = ca_vec_struct()
self._ref = ctypes.byref(self._data)
n = int(n)
assert n >= 0
libcalcium.ca_vec_init(self, n, self._ctx)
def __del__(self):
libcalcium.ca_vec_clear(self, self._ctx)
def _as_parameter_(self):
return self._ref
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_param(arg):
return arg
def __len__(self):
return self._data.length
def __getitem__(self, i):
n = len(self)
assert 0 <= i < n
x = ca()
libcalcium.ca_set(x, libcalcium.ca_vec_entry_ptr(self, i, self._ctx), self._ctx)
return x
[docs]class ca_poly_vec:
[docs] def __init__(self, n=0):
self._ctx_python = ctx_default
self._ctx = self._ctx_python._ref
self._data = ca_poly_vec_struct()
self._ref = ctypes.byref(self._data)
n = int(n)
assert n >= 0
libcalcium.ca_poly_vec_init(self, n, self._ctx)
def __del__(self):
libcalcium.ca_poly_vec_clear(self, self._ctx)
def _as_parameter_(self):
return self._ref
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_param(arg):
return arg
def __len__(self):
return self._data.length
def __getitem__(self, i):
n = len(self)
assert 0 <= i < n
x = ca_poly()
libcalcium.ca_poly_set(x, ctypes.byref(self._data.entries[i]), self._ctx)
return x
[docs]class ca_poly:
Python class wrapping the ca_poly_t type for polynomials.
[docs] def __init__(self, val=0):
self._ctx_python = ctx_default
self._ctx = self._ctx_python._ref
self._data = ca_poly_struct()
self._ref = ctypes.byref(self._data)
libcalcium.ca_poly_init(self, self._ctx)
# todo: check conext objects
if type(val) is ca_poly:
libcalcium.ca_poly_set(self, val, self._ctx)
elif val:
val = [ca(c) for c in val]
for i in range(len(val)):
libcalcium.ca_poly_set_coeff_ca(self, i, val[i], self._ctx)
except TypeError:
val = ca(val)
libcalcium.ca_poly_set_ca(self, val, self._ctx)
def __del__(self):
libcalcium.ca_poly_clear(self, self._ctx)
def _as_parameter_(self):
return self._ref
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_param(arg):
return arg
[docs] def __bool__(self):
t = libcalcium.ca_poly_check_is_zero(self, self._ctx)
if t == T_TRUE:
return False
if t == T_FALSE:
return True
raise ValueError("unable to decide predicate: is_zero")
def __eq__(self, other):
>>> ca_poly([1,1]) ** 2 == ca_poly([1,2,1])
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca_poly(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = libcalcium.ca_poly_check_equal(self, other, self._ctx)
if res == T_TRUE:
return True
if res == T_FALSE:
return False
raise ValueError("unable to decide equality")
def __ne__(self, other):
>>> ca_poly([1,1]) ** 2 != ca_poly([1,3,1])
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca_poly(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = libcalcium.ca_poly_check_equal(self, other, self._ctx)
if res == T_TRUE:
return False
if res == T_FALSE:
return True
raise ValueError("unable to decide equality")
def __len__(self):
return self._data.length
def __repr__(self):
n = len(self)
s = "ca_poly of length %i\n" % n
s += str([self[i] for i in range(n)])
return s
__str__ = __repr__
def __getitem__(self, i):
n = len(self)
assert 0 <= i < n
x = ca()
libcalcium.ca_set(x, libcalcium.ca_poly_coeff_ptr(self, i, self._ctx), self._ctx)
return x
def __neg__(self):
res = ca_poly()
libcalcium.ca_poly_neg(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
def __pos__(self):
res = ca_poly()
libcalcium.ca_poly_set(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
def __add__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca_poly(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca_poly()
libcalcium.ca_poly_add(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
__radd__ = __add__
def __sub__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca_poly(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca_poly()
libcalcium.ca_poly_sub(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
def __rsub__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca_poly(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca_poly()
libcalcium.ca_poly_sub(res, other, self, self._ctx)
return res
def __mul__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca_poly(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca_poly()
libcalcium.ca_poly_mul(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
__rmul__ = __mul__
def __truediv__(self, other):
other = ca(other)
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca_poly()
libcalcium.ca_poly_div_ca(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
def __floordiv__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca_poly(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca_poly()
if not libcalcium.ca_poly_div(res, self, other, self._ctx):
raise ValueError("failed polynomial division: unable to prove leading coefficient nonzero")
return res
def __mod__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca_poly(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca_poly()
if not libcalcium.ca_poly_rem(res, self, other, self._ctx):
raise ValueError("failed polynomial division: unable to prove leading coefficient nonzero")
return res
def __divmod__(self, other):
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca_poly(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res1 = ca_poly()
res2 = ca_poly()
if not libcalcium.ca_poly_divrem(res1, res2, self, other, self._ctx):
raise ValueError("failed polynomial division: unable to prove leading coefficient nonzero")
return res1, res2
def __pow__(self, other):
e = int(other)
assert e >= 0 and e * len(self) <= sys.maxsize
res = ca_poly()
libcalcium.ca_poly_pow_ui(res, self, e, self._ctx)
return res
def __call__(self, other):
Evaluation or composition.
>>> ca_poly([1,2,3])(pi)
36.8920 {3*a^2+2*a+1 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}
>>> ca_poly([1,2,3])(ca_poly([3,2,1]))
ca_poly of length 5
[34, 40, 32, 12, 3]
other = ca(other)
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca()
libcalcium.ca_poly_evaluate(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
except TypeError:
other = ca_poly(other)
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca_poly()
libcalcium.ca_poly_compose(res, self, other, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def gcd(self, other):
Polynomial GCD.
>>> x = ca_poly([0,1]); (x+1).gcd(x-1)
ca_poly of length 1
>>> x = ca_poly([0,1]); (x**2 + pi**2).gcd(x+i*pi)
ca_poly of length 2
[3.14159*I {a*b where a = 3.14159 [Pi], b = I [b^2+1=0]}, 1]
if type(self) is not type(other):
other = ca_poly(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
if self._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python:
raise ValueError("different context objects!")
res = ca_poly()
if not libcalcium.ca_poly_gcd(res, self, other, self._ctx):
raise ValueError("failed polynomial gcd")
return res
[docs] def roots(self):
Roots of this polynomial.
Returns a list of (root, multiplicity) pairs.
>>> ca_poly([2,11,20,12]).roots()
[(-0.666667 {-2/3}, 1), (-0.500000 {-1/2}, 2)]
n = len(self)
roots = ca_vec()
exp = ctypes.cast(libflint.flint_malloc(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_ulong) * n), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong))
success = libcalcium.ca_poly_roots(roots, exp, self, self._ctx)
if not success:
raise ValueError("failed to compute roots")
res = [(roots[i], exp[i]) for i in range(len(roots))]
return res
[docs] def factor_squarefree(self):
Squarefree factorization of this polynomial
Returns (lc, L) where L is a list of (factor, multiplicity) pairs.
>>> ca_poly([9,6,7,-28,12]).factor_squarefree()
(12, [(ca_poly of length 3
[0.333333 {1/3}, 0.666667 {2/3}, 1], 1), (ca_poly of length 2
[-1.50000 {-3/2}, 1], 2)])
n = len(self)
lc = ca()
fac = ca_poly_vec()
exp = ctypes.cast(libflint.flint_malloc(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_ulong) * n), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong))
success = libcalcium.ca_poly_factor_squarefree(lc, fac, exp, self, self._ctx)
if not success:
raise ValueError("failed to compute factors")
res = [(fac[i], exp[i]) for i in range(len(fac))]
return lc, res
[docs] def squarefree_part(self):
Squarefree part of this polynomial.
>>> ca_poly([9,6,7,-28,12]).squarefree_part()
ca_poly of length 4
[-0.500000 {-1/2}, -0.666667 {-2/3}, -0.833333 {-5/6}, 1]
res = ca_poly()
if not libcalcium.ca_poly_squarefree_part(res, self, self._ctx):
raise ValueError("failed to compute squarefree part")
return res
[docs] def integral(self):
Integral of this polynomial.
>>> ca_poly([1,1,1,1]).integral()
ca_poly of length 5
[0, 1, 0.500000 {1/2}, 0.333333 {1/3}, 0.250000 {1/4}]
res = ca_poly()
libcalcium.ca_poly_integral(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def derivative(self):
Derivative of this polynomial.
>>> ca_poly([1,1,1,1]).derivative()
ca_poly of length 3
[1, 2, 3]
res = ca_poly()
libcalcium.ca_poly_derivative(res, self, self._ctx)
return res
[docs] def monic(self):
Make this polynomial monic.
>>> ca_poly([1,2,3]).monic()
ca_poly of length 3
[0.333333 {1/3}, 0.666667 {2/3}, 1]
>>> ca_poly().monic()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: failed to make monic
res = ca_poly()
if not libcalcium.ca_poly_make_monic(res, self, self._ctx):
raise ValueError("failed to make monic")
return res
[docs] def is_proper(self):
Checks if this polynomial definitely has finite coefficients
and that the leading coefficient is provably nonzero.
>>> ca_poly([]).is_proper()
>>> ca_poly([1,2,3]).is_proper()
>>> ca_poly([1,2,1-exp(ca(2)**-10000)]).is_proper()
>>> ca_poly([inf]).is_proper()
res = ca_poly()
if libcalcium.ca_poly_is_proper(self, self._ctx):
return True
return False
[docs] def degree(self):
Degree of this polynomial.
>>> ca_poly([1,2,3]).degree()
>>> ca_poly().degree()
>>> ca_poly([1,2,1-exp(ca(2)**-10000)]).degree()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: unable to determine degree
if self.is_proper():
return len(self) - 1
raise ValueError("unable to determine degree")
# todo: in functions, don't create copies of the input
[docs]def re(x):
return ca(x).re()
[docs]def im(x):
return ca(x).im()
[docs]def sgn(x):
return ca(x).sgn()
[docs]def sign(x):
return ca(x).sign()
[docs]def floor(x):
return ca(x).floor()
[docs]def ceil(x):
return ca(x).ceil()
[docs]def conj(x):
return ca(x).conj()
[docs]def conjugate(x):
return ca(x).conjugate()
[docs]def sqrt(x):
return ca(x).sqrt()
[docs]def log(x):
return ca(x).log()
[docs]def exp(x):
return ca(x).exp()
[docs]def erf(x):
return ca(x).erf()
[docs]def erfc(x):
return ca(x).erfc()
[docs]def erfi(x):
return ca(x).erfi()
[docs]def gamma(x):
return ca(x).gamma()
[docs]def fac(x):
Alias for gamma(x+1).
>>> fac(10)
3.62880e+6 {3628800}
return (ca(x)+1).gamma()
[docs]def cos(x):
The cosine function is not yet implemented in Calcium.
This placeholder function evaluates the cosine function
using complex exponentials.
>>> cos(0)
>>> cos(pi)
>>> cos(pi/2)
>>> cos(pi/3)
0.500000 {1/2}
>>> cos(pi/6)**2
0.750000 {3/4}
>>> cos(1)**2 + sin(1)**2
ix = ca(x)*i
y = exp(ix)
return (y + 1/y)/2
[docs]def sin(x):
The sine function is not yet implemented in Calcium.
This placeholder function evaluates the sine function
using complex exponentials.
>>> sin(0)
>>> sin(pi)
>>> sin(pi/2)
>>> sin(pi/6)
0.500000 {1/2}
>>> sin(sqrt(2))**2 + cos(sqrt(2))**2
>>> sin(3 + pi) + sin(3)
ix = ca(x)*i
y = exp(ix)
return (y - 1/y)/(2*i)
[docs]def tan(x):
The tangent function is not yet implemented in Calcium.
This placeholder function evaluates the tangent function
using complex exponentials.
return sin(x)/cos(x)
[docs]def atan(x):
The inverse tangent function is not yet implemented in Calcium.
This placeholder function evaluates the inverse tangent function
using complex logarithms.
>>> atan(0)
>>> 4 * atan(1) == pi
return (-i/2)*log((i-x)/(i+x))
[docs]def cosh(x):
The hyperbolic cosine function is not yet implemented in Calcium.
This placeholder function evaluates the hyperbolic cosine function
using exponentials.
>>> cosh(1)
1.54308 {(a^2+1)/(2*a) where a = 2.71828 [Exp(1)]}
y = exp(x)
return (y + 1/y)/2
[docs]def sinh(x):
The hyperbolic sine function is not yet implemented in Calcium.
This placeholder function evaluates the hyperbolic sine function
using exponentials.
>>> sinh(1)
1.17520 {(a^2-1)/(2*a) where a = 2.71828 [Exp(1)]}
y = exp(x)
return (y - 1/y)/2
[docs]def tanh(x):
The hyperbolic tangent function is not yet implemented in Calcium.
This placeholder function evaluates the hyperbolic tangent function
using exponentials.
>>> tanh(1)
0.761594 {(a^2-1)/(a^2+1) where a = 2.71828 [Exp(1)]}
return sinh(x)/cosh(x)
#class allocated_c_char_p(ctypes.c_char_p):
# def __del__(self):
# libflint.flint_free(self)
libcalcium.ca_set_si.argtypes = ca, ctypes.c_long, ca_ctx
libcalcium.ca_set_d.argtypes = ca, ctypes.c_double, ca_ctx
libcalcium.ca_set_d_d.argtypes = ca, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double, ca_ctx
libcalcium.ca_get_str.argtypes = ca, ca_ctx
libcalcium.ca_get_str.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
libflint.fmpz_set_str.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int
i = j = I = ca.i()
pi = ca.pi()
euler = ca.euler()
e = E = ca(1).exp()
inf = ca.inf()
uinf = ca.uinf()
undefined = ca.undefined()
unknown = ca.unknown()
[docs]def prod(s):
res = ca(1)
for x in s:
res *= x
return res
[docs]def test_floor_ceil():
assert floor(sqrt(2)) == 1
assert ceil(sqrt(2)) == 2
[docs]def test_power_identities():
assert (sqrt(2)**sqrt(2))**sqrt(2) == 2
assert (sqrt(-2)**sqrt(2))**sqrt(2) == -2
assert (sqrt(3)**sqrt(3))**sqrt(3) == 3*sqrt(3)
assert sqrt(-pi)**2 == -pi
[docs]def test_log():
assert log(1+pi) - log(pi) - log(1+1/pi) == 0
assert log(log(-log(log(exp(exp(-exp(exp(3)))))))) == 3
[docs]def test_exp():
assert exp(pi*i) + 1 == 0
assert exp(pi*i) == -1
assert exp(log(2)*log(3)) > 2
assert e**2 == exp(2)
[docs]def test_erf():
assert erf(2*log(sqrt(ca(1)/2-sqrt(2)/4))+log(4)) - erf(log(2-sqrt(2))) == 0
assert 1-erf(pi)-erfc(pi) == 0
assert erf(sqrt(2))**2 + erfi(sqrt(-2))**2 == 0
[docs]def test_gudermannian():
def gd(x):
return 2*atan(exp(x))-pi/2
assert sin(gd(1)) == tanh(1)
assert tan(gd(1)) == sinh(1)
assert sin(gd(sqrt(2))) == tanh(sqrt(2))
assert tan(gd(1)/2) - tanh(ca(1)/2) == 0
[docs]def test_gamma():
assert gamma(1) == 1
assert gamma(0.5) == sqrt(pi)
assert 1/gamma(0) == 0
assert gamma(sqrt(2)*sqrt(3)) == gamma(sqrt(6))
#assert gamma(pi+1)/gamma(pi) == pi
assert gamma(pi)/gamma(pi-1) == pi-1
[docs]def test_xfail():
# Test some simplifications that are known not to work yet.
# When a case starts working, we will get a test failure so we can
# catch it and add it to the working tests
def gd(x):
return 2*atan(exp(x))-pi/2
def expect_error(f):
except ValueError:
raise AssertionError
# expect_error(lambda: tan(gd(1)/2) - tanh(ca(1)/2) == 0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from time import time
print("Testing pycalcium_ctypes")
for fname in dir():
if fname.startswith("test_"):
print(fname + "...", end="")
t1 = time()
t2 = time()
print("PASS", end=" ")
print("%.2f" % (t2-t1))
import doctest