Source code for pyca

Calcium includes a simple Python interface (``pycalcium``, or
``pyca`` for short) implemented using ``ctypes``.


Setup and usage

Make sure the Calcium library and its dependencies are built
and in the path of the system's dynamic library loader.
Then make sure that ``<calcium_source_dir>/pycalcium`` is in the
Python path, for example by adding it to ``PYTHONPATH``,
adding it to ``sys.path``,
or simply starting Python inside the ``pycalcium`` directory.

Import the module and run a calculation:

    >>> import pyca
    >>> / 3
    0.333333 {1/3}
    >>> pyca.exp(pyca.pi * pyca.i / 2)
    1.00000*I {a where a = I [a^2+1=0]}

If you don't mind polluting the global namespace, import everything:

    >>> from pyca import *
    >>> exp(pi*i/2) + ca(1)/3
    0.333333 + 1.00000*I {(3*a+1)/3 where a = I [a^2+1=0]}

Current limitations

* Leaks memory (for example, when printing).
* Because ``ctypes`` is used, this is not as efficient as a
  Cython wrapper. This interface should be used for testing
  and not for absolute performance.
* Does not wrap various functions.

API documentation

Functions are available both as regular functions and as methods
on the ``ca`` class.


import ctypes
import ctypes.util
import sys

libcalcium_path = ctypes.util.find_library('calcium')
libcalcium = ctypes.CDLL(libcalcium_path)

libarb_path = ctypes.util.find_library('arb')
libarb = ctypes.CDLL(libarb_path)

libflint_path = ctypes.util.find_library('flint')
libflint = ctypes.CDLL(libflint_path)

T_TRUE = 0

# ctypes.cast(x, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong))
# ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong)

class _fmpz_struct(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [('val', ctypes.c_long)]

class _fmpq_struct(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [('num', ctypes.c_long),
                ('den', ctypes.c_long)]

[docs]def fmpz_to_python_int(xref): ptr = libflint.fmpz_get_str(None, 10, xref) try: return int(ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.c_char_p).value.decode()) finally: libflint.flint_free(ptr)
# todo
[docs]def fmpq_set_python(cref, x): assert isinstance(x, int) and -sys.maxsize <= x <= sys.maxsize libflint.fmpq_set_si(cref, x, 1)
class _fmpz_poly_struct(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('coeffs', ctypes.c_void_p), ('alloc', ctypes.c_long), ('length', ctypes.c_long)] class _fmpq_poly_struct(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('coeffs', ctypes.c_void_p), ('den', ctypes.c_long), ('alloc', ctypes.c_long), ('length', ctypes.c_long)] class _arb_struct(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('data', ctypes.c_long * 6)] class _acb_struct(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('real', _arb_struct), ('imag', _arb_struct)]
[docs]class fexpr_struct(ctypes.Structure): """Low-level wrapper for qqbar_struct, for internal use by ctypes.""" _fields_ = [('data', ctypes.c_void_p), ('alloc', ctypes.c_long)]
[docs]class qqbar_struct(ctypes.Structure): """Low-level wrapper for qqbar_struct, for internal use by ctypes.""" _fields_ = [('poly', _fmpz_poly_struct), ('enclosure', _acb_struct)]
[docs]class ca_struct(ctypes.Structure): """Low-level wrapper for ca_struct, for internal use by ctypes.""" _fields_ = [('data', ctypes.c_long * 5)]
[docs]class ca_ctx_struct(ctypes.Structure): """Low-level wrapper for ca_ctx_struct, for internal use by ctypes.""" # todo: use the real size _fields_ = [('content', ctypes.c_ulong * 64)]
[docs]class ca_mat_struct(ctypes.Structure): """Low-level wrapper for ca_mat_struct, for internal use by ctypes.""" _fields_ = [('entries', ctypes.c_void_p), ('r', ctypes.c_long), ('c', ctypes.c_long), ('rows', ctypes.c_void_p)]
[docs]class ca_vec_struct(ctypes.Structure): """Low-level wrapper for ca_vec_struct, for internal use by ctypes.""" _fields_ = [('entries', ctypes.c_void_p), ('length', ctypes.c_long), ('alloc', ctypes.c_long)]
[docs]class ca_poly_struct(ctypes.Structure): """Low-level wrapper for ca_poly_struct, for internal use by ctypes.""" _fields_ = [('coeffs', ctypes.c_void_p), ('length', ctypes.c_long), ('alloc', ctypes.c_long)]
[docs]class ca_poly_vec_struct(ctypes.Structure): """Low-level wrapper for ca_poly_vec_struct, for internal use by ctypes.""" _fields_ = [('entries', ctypes.POINTER(ca_poly_struct)), ('length', ctypes.c_long), ('alloc', ctypes.c_long)]
[docs]class fexpr:
[docs] @staticmethod def inject(vars=False): """ Inject all builtin symbol names into the calling namespace. For interactive use only! >>> fexpr.inject() >>> n = fexpr("n") >>> Sum(Sin(Pi*n/3)/Factorial(n), For(n,0,Infinity)) Sum(Div(Sin(Div(Mul(Pi, n), 3)), Factorial(n)), For(n, 0, Infinity)) """ from inspect import currentframe frame = currentframe().f_back num = libcalcium.fexpr_builtin_length() for i in range(num): # memory leak symbol_name = libcalcium.fexpr_builtin_name(i) symbol_name = symbol_name.decode('ascii') if not symbol_name[0].islower(): frame.f_globals[symbol_name] = fexpr(symbol_name) if vars: def inject_vars(string): for s in string.split(): for symbol_name in [s, s + "_"]: frame.f_globals[symbol_name] = fexpr(symbol_name) inject_vars("""a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z""") inject_vars("""A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z""") inject_vars("""alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lamda mu nu xi pi rho sigma tau phi chi psi omega ell varphi vartheta""") inject_vars("""Alpha Beta GreekGamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lamda Mu Nu Xi GreekPi Rho Sigma Tau Phi Chi Psi Omega""") del frame
[docs] def builtins(): num = libcalcium.fexpr_builtin_length() names = [] for i in range(num): # memory leak symbol_name = libcalcium.fexpr_builtin_name(i) symbol_name = symbol_name.decode('ascii') names.append(symbol_name) return names
[docs] def __init__(self, val=0): self._data = fexpr_struct() self._ref = ctypes.byref(self._data) libcalcium.fexpr_init(self) if val is not 0: typ = type(val) if typ is int: b = sys.maxsize if -b <= val <= b: libcalcium.fexpr_set_si(self, val) else: n = _fmpz_struct() nref = ctypes.byref(n) libflint.fmpz_init(nref) libflint.fmpz_set_str(nref, ctypes.c_char_p(str(val).encode('ascii')), 10) libcalcium.fexpr_set_fmpz(self, nref) libflint.fmpz_clear(nref) elif typ is str: if val[0] == "'" or val[0] == '"': libcalcium.fexpr_set_string(self, val[1:-1].encode('ascii')) else: libcalcium.fexpr_set_symbol_str(self, val.encode('ascii')) elif typ is float: libcalcium.fexpr_set_d(self, val) elif typ is complex: libcalcium.fexpr_set_re_im_d(self, val.real, val.imag) elif typ is bool: if val: libcalcium.fexpr_set_symbol_str(self, ("True").encode('ascii')) else: libcalcium.fexpr_set_symbol_str(self, ("False").encode('ascii')) elif typ is qqbar: #libcalcium.qqbar_get_fexpr_repr(self, val, val._ctx) tmp = val.fexpr() libcalcium.fexpr_set(self, tmp) elif typ is ca: libcalcium.ca_get_fexpr(self, val, 0, val._ctx) elif typ is ca_mat: libcalcium.ca_mat_get_fexpr(self, val, 0, val._ctx) elif typ is ca_poly: libcalcium.ca_poly_get_fexpr(self, val, 0, val._ctx) elif typ is tuple: tmp = fexpr("Tuple")(*val) # todo: create without copying libcalcium.fexpr_set(self, tmp) elif typ is list: tmp = fexpr("List")(*val) libcalcium.fexpr_set(self, tmp) elif typ is set: tmp = fexpr("Set")(*val) libcalcium.fexpr_set(self, tmp) else: raise TypeError
def __del__(self): libcalcium.fexpr_clear(self) @property def _as_parameter_(self): return self._ref
[docs] @staticmethod def from_param(arg): return arg
def __repr__(self): ptr = libcalcium.fexpr_get_str(self) try: return ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.c_char_p).value.decode("ascii") finally: libflint.flint_free(ptr)
[docs] def latex(self): ptr = libcalcium.fexpr_get_str_latex(self, 0) try: return ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.c_char_p).value.decode() finally: libflint.flint_free(ptr)
def _repr_latex_(self): return "$$" + self.latex() + "$$"
[docs] def nwords(self): return libcalcium.fexpr_size(self)
[docs] def size_bytes(self): return libcalcium.fexpr_size_bytes(self)
[docs] def allocated_bytes(self): return libcalcium.fexpr_allocated_bytes(self)
[docs] def num_leaves(self): return libcalcium.fexpr_num_leaves(self)
[docs] def depth(self): return libcalcium.fexpr_depth(self)
def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): return NotImplemented if libcalcium.fexpr_equal(self, other): return True return False
[docs] def is_atom(self): return bool(libcalcium.fexpr_is_atom(self))
[docs] def is_atom_integer(self): return bool(libcalcium.fexpr_is_integer(self))
[docs] def is_symbol(self): return bool(libcalcium.fexpr_is_symbol(self))
[docs] def head(self): if libcalcium.fexpr_is_atom(self): return None res = fexpr() libcalcium.fexpr_func(res, self) return res
[docs] def nargs(self): # todo: long if self.is_atom(): return None return libcalcium.fexpr_nargs(self)
[docs] def args(self): if libcalcium.fexpr_is_atom(self): return None n = self.nargs() args = [fexpr() for i in range(n)] for i in range(n): libcalcium.fexpr_arg(args[i], self, i) return tuple(args)
def __hash__(self): return libcalcium.fexpr_hash(self) def __call__(self, *args): args2 = [] for arg in args: tp = type(arg) if tp is not fexpr: if tp is str: arg = "'" + arg + "'" arg = fexpr(arg) args2.append(arg) n = len(args2) res = fexpr() if n == 0: libcalcium.fexpr_call0(res, self) elif n == 1: libcalcium.fexpr_call1(res, self, args2[0]) elif n == 2: libcalcium.fexpr_call2(res, self, args2[0], args2[1]) elif n == 3: libcalcium.fexpr_call3(res, self, args2[0], args2[1], args2[2]) elif n == 4: libcalcium.fexpr_call4(res, self, args2[0], args2[1], args2[2], args2[3]) else: vec = libflint.flint_malloc(n * ctypes.sizeof(fexpr_struct)) vec = ctypes.cast(vec, ctypes.POINTER(fexpr_struct)) for i in range(n): vec[i] = args2[i]._data libcalcium.fexpr_call_vec(res, self, vec, n) libflint.flint_free(vec) return res
[docs] def contains(self, x): """ Check if *x* appears exactly as a subexpression in *self*. >>> f = fexpr("f"); x = fexpr("x"); y = fexpr("y") >>> (f(x+1).contains(f), f(x+1).contains(x), f(x+1).contains(y)) (True, True, False) >>> (f(x+1).contains(1), f(x+1).contains(2)) (True, False) >>> (f(x+1).contains(x+1), f(x+1).contains(f(x+1))) (True, True) """ if type(x) is not fexpr: x = fexpr(x) if libcalcium.fexpr_contains(self, x): return True return False
[docs] def replace(self, old, new=None): """ Replace subexpression. >>> f = fexpr("f"); x = fexpr("x"); y = fexpr("y") >>> f(x+1, x-1).replace(x, y) f(Add(y, 1), Sub(y, 1)) >>> f(x+1, x-1).replace(x+1, y-1) f(Sub(y, 1), Sub(x, 1)) >>> f(x+1, x-1).replace(f, f+1) Add(f, 1)(Add(x, 1), Sub(x, 1)) >>> f(x+1, x-1).replace(x+2, y) f(Add(x, 1), Sub(x, 1)) """ # todo: dict replacement if type(old) is not fexpr: old = fexpr(old) if type(new) is not fexpr: new = fexpr(new) res = fexpr() libcalcium.fexpr_replace(res, self, old, new) return res
def __add__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = fexpr(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = fexpr() libcalcium.fexpr_add(res, self, other) return res def __radd__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = fexpr(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = fexpr() libcalcium.fexpr_add(res, other, self) return res def __sub__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = fexpr(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = fexpr() libcalcium.fexpr_sub(res, self, other) return res def __rsub__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = fexpr(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = fexpr() libcalcium.fexpr_sub(res, other, self) return res def __mul__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = fexpr(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = fexpr() libcalcium.fexpr_mul(res, self, other) return res def __rmul__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = fexpr(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = fexpr() libcalcium.fexpr_mul(res, other, self) return res def __truediv__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = fexpr(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = fexpr() libcalcium.fexpr_div(res, self, other) return res def __rtruediv__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = fexpr(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = fexpr() libcalcium.fexpr_div(res, other, self) return res def __pow__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = fexpr(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = fexpr() libcalcium.fexpr_pow(res, self, other) return res def __rpow__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = fexpr(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = fexpr() libcalcium.fexpr_pow(res, other, self) return res # def __floordiv__(self, other): # return (self / other).floor() # def __rfloordiv__(self, other): # return (other / self).floor()
[docs] def __bool__(self): return True
def __abs__(self): return fexpr("Abs")(self) def __neg__(self): res = fexpr() libcalcium.fexpr_neg(res, self) return res def __pos__(self): return fexpr("Pos")(self)
[docs] def expanded_normal_form(self): """ Converts this expression to expanded normal form as a formal rational function of its non-arithmetic subexpressions. >>> x = fexpr("x"); y = fexpr("y") >>> (x / x**2).expanded_normal_form() Div(1, x) >>> (((x ** 0) + 3) ** 5).expanded_normal_form() 1024 >>> ((x+y+1)**3 - (y+1)**3 - (x+y)**3 - (x+1)**3).expanded_normal_form() Add(Mul(-1, Pow(x, 3)), Mul(6, x, y), Mul(-1, Pow(y, 3)), -1) >>> (1/((1/y + 1/x))).expanded_normal_form() Div(Mul(x, y), Add(x, y)) >>> (((x+y)**5 * (x-y)) / (x**2 - y**2)).expanded_normal_form() Add(Pow(x, 4), Mul(4, Pow(x, 3), y), Mul(6, Pow(x, 2), Pow(y, 2)), Mul(4, x, Pow(y, 3)), Pow(y, 4)) >>> (1 / (x - x)).expanded_normal_form() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: expanded_normal_form: overflow, formal division by zero or unsupported expression """ res = fexpr() if not libcalcium.fexpr_expanded_normal_form(res, self, 0): raise ValueError("expanded_normal_form: overflow, formal division by zero or unsupported expression") return res
[docs] def nstr(self, n=16): """ Evaluates this expression numerically using Arb, returning a decimal string correct within 1 ulp in the last output digit. Attempts to obtain *n* digits (but the actual output accuracy may be lower). >>> Exp = fexpr("Exp"); Exp(1).nstr() '2.718281828459045' >>> Pi = fexpr("Pi"); Pi.nstr(30) '3.14159265358979323846264338328' >>> Log = fexpr("Log"); Log(-2).nstr() '0.6931471805599453 + 3.141592653589793*I' >>> Im = fexpr("Im") >>> Im(Log(2)).nstr() # exact zero '0' Here the imaginary part is zero, but Arb is not able to compute so exactly. The output ``0e-N`` indicates only that the absolute value is bounded by ``1e-N``: >>> Exp(Log(-2)).nstr() '-2.000000000000000 + 0e-22*I' >>> Im(Exp(Log(-2))).nstr() '0e-731' The algorithm fails if the expression or any subexpression is not a finite complex number: >>> Log(0).nstr() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: nstr: unable to evaluate to a number Expressions must be constant: >>> fexpr("x").nstr() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: nstr: unable to evaluate to a number """ ptr = libcalcium.fexpr_get_decimal_str(self, n, 0) try: s = ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.c_char_p).value.decode("ascii") if s == "?": raise ValueError("nstr: unable to evaluate to a number") return s finally: libflint.flint_free(ptr)
[docs]class qqbar: """ Wrapper around the qqbar type, representing an algebraic number. >>> (qqbar(2).sqrt() / qqbar(-2).sqrt()) ** 2 -1.00000 (deg 1) >>> qqbar(0.5) == qqbar(1) / 2 True >>> qqbar(0.1) == qqbar(1) / 10 False >>> qqbar(3+4j) 3.00000 + 4.00000*I (deg 2) >>> qqbar(3+4j).root(5) 1.35607 + 0.254419*I (deg 10) >>> qqbar(3+4j).root(5) ** 5 3.00000 + 4.00000*I (deg 2) The constructor can evaluate fexpr symbolic expressions provided that the expressions are constant and composed strictly of algebraic-valued basic operations applied to algebraic numbers. >>> fexpr.inject() >>> qqbar(Pow(0, 0)) 1.00000 (deg 1) >>> qqbar(Sqrt(2) * Abs(1+1j) + (+Re(3-4j)) + (-Im(5+6j))) -1.00000 (deg 1) >>> qqbar((Floor(Sqrt(1000)) + Ceil(Sqrt(1000)) + Sign(1+1j) / Sign(1-1j) + Csgn(1j) + Conjugate(1j)) ** Div(-1, 3)) 0.250000 (deg 1) >>> [qqbar(RootOfUnity(3)), qqbar(RootOfUnity(3,2))] [-0.500000 + 0.866025*I (deg 2), -0.500000 - 0.866025*I (deg 2)] >>> qqbar(Decimal("0.125")) == qqbar(125)/1000 True >>> qqbar(Decimal("-2.7e5")) == -270000 True """
[docs] def __init__(self, val=0): self._data = qqbar_struct() self._ref = ctypes.byref(self._data) libcalcium.qqbar_init(self) if val is not 0: typ = type(val) if typ is int: b = sys.maxsize if -b <= val <= b: libcalcium.qqbar_set_si(self, val) else: n = _fmpz_struct() nref = ctypes.byref(n) libflint.fmpz_init(nref) libflint.fmpz_set_str(nref, ctypes.c_char_p(str(val).encode('ascii')), 10) libcalcium.qqbar_set_fmpz(self, nref) libflint.fmpz_clear(nref) elif typ is qqbar: libcalcium.qqbar_set(self, val) elif typ is ca: if not libcalcium.ca_get_qqbar(self, val, val._ctx): raise ValueError("unable to parse the given ca as an algebraic number") elif typ is float: libcalcium.qqbar_set_d(self, val) elif typ is complex: libcalcium.qqbar_set_re_im_d(self, val.real, val.imag) elif typ is fexpr: if not libcalcium.qqbar_set_fexpr(self, val): raise ValueError("unable to parse the given fexpr as an algebraic number") else: raise TypeError
def __del__(self): libcalcium.qqbar_clear(self) @property def _as_parameter_(self): return self._ref
[docs] @staticmethod def from_param(arg): return arg
def __repr__(self): ptr = libcalcium.qqbar_get_str_nd(self, 6) try: return ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.c_char_p).value.decode("ascii") finally: libflint.flint_free(ptr) def _repr_latex_(self): return self.fexpr(formula=False)._repr_latex_() def __bool__(self): """ >>> bool(qqbar(2)) True >>> bool(qqbar(0)) False """ if libcalcium.qqbar_is_zero(self): return False return True def __eq__(self, other): """ >>> qqbar(2)/3 == qqbar(1)/3 False >>> qqbar(2)/3 == 1 - qqbar(1)/3 True >>> qqbar(1) == 1 True >>> qqbar(1) == 2 False """ if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = qqbar(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented if libcalcium.qqbar_equal(self, other): return True return False def __ne__(self, other): """ >>> qqbar(2)/3 != qqbar(1)/3 True >>> qqbar(2)/3 != 1 - qqbar(1)/3 False >>> qqbar(1) != 1 False >>> qqbar(1) != 2 True """ if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = qqbar(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented if libcalcium.qqbar_equal(self, other): return False return True def __le__(self, other): """ >>> qqbar(2) <= 2 True >>> qqbar(2) <= 1.5 False """ if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = qqbar(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented if not (libcalcium.qqbar_is_real(self) and libcalcium.qqbar_is_real(other)): raise ValueError("qqbar order comparison: inputs must be real") c = libcalcium.qqbar_cmp_re(self, other) return c <= 0 def __lt__(self, other): """ >>> qqbar(2) < 3 True >>> qqbar(2) < 2 False >>> qqbar(2) < 1.5 False """ if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = qqbar(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented if not (libcalcium.qqbar_is_real(self) and libcalcium.qqbar_is_real(other)): raise ValueError("qqbar order comparison: inputs must be real") c = libcalcium.qqbar_cmp_re(self, other) return c < 0 def __ge__(self, other): """ >>> qqbar(2) >= 2 True >>> qqbar(2) >= 1.5 True >>> qqbar(2) >= 3 False """ if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = qqbar(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented if not (libcalcium.qqbar_is_real(self) and libcalcium.qqbar_is_real(other)): raise ValueError("qqbar order comparison: inputs must be real") c = libcalcium.qqbar_cmp_re(self, other) return c >= 0 def __gt__(self, other): """ >>> qqbar(2) > 2 False >>> qqbar(2) > 1.5 True """ if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = qqbar(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented if not (libcalcium.qqbar_is_real(self) and libcalcium.qqbar_is_real(other)): raise ValueError("qqbar order comparison: inputs must be real") c = libcalcium.qqbar_cmp_re(self, other) return c > 0 def __add__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = qqbar(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_add(res, self, other) return res __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = qqbar(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_sub(res, self, other) return res def __rsub__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = qqbar(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_sub(res, other, self) return res def __mul__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = qqbar(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_mul(res, self, other) return res __rmul__ = __mul__ def __truediv__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = qqbar(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented if not other: raise ZeroDivisionError res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_div(res, self, other) return res def __rtruediv__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = qqbar(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented if not self: raise ZeroDivisionError res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_div(res, other, self) return res def __floordiv__(self, other): return (self / other).floor() def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return (other / self).floor()
[docs] def __bool__(self): t = libcalcium.qqbar_is_zero(self) if t: return False return True
def __abs__(self): res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_abs(res, self) return res def __neg__(self): res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_neg(res, self) return res def __pos__(self): res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_set(res, self) return res
[docs] def re(self): res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_re(res, self) return res
[docs] def im(self): res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_im(res, self) return res
[docs] def conj(self): res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_conj(res, self) return res
conjugate = conj
[docs] def floor(self): res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_floor(res, self) return res
[docs] def ceil(self): res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_ceil(res, self) return res
[docs] def sgn(self): """ The sign of this algebraic number. >>> qqbar(-3).sgn() -1.00000 (deg 1) >>> qqbar(2+3j).sgn() 0.554700 + 0.832050*I (deg 4) >>> qqbar(0).sgn() 0 (deg 1) """ res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_sgn(res, self) return res
sign = sgn
[docs] def sqrt(self): """ Principal square root of this algebraic number. >>> qqbar(-1).sqrt() 1.00000*I (deg 2) >>> qqbar(-1).sqrt().sqrt() 0.707107 + 0.707107*I (deg 4) """ res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_sqrt(res, self) return res
[docs] def root(self, n): """ Principal nth root of this algebraic number. >>> qqbar(3).root(1) 3.00000 (deg 1) >>> qqbar(3).root(2) 1.73205 (deg 2) >>> qqbar(3).root(3) 1.44225 (deg 3) """ assert n >= 1 res = qqbar() libcalcium.qqbar_root_ui(res, self, n) return res
[docs] @staticmethod def polynomial_roots(coeffs): """ Returns the roots of the polynomial defined by coeffs as a list. Roots are sorted in a fixed, canonical order. At present, the implementation only allows integers (not algebraic numbers) as coefficients. >>> qqbar.polynomial_roots([]) [] >>> qqbar.polynomial_roots([0]) [] >>> qqbar.polynomial_roots([1,2]) [-0.500000 (deg 1)] >>> qqbar.polynomial_roots([3,2,1]) [-1.00000 + 1.41421*I (deg 2), -1.00000 - 1.41421*I (deg 2)] >>> qqbar.polynomial_roots([1,2,1]) [-1.00000 (deg 1), -1.00000 (deg 1)] """ d = len(coeffs) - 1 if d <= 0: return [] c = ctypes.byref(_fmpq_struct()) pol = ctypes.byref(_fmpq_poly_struct()) vec = libcalcium._qqbar_vec_init(d) libflint.fmpq_init(c) libflint.fmpq_poly_init(pol) for i in range(d + 1): fmpq_set_python(c, coeffs[i]) libflint.fmpq_poly_set_coeff_fmpq(pol, i, c) flags = 0 libcalcium.qqbar_roots_fmpq_poly(vec, pol, flags) res = [qqbar() for i in range(d)] for i in range(d): libcalcium.qqbar_set(res[i], ctypes.byref(vec[i])) libcalcium._qqbar_vec_clear(vec, d) libflint.fmpq_clear(c) libflint.fmpq_poly_clear(pol) return res
[docs] def conjugates(self): """ Returns the algebraic conjugates of this algebraic number. The output is a list, with elements sorted in a fixed, canonical order. >>> qqbar(0).conjugates() [0 (deg 1)] >>> ((qqbar(5).sqrt()+1)/2).conjugates() [1.61803 (deg 2), -0.618034 (deg 2)] >>> qqbar(2+3j).conjugates() [2.00000 + 3.00000*I (deg 2), 2.00000 - 3.00000*I (deg 2)] >>> qqbar.polynomial_roots([4,3,2,1])[0].conjugates() [-1.65063 (deg 3), -0.174685 + 1.54687*I (deg 3), -0.174685 - 1.54687*I (deg 3)] >>> qqbar.polynomial_roots([-35,0,315,0,-693,0,429])[0].conjugates() [0.949108 (deg 6), 0.741531 (deg 6), 0.405845 (deg 6), -0.405845 (deg 6), -0.741531 (deg 6), -0.949108 (deg 6)] """ d = if d == 1: return [self] vec = libcalcium._qqbar_vec_init(d) libcalcium.qqbar_conjugates(vec, self) res = [qqbar() for i in range(d)] for i in range(d): libcalcium.qqbar_set(res[i], ctypes.byref(vec[i])) libcalcium._qqbar_vec_clear(vec, d) return res
[docs] def minpoly(self): """ Returns the minimal polynomial of self over the integers as a list of Python integers specifying the coefficients. >>> qqbar(0).minpoly() [0, 1] >>> (qqbar(2) / 3).minpoly() [-2, 3] >>> qqbar(2).sqrt().minpoly() [-2, 0, 1] >>> ((qqbar(2).sqrt() + 1).root(3) + 1).minpoly() [2, -12, 21, -22, 15, -6, 1] >>> qqbar(0.5).minpoly() [-1, 2] >>> qqbar(0.1).minpoly() [-3602879701896397, 36028797018963968] >>> (qqbar(1) / 10).minpoly() [-1, 10] """ deg = c = [0] * (deg + 1) n = _fmpz_struct() nref = ctypes.byref(n) libflint.fmpz_init(nref) poly = ctypes.byref(self._data.poly) for i in range(deg+1): libflint.fmpz_poly_get_coeff_fmpz(nref, poly, i) c[i] = fmpz_to_python_int(nref) libflint.fmpz_clear(nref) return c
[docs] def is_real(self): """ Check if this algebraic number is a real number. >>> qqbar(2).sqrt().is_real() True >>> qqbar(-2).sqrt().is_real() False """ if libcalcium.qqbar_is_real(self): return True return False
[docs] def is_rational(self): """ Check if this algebraic number is a rational number. >>> (qqbar(-5) / 7).is_rational() True >>> (qqbar(-5) / 7).sqrt().is_rational() False """ if libcalcium.qqbar_is_rational(self): return True return False
[docs] def is_integer(self): """ Check if this algebraic number is an integer. >>> qqbar(3).is_integer() True >>> (qqbar(3) / 5).is_integer() False """ if libcalcium.qqbar_is_integer(self): return True return False
[docs] def degree(self): """ The degree of this algebraic number (the degree of the minimal polynomial). >>> qqbar(5).degree() 1 >>> qqbar(5).sqrt().degree() 2 """ return int(libcalcium.qqbar_degree(self))
[docs] def p(self): """ Assuming that self is a rational number, returns the numerator as a Python integer. >>> (qqbar(-2)/3).p() -2 >>> qqbar(-1).sqrt().p() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: self must be a rational number """ if not self.is_rational(): raise ValueError("self must be a rational number") n = _fmpz_struct() nref = ctypes.byref(n) libflint.fmpz_init(nref) poly = ctypes.byref(self._data.poly) libflint.fmpz_poly_get_coeff_fmpz(nref, poly, 0) libflint.fmpz_neg(nref, nref) res = fmpz_to_python_int(nref) libflint.fmpz_clear(nref) return res
[docs] def q(self): """ Assuming that self is a rational number, returns the denominator as a Python integer. >>> (qqbar(-2)/3).q() 3 >>> qqbar(-1).sqrt().q() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: self must be a rational number """ if not self.is_rational(): raise ValueError("self must be a rational number") n = _fmpz_struct() nref = ctypes.byref(n) libflint.fmpz_init(nref) poly = ctypes.byref(self._data.poly) libflint.fmpz_poly_get_coeff_fmpz(nref, poly, 1) res = fmpz_to_python_int(nref) libflint.fmpz_clear(nref) return res
def __pow__(self, other): """ >>> qqbar(2) ** (qqbar(1) / 2) 1.41421 (deg 2) >>> (1 / qqbar(64)) ** (qqbar(1) / 3) 0.250000 (deg 1) >>> (-1 / qqbar(64)) ** (qqbar(1) / 3) 0.125000 + 0.216506*I (deg 2) >>> qqbar(1+1j) ** 123 -2.30584e+18 + 2.30584e+18*I (deg 2) >>> qqbar(1+1j) ** 124 -4.61169e+18 (deg 1) >>> qqbar(2+3j) ** (qqbar(1) / 4) 1.33660 + 0.335171*I (deg 8) >>> qqbar(2+3j) ** qqbar(1+2j) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: qqbar powering: transcendental result >>> qqbar(0) ** 0 1.00000 (deg 1) >>> qqbar(0) ** -1 Traceback (most recent call last): ... ZeroDivisionError >>> qqbar(1) ** qqbar(2).sqrt() 1.00000 (deg 1) >>> qqbar(0) ** qqbar(2).sqrt() 0 (deg 1) >>> qqbar(0) ** (-qqbar(2).sqrt()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ZeroDivisionError A special code path is implemented for roots of unity: >>> qqbar(-1).root(23) ** (qqbar(10**100) / qqbar(7)) 0.981022 - 0.193894*I (deg 132) """ if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = qqbar(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented res = qqbar() if libcalcium.qqbar_pow(res, self, other): return res else: if not self: raise ZeroDivisionError raise ValueError("qqbar powering: transcendental result") def __rpow__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): try: other = qqbar(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented return other ** self
[docs] def fexpr(self, formula=True, root_index=False, serialized=False, gaussians=True, quadratics=True, cyclotomics=True, cubics=True, quartics=True, quintics=True, depression=True, deflation=True, separation=True): """ """ res = fexpr() if formula: flags = 0 if gaussians: flags |= 1 if quadratics: flags |= 2 if cyclotomics: flags |= 4 if cubics: flags |= 8 if quartics: flags |= 16 if quintics: flags |= 32 if depression: flags |= 64 if deflation: flags |= 128 if separation: flags |= 256 if libcalcium.qqbar_get_fexpr_formula(res, self, flags): return res if root_index: libcalcium.qqbar_get_fexpr_root_indexed(res, self) return res if serialized: libcalcium.qqbar_get_fexpr_repr(res, self) return res libcalcium.qqbar_get_fexpr_root_nearest(res, self) return res
[docs] def fexpr_repr(self): """ """ res = fexpr() libcalcium.qqbar_get_fexpr_repr(res, self) return res
_ca_options = [ "verbose", "print_flags", "mpoly_ord", "prec_limit", "qqbar_deg_limit", "low_prec", "smooth_limit", "lll_prec", "pow_limit", "use_gb", "gb_length_limit", "gb_poly_length_limit", "gb_poly_bits_limit", "vieta_limit", "trig_form"]
[docs]class ca_ctx: """ Python class wrapping the ca_ctx_t context object. Currently only supports a global instance. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._data = ca_ctx_struct() self._ref = ctypes.byref(self._data) libcalcium.ca_ctx_init(self._ref) for w in kwargs: i = _ca_options.index(w) if i == -1: raise ValueError("unknown option %s" % w) libcalcium.ca_ctx_set_option(self._ref, i, kwargs[w])
def __del__(self): # Python calls ctx_default.__del__ before all ca instances are # destroyed, despite the fact that the ca instances contain # references to ctx_default. # WHY?????????????? # libcalcium.ca_ctx_clear(self._ref) pass def _no_gb(self): libcalcium.ca_ctx_set_option(self, _ca_options.index("use_gb"), 0) def _no_gb_limits(self): libcalcium.ca_ctx_set_option(self, _ca_options.index("gb_length_limit"), 1<<30) libcalcium.ca_ctx_set_option(self, _ca_options.index("gb_poly_length_limit"), 1<<30) libcalcium.ca_ctx_set_option(self, _ca_options.index("gb_poly_bits_limit"), 1<<30) def _debug(self): libcalcium.ca_ctx_set_option(self, _ca_options.index("verbose"), 1) libcalcium.ca_ctx_set_option(self, _ca_options.index("print_flags"), (1 | 2 | 4)) def __repr__(self): s = "ca_ctx(" for i in range(len(_ca_options)): val = libcalcium.ca_ctx_get_option(self._ref, i) s += "%s=%s" % (_ca_options[i], val) if i < len(_ca_options) - 1: s += ", " s += ")" return s @property def _as_parameter_(self): return self._ref
[docs] @staticmethod def from_param(arg): return arg
ctx_default = ca_ctx()
[docs]class ca: """ Python class wrapping the ca_t type for numbers. Examples:: >>> ca(1) 1 >>> ca() 0 >>> ca(0) 0 >>> ca(-5) -5 >>> ca(2.25) 2.25000 {9/4} >>> ca(1) / 3 0.333333 {1/3} >>> (-1) ** ca(0.5) 1.00000*I {a where a = I [a^2+1=0]} >>> ca(1-2j) 1.00000 - 2.00000*I {-2*a+1 where a = I [a^2+1=0]} >>> ca(0.1) # be careful with float input! 0.100000 {3602879701896397/36028797018963968} >>> ca(float("inf")) +Infinity >>> ca(float("nan")) Unknown >>> 3 < pi < ca(22)/7 True >>> ca(qqbar(200).sqrt()) 14.1421 {10*a where a = 1.41421 [a^2-2=0]} """
[docs] def __init__(self, val=0, context=None): if context is None: self._ctx_python = ctx_default else: self._ctx_python = context self._ctx = self._ctx_python._ref self._data = ca_struct() self._ref = ctypes.byref(self._data) libcalcium.ca_init(self, self._ctx) if val is not 0: typ = type(val) if typ is int: b = sys.maxsize if -b <= val <= b: libcalcium.ca_set_si(self, val, self._ctx) else: n = _fmpz_struct() nref = ctypes.byref(n) libflint.fmpz_init(nref) libflint.fmpz_set_str(nref, ctypes.c_char_p(str(val).encode('ascii')), 10) libcalcium.ca_set_fmpz(self, nref, self._ctx) libflint.fmpz_clear(nref) elif typ is ca: libcalcium.ca_transfer(self, self._ctx, val, val._ctx) elif typ is float: libcalcium.ca_set_d(self, val, self._ctx) elif typ is complex: libcalcium.ca_set_d_d(self, val.real, val.imag, self._ctx) elif typ is qqbar: libcalcium.ca_set_qqbar(self, val, self._ctx) elif typ is fexpr: if not libcalcium.ca_set_fexpr(self, val, self._ctx): raise ValueError("unable to parse the given expression as a ca") else: raise TypeError
def __del__(self): libcalcium.ca_clear(self, self._ctx) @property def _as_parameter_(self): return self._ref
[docs] @staticmethod def from_param(arg): return arg
[docs] @staticmethod def inf(): """ The special value positive infinity. Examples:: >>> inf == ca.inf() # alias for the method True >>> inf +Infinity >>> -inf -Infinity >>> abs(-inf) +Infinity >>> inf + inf +Infinity >>> (-inf) + (-inf) -Infinity >>> -inf * inf -Infinity >>> inf / inf Undefined >>> 1 / inf 0 >>> re(inf) Undefined >>> im(inf) Undefined >>> sign(inf) 1 >>> sign((1+i)*inf) == (1+i)/sqrt(2) True """ res = ca() libcalcium.ca_pos_inf(res, res._ctx) return res
[docs] @staticmethod def uinf(): """ The special value unsigned infinity. Examples:: >>> uinf == ca.uinf() # alias for the method True >>> uinf UnsignedInfinity >>> abs(uinf) +Infinity >>> -3 * uinf UnsignedInfinity >>> 1/uinf 0 >>> sign(uinf) Undefined >>> uinf * uinf UnsignedInfinity >>> uinf / uinf Undefined >>> uinf + uinf Undefined >>> re(uinf) Undefined >>> im(uinf) Undefined """ res = ca() libcalcium.ca_uinf(res, res._ctx) return res
[docs] @staticmethod def undefined(): """ The special value undefined. Examples:: >>> undefined == ca.undefined() # alias for the method True >>> undefined Undefined >>> undefined == undefined True >>> undefined * 0 Undefined """ res = ca() libcalcium.ca_undefined(res, res._ctx) return res
[docs] @staticmethod def unknown(): """ The special meta-value unknown. This meta-value is not comparable. Examples:: >>> unknown == unknown Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: unable to decide predicate: equal >>> unknown == 0 Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: unable to decide predicate: equal >>> unknown == undefined Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: unable to decide predicate: equal >>> unknown + unknown Unknown >>> unknown + 3 Unknown >>> unknown + undefined Undefined """ res = ca() libcalcium.ca_unknown(res, res._ctx) return res
[docs] @staticmethod def pi(): """ The constant pi. Examples:: >>> pi == ca.pi() # alias for the method True >>> pi 3.14159 {a where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> sin(pi/6) 0.500000 {1/2} >>> (pi - 3) ** 3 0.00283872 {a^3-9*a^2+27*a-27 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} """ res = ca() libcalcium.ca_pi(res, res._ctx) return res
[docs] @staticmethod def euler(): """ Euler's constant (gamma). Examples:: >>> euler == ca.euler() # alias for the method True >>> euler 0.577216 {a where a = 0.577216 [Euler]} >>> exp(euler) 1.78107 {a where a = 1.78107 [Exp(0.577216 {b})], b = 0.577216 [Euler]} """ res = ca() libcalcium.ca_euler(res, res._ctx) return res
[docs] @staticmethod def i(): """ The imaginary unit. Examples:: >>> i == ca.i() # alias for the method True >>> i == I == j # extra aliases for convenience True >>> i 1.00000*I {a where a = I [a^2+1=0]} >>> i**2 -1 >>> i**3 -1.00000*I {-a where a = I [a^2+1=0]} >>> abs(i) 1 >>> sign(i) 1.00000*I {a where a = I [a^2+1=0]} >>> abs(sqrt(1+i) / sqrt(1-i)) 1 >>> re(i), im(i) (0, 1) """ res = ca() libcalcium.ca_i(res, res._ctx) return res
def __repr__(self): ptr = libcalcium.ca_get_str(self, self._ctx) try: return ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.c_char_p).value.decode('ascii') finally: libflint.flint_free(ptr) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def _repr_latex_(self): return fexpr(self)._repr_latex_()
[docs] def __bool__(self): t = libcalcium.ca_check_is_zero(self, self._ctx) if t == T_TRUE: return False if t == T_FALSE: return True raise NotImplementedError("unable to decide predicate: is_zero")
[docs] @staticmethod def operands_with_same_context(a, b): type_a = type(a) type_b = type(b) if type_a is ca and type_b is ca: if a._ctx_python is b._ctx_python: return a, b # which context object to choose? c = a._new() libcalcium.ca_transfer(c, c._ctx, b, b._ctx) return a, c if type_a is ca: try: b = ca(b, context=a._ctx_python) except TypeError: return NotImplemented, NotImplemented return a, b else: try: a = ca(a, context=b._ctx_python) except TypeError: return NotImplemented, NotImplemented return a, b return NotImplemented, NotImplemented
def __eq__(self, other): self, other = ca.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self t = libcalcium.ca_check_equal(self, other, self._ctx) if t == T_TRUE: return True if t == T_FALSE: return False raise NotImplementedError("unable to decide predicate: equal") def __ne__(self, other): self, other = ca.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self t = libcalcium.ca_check_equal(self, other, self._ctx) if t == T_TRUE: return False if t == T_FALSE: return True raise NotImplementedError("unable to decide predicate: equal") def __le__(self, other): self, other = ca.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self t = libcalcium.ca_check_le(self, other, self._ctx) if t == T_TRUE: return True if t == T_FALSE: return False raise NotImplementedError("unable to decide predicate: le") def __lt__(self, other): self, other = ca.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self t = libcalcium.ca_check_lt(self, other, self._ctx) if t == T_TRUE: return True if t == T_FALSE: return False raise NotImplementedError("unable to decide predicate: lt") def __ge__(self, other): self, other = ca.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self t = libcalcium.ca_check_ge(self, other, self._ctx) if t == T_TRUE: return True if t == T_FALSE: return False raise NotImplementedError("unable to decide predicate: ge") def __gt__(self, other): self, other = ca.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self t = libcalcium.ca_check_gt(self, other, self._ctx) if t == T_TRUE: return True if t == T_FALSE: return False raise NotImplementedError("unable to decide predicate: gt") def _new(self): return ca(context=self._ctx_python) def __add__(self, other): self, other = ca.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_add(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): self, other = ca.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_sub(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res def __rsub__(self, other): self, other = ca.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_sub(res, other, self, self._ctx) return res def __mul__(self, other): self, other = ca.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_mul(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res __rmul__ = __mul__ def __truediv__(self, other): self, other = ca.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_div(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res def __rtruediv__(self, other): self, other = ca.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_div(res, other, self, self._ctx) return res def __floordiv__(self, other): return (self / other).floor() def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return (other / self).floor() def __pow__(self, other): self, other = ca.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_pow(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res def __rpow__(self, other): self, other = ca.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_pow(res, other, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def pow_arithmetic(self, n): res = self._new() n = int(n) libcalcium.ca_pow_si_arithmetic(res, self, n, self._ctx) return res
def __abs__(self): res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_abs(res, self, self._ctx) return res def __neg__(self): res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_neg(res, self, self._ctx) return res def __pos__(self): res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_set(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def nstr(self, n=16, parts=False): """ Evaluates this expression numerically using Arb, returning a decimal string correct within 1 ulp in the last output digit. Attempts to obtain *n* digits (but the actual output accuracy may be lower). Examples:: >>> ca(0).nstr() '0' >>> pi.nstr(30) '3.14159265358979323846264338328' By default, the result is considered accurate when the larger of the real and imaginary parts is known to *n* digits. If *parts* is set, the algorithm will attempt to compute both real and imaginary parts accurately. It will, in particular, attempt to recognize when a real or imaginary part is exactly zero:: >>> (log(1+i) + log(1-i)).nstr() '0.6931471805599453 + 0e-25*I' >>> (log(1+i) + log(1-i)).nstr(parts=True) '0.6931471805599453' An exception is raised if the numerical evaluation code fails to produce a finite enclosure:: >>> (1 / ca(0)).nstr() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: nstr: unable to evaluate to a number """ ptr = libcalcium.ca_get_decimal_str(self, n, parts, self._ctx) try: s = ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.c_char_p).value.decode("ascii") if s == "?": raise ValueError("nstr: unable to evaluate to a number") return s finally: libflint.flint_free(ptr)
[docs] def rewrite_cnf(self, deep=True): res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_rewrite_complex_normal_form(res, self, deep, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def re(self): """ Real part. Examples:: >>> re(2+3j) == ca(2+3j).re() True >>> re(2+3*i) 2 """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_re(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def im(self): """ Imaginary part. Examples:: >>> im(2+3j) == ca(2+3j).im() # alias for the method True >>> im(2+3*i) 3 """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_im(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def conj(self): """ Complex conjugate. Examples:: >>> conj(1j) == conjugate(1j) == ca(1j).conj() == ca(1j).conjugate() # alias for the method True >>> conj(2+i) 2.00000 - 1.00000*I {-a+2 where a = I [a^2+1=0]} >>> conj(pi) 3.14159 {a where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_conj(res, self, self._ctx) return res
conjugate = conj
[docs] def floor(self): """ Floor function. Examples:: >>> floor(3) == ca(3).floor() # alias for the method True >>> floor(pi) 3 >>> floor(-pi) -4 """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_floor(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def ceil(self): """ Ceiling function. Examples:: >>> ceil(3) == ca(3).ceil() # alias for the method True >>> ceil(pi) 4 >>> ceil(-pi) -3 """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_ceil(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def sgn(self): """ Sign function. Examples:: >>> sgn(2) == sign(2) == ca(2).sgn() # aliases for the method True >>> sign(0) 0 >>> sign(sqrt(2)) 1 >>> sign(-sqrt(2)) -1 >>> sign(-sqrt(-2)) -1.00000*I {-a where a = I [a^2+1=0]} """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_sgn(res, self, self._ctx) return res
sign = sgn
[docs] def csgn(self): """ Real-valued complex extension of real sign function. Examples:: >>> csgn(3) 1 >>> csgn(3*i) 1 >>> csgn(-3*i) -1 >>> csgn(-3) -1 >>> csgn(0) 0 >>> csgn(1+i) 1 >>> csgn((1+i)*inf) 1 >>> csgn(-i*inf) -1 >>> csgn(uinf) Undefined """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_csgn(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def arg(self): """ Complex argument (phase). Examples:: >>> arg(2) == arg(0) == ca(0).arg() == 0 True >>> arg(-10) -3.14159 {-a where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> arg(sqrt(-3)) 1.57080 {(a)/2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> arg(-sqrt(sqrt(-3))) -2.35619 {(-3*a)/4 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_arg(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def sqrt(self): """ Principal square root. Examples:: >>> sqrt(2) == ca(2).sqrt() # alias for the method True >>> sqrt(0) 0 >>> sqrt(1) 1 >>> sqrt(2) 1.41421 {a where a = 1.41421 [a^2-2=0]} >>> sqrt(-1) 1.00000*I {a where a = I [a^2+1=0]} >>> sqrt(inf) +Infinity >>> sqrt(-inf) +I * Infinity >>> sqrt(uinf) UnsignedInfinity >>> sqrt(undefined) Undefined >>> sqrt(unknown) Unknown """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_sqrt(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def log(self): """ Natural logarithm. Examples:: >>> log(2) == ca(2).log() # alias for the method True >>> log(1) 0 >>> log(exp(2)) 2 >>> log(2) 0.693147 {a where a = 0.693147 [Log(2)]} >>> log(4) == 2*log(2) True >>> log(1+sqrt(2)) / log(3+2*sqrt(2)) 0.500000 {1/2} >>> log(ca(10)**(10**30)) / log(10) 1.00000e+30 {1000000000000000000000000000000} >>> log(-1) 3.14159*I {a*b where a = 3.14159 [Pi], b = I [b^2+1=0]} >>> log(i) 1.57080*I {(a*b)/2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi], b = I [b^2+1=0]} >>> log(0) -Infinity >>> log(inf) +Infinity >>> log(-inf) +Infinity >>> log(uinf) +Infinity >>> log(undefined) Undefined >>> log(unknown) Unknown """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_log(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def exp(self): """ Exponential function. Examples:: >>> exp(0) 1 >>> exp(1) 2.71828 {a where a = 2.71828 [Exp(1)]} >>> exp(-1) 0.367879 {a where a = 0.367879 [Exp(-1)]} >>> exp(-1) * exp(1) 1 >>> exp(7*pi*i/2) -1.00000*I {-a where a = I [a^2+1=0]} >>> exp(inf) +Infinity >>> exp(-inf) 0 >>> exp(uinf) Undefined >>> exp(undefined) Undefined >>> exp(unknown) Unknown """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_exp(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def sin(self, form=None): """ Sine function. Examples:: >>> sin(0) 0 >>> sin(pi) 0 >>> sin(pi/2) 1 >>> sin(pi/6) 0.500000 {1/2} >>> sin(sqrt(2))**2 + cos(sqrt(2))**2 1 >>> sin(3 + pi) + sin(3) 0 >>> sin(1, form="exponential") 0.841471 - 0e-24*I {(-a^2*b+b)/(2*a) where a = 0.540302 + 0.841471*I [Exp(1.00000*I {b})], b = I [b^2+1=0]} >>> sin(1, form="direct") 0.841471 {a where a = 0.841471 [Sin(1)]} >>> sin(1, form="tangent") 0.841471 {(2*a)/(a^2+1) where a = 0.546302 [Tan(0.500000 {1/2})]} >>> sin(inf) Undefined >>> sin(i * inf) +I * Infinity >>> sin(-i * inf) -I * Infinity """ res = self._new() if form is None: libcalcium.ca_sin_cos(res, None, self, self._ctx) elif form == "exponential": libcalcium.ca_sin_cos_exponential(res, None, self, self._ctx) elif form == "tangent": libcalcium.ca_sin_cos_tangent(res, None, self, self._ctx) elif form == "direct": libcalcium.ca_sin_cos_direct(res, None, self, self._ctx) else: raise ValueError("unknown form") return res
[docs] def cos(self, form=None): """ Cosine function. Examples:: >>> cos(0) 1 >>> cos(pi) -1 >>> cos(pi/2) 0 >>> cos(pi/3) 0.500000 {1/2} >>> cos(pi/6)**2 0.750000 {3/4} >>> cos(1)**2 + sin(1)**2 1 >>> cos(1, form="exponential") 0.540302 - 0e-24*I {(a^2+1)/(2*a) where a = 0.540302 + 0.841471*I [Exp(1.00000*I {b})], b = I [b^2+1=0]} >>> cos(1, form="direct") 0.540302 {a where a = 0.540302 [Cos(1)]} >>> cos(1, form="tangent") 0.540302 {(-a^2+1)/(a^2+1) where a = 0.546302 [Tan(0.500000 {1/2})]} >>> cos(i * inf) +Infinity >>> cos(-i * inf) +Infinity >>> cos(inf) Undefined """ res = self._new() if form is None: libcalcium.ca_sin_cos(None, res, self, self._ctx) elif form == "exponential": libcalcium.ca_sin_cos_exponential(None, res, self, self._ctx) elif form == "tangent": libcalcium.ca_sin_cos_tangent(None, res, self, self._ctx) elif form == "direct": libcalcium.ca_sin_cos_direct(None, res, self, self._ctx) else: raise ValueError("unknown form") return res
[docs] def tan(self, form=None): """ Tangent function. Examples:: >>> tan(0) 0 >>> tan(pi) 0 >>> tan(pi/2) UnsignedInfinity >>> tan(pi/4) 1 >>> tan(3*pi/4) -1 >>> tan(pi/3)**2 3 >>> tan(1 + pi) - tan(1) 0 >>> tan(1, form="direct") 1.55741 {a where a = 1.55741 [Tan(1)]} >>> tan(1, form="sine_cosine") 1.55741 {(b)/(a) where a = 0.540302 [Cos(1)], b = 0.841471 [Sin(1)]} >>> tan(1, form="exponential") 1.55741 + 0e-23*I {(-a^2*b+b)/(a^2+1) where a = 0.540302 + 0.841471*I [Exp(1.00000*I {b})], b = I [b^2+1=0]} >>> tan(inf) Undefined >>> tan(i * inf) 1.00000*I {a where a = I [a^2+1=0]} >>> tan(-i * inf) -1.00000*I {-a where a = I [a^2+1=0]} """ res = self._new() if form is None: libcalcium.ca_tan(res, self, self._ctx) elif form == "exponential": libcalcium.ca_tan_exponential(res, self, self._ctx) elif form == "direct": libcalcium.ca_tan_direct(res, self, self._ctx) elif form == "sine_cosine": libcalcium.ca_tan_sine_cosine(res, self, self._ctx) else: raise ValueError("unknown form") return res
[docs] def atan(self, form=None): """ Inverse tangent function. Examples:: >>> atan(0) 0 >>> atan(1) 0.785398 {(a)/4 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> atan(1-sqrt(2)) -0.392699 {(-a)/8 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> atan(inf) 1.57080 {(a)/2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> atan(-inf) -1.57080 {(-a)/2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> atan(i*inf) 1.57080 {(a)/2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> atan(-i*inf) -1.57080 {(-a)/2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> atan((1+i)*inf) 1.57080 {(a)/2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> atan(tan(23*pi/27)) == -4*pi/27 True >>> atan(2, form="direct") 1.10715 {a where a = 1.10715 [Atan(2)]} >>> atan(2, form="logarithm") 1.10715 - 0e-24*I {(a*b)/2 where a = 0e-24 - 2.21430*I [Log(-0.600000 - 0.800000*I {(-4*b-3)/5})], b = I [b^2+1=0]} """ res = self._new() if form is None: libcalcium.ca_atan(res, self, self._ctx) elif form == "exponential" or form == "logarithm": libcalcium.ca_atan_logarithm(res, self, self._ctx) else: libcalcium.ca_atan_direct(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def asin(self, form=None): """ Inverse sine function. Examples:: >>> asin(0) 0 >>> asin(1) 1.57080 {(a)/2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> asin(-1) -1.57080 {(-a)/2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> asin(sqrt(2)/2) 0.785398 {(a)/4 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> asin(i) 0.881374*I {-a*c where a = -0.881374 [Log(0.414214 {b-1})], b = 1.41421 [b^2-2=0], c = I [c^2+1=0]} >>> sin(asin(sqrt(2)-1)) == sqrt(2)-1 True >>> asin(sin(sqrt(2)-1)) == sqrt(2)-1 True >>> asin(sqrt(2)-1, form="logarithm") 0.427079 + 0e-24*I {-a*d where a = 0e-24 + 0.427079*I [Log(0.910180 + 0.414214*I {b+c*d-d})], b = 0.910180 [Sqrt(0.828427 {2*c-2})], c = 1.41421 [c^2-2=0], d = I [d^2+1=0]} >>> asin(sqrt(2)-1, form="direct") 0.427079 {a where a = 0.427079 [Asin(0.414214 {b-1})], b = 1.41421 [b^2-2=0]} >>> asin(inf) -I * Infinity >>> asin(-inf) +I * Infinity >>> asin(inf*i) +I * Infinity >>> asin(-inf*i) -I * Infinity >>> asin(uinf) UnsignedInfinity >>> asin(undefined) Undefined """ res = self._new() if form is None: libcalcium.ca_asin(res, self, self._ctx) elif form == "exponential" or form == "logarithm": libcalcium.ca_asin_logarithm(res, self, self._ctx) else: libcalcium.ca_asin_direct(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def acos(self, form=None): """ Inverse cosine function. Examples:: >>> acos(0) 1.57080 {(a)/2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> acos(1) 0 >>> acos(-1) 3.14159 {a where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> acos(sqrt(2)/2) 0.785398 {(a)/4 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> acos(i) 1.57080 - 0.881374*I {(2*a*d+b)/2 where a = -0.881374 [Log(0.414214 {c-1})], b = 3.14159 [Pi], c = 1.41421 [c^2-2=0], d = I [d^2+1=0]} >>> cos(acos(sqrt(2) - 1)) == sqrt(2) - 1 True >>> acos(inf) +I * Infinity >>> acos(-inf) -I * Infinity >>> acos(inf*i) -I * Infinity >>> acos(-inf*i) +I * Infinity >>> acos(uinf) UnsignedInfinity >>> acos(undefined) Undefined """ res = self._new() if form is None: libcalcium.ca_acos(res, self, self._ctx) elif form == "exponential" or form == "logarithm": libcalcium.ca_acos_logarithm(res, self, self._ctx) else: libcalcium.ca_acos_direct(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def erf(self): """ Error function. Examples:: >>> erf(0) 0 >>> erf(1) 0.842701 {a where a = 0.842701 [Erf(1)]} >>> erf(inf) 1 >>> erf(-inf) -1 >>> erf(i*inf) +I * Infinity >>> erf(-i*inf) -I * Infinity >>> erf(uinf) Undefined """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_erf(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def erfc(self): """ Complementary error function. Examples:: >>> erfc(inf) 0 >>> erfc(-inf) 2 >>> erfc(1000) 1.86004e-434298 {a where a = 1.86004e-434298 [Erfc(1000)]} >>> erfc(i*inf) -I * Infinity >>> erfc(-i*inf) +I * Infinity >>> erfc(sqrt(2)) + erf(sqrt(2)) 1 >>> erfc(uinf) Undefined """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_erfc(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def erfi(self): """ Imaginary error function. Examples:: >>> erfi(0) 0 >>> erfi(1) 1.65043 {a where a = 1.65043 [Erfi(1)]} >>> erfi(inf) +Infinity >>> erfi(-inf) -Infinity >>> erfi(i*inf) 1.00000*I {a where a = I [a^2+1=0]} >>> erfi(-i*inf) -1.00000*I {-a where a = I [a^2+1=0]} >>> erf(2)**2 + erfi(i*2)**2 0 """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_erfi(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def gamma(self): """ Gamma function. Examples:: >>> [gamma(n) for n in range(1,11)] [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880] >>> gamma(0) UnsignedInfinity >>> 1 / gamma(0) 0 >>> gamma(0.5) 1.77245 {a where a = 1.77245 [Sqrt(3.14159 {b})], b = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> gamma(0.5)**2 == pi True >>> pi * gamma(pi) / gamma(pi+1) 1 """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_gamma(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs]class ca_mat: """ Python class wrapping the ca_mat_t type for matrices. Examples:: >>> ca_mat(2,3) ca_mat of size 2 x 3 [0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 0] >>> ca_mat([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]) ca_mat of size 3 x 2 [1, 2] [3, 4] [5, 6] >>> ca_mat(2, 5, range(10)) ca_mat of size 2 x 5 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> ca_mat([[1,-2],[2,1]]) * ca_mat([[1,pi],[1,2]]) ca_mat of size 2 x 2 [-1, -0.858407 {a-4 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}] [ 3, 8.28319 {2*a+2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}] A nontrivial calculation:: >>> H = ca_mat([[ca(1)/(i+j+1) for i in range(5)] for j in range(5)]) >>> H ca_mat of size 5 x 5 [ 1, 0.500000 {1/2}, 0.333333 {1/3}, 0.250000 {1/4}, 0.200000 {1/5}] [0.500000 {1/2}, 0.333333 {1/3}, 0.250000 {1/4}, 0.200000 {1/5}, 0.166667 {1/6}] [0.333333 {1/3}, 0.250000 {1/4}, 0.200000 {1/5}, 0.166667 {1/6}, 0.142857 {1/7}] [0.250000 {1/4}, 0.200000 {1/5}, 0.166667 {1/6}, 0.142857 {1/7}, 0.125000 {1/8}] [0.200000 {1/5}, 0.166667 {1/6}, 0.142857 {1/7}, 0.125000 {1/8}, 0.111111 {1/9}] >>> H.trace() 1.78730 {563/315} >>> sum(c*multiplicity for (c, multiplicity) in H.eigenvalues()) 1.78730 {563/315} >>> H.det() 3.74930e-12 {1/266716800000} >>> prod(c**multiplicity for (c, multiplicity) in H.eigenvalues()) 3.74930e-12 {1/266716800000} """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, context=None): if context is None: self._ctx_python = ctx_default else: self._ctx_python = context self._ctx = self._ctx_python._ref self._data = ca_mat_struct() self._ref = ctypes.byref(self._data) if len(args) == 1: val = args[0] if isinstance(val, ca_mat): m = val.nrows() n = val.ncols() libcalcium.ca_mat_init(self, m, n, self._ctx) libcalcium.ca_mat_transfer(self, self._ctx, val, val._ctx) elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): m = len(val) n = 0 if m != 0: if not isinstance(val[0], (list, tuple)): raise TypeError("single input to ca_mat must be a list of lists") n = len(val[0]) for i in range(1, m): if len(val[i]) != n: raise ValueError("input rows have different lengths") libcalcium.ca_mat_init(self, m, n, self._ctx) for i in range(m): row = val[i] for j in range(n): x = ca(row[j], context=self._ctx_python) libcalcium.ca_set(libcalcium.ca_mat_entry_ptr(self, i, j, self._ctx), x, self._ctx) else: raise TypeError("cannot create ca_mat from input of type %s" % type(val)) elif len(args) == 2: m, n = args assert m >= 0 assert n >= 0 libcalcium.ca_mat_init(self, m, n, self._ctx) elif len(args) == 3: m, n, entries = args assert m >= 0 assert n >= 0 libcalcium.ca_mat_init(self, m, n, self._ctx) entries = list(entries) if len(entries) != m*n: raise ValueError("list of entries has the wrong length") for i in range(m): for j in range(n): x = ca(entries[i*n + j], context=self._ctx_python) libcalcium.ca_set(libcalcium.ca_mat_entry_ptr(self, i, j, self._ctx), x, self._ctx) else: raise ValueError("ca_mat: expected 1-3 arguments")
def __del__(self): libcalcium.ca_mat_clear(self, self._ctx) @property def _as_parameter_(self): return self._ref
[docs] @staticmethod def from_param(arg): return arg
[docs] def __bool__(self): t = libcalcium.ca_mat_check_is_zero(self, self._ctx) if t == T_TRUE: return False if t == T_FALSE: return True raise ValueError("unable to decide predicate: is_zero")
def _new(self, r, c): return ca_mat(r, c, context=self._ctx_python) def _new_ca(self): return ca(context=self._ctx_python)
[docs] @staticmethod def operands_with_same_context(a, b): type_a = type(a) type_b = type(b) if type_a is ca_mat and type_b is ca_mat: if a._ctx_python is b._ctx_python: return a, b # which context object to choose? c = a._new(b.nrows(), b.ncols()) libcalcium.ca_mat_transfer(c, c._ctx, b, b._ctx) return a, c return NotImplemented, NotImplemented
def __eq__(self, other): """ Examples:: >>> ca_mat([[1,1],[0,1]]) ** 2 == ca_mat([[1,2],[0,1]]) True """ self, other = self.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = libcalcium.ca_mat_check_equal(self, other, self._ctx) if res == T_TRUE: return True if res == T_FALSE: return False raise NotImplementedError("unable to decide equality") def __ne__(self, other): """ Examples:: >>> ca_mat([[1,1],[0,1]]) ** 2 != ca_mat([[1,3],[0,1]]) True """ self, other = self.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = libcalcium.ca_mat_check_equal(self, other, self._ctx) if res == T_TRUE: return False if res == T_FALSE: return True raise NotImplementedError("unable to decide equality")
[docs] def nrows(self): return self._data.r
[docs] def ncols(self): return self._data.c
[docs] def entries(self): m = self.nrows() n = self.ncols() L = [None] * (m * n) for i in range(m): for j in range(n): L[i*n + j] = self[i, j] return L
def __iter__(self): m = self.nrows() n = self.ncols() for i in range(m): for j in range(n): yield self[i, j]
[docs] def table(self): m = self.nrows() n = self.ncols() L = self.entries() return [L[i*n : (i+1)*n] for i in range(m)]
# supports mpmath conversions tolist = table def __repr__(self): s = "ca_mat of size %i x %i\n" % (self.nrows(), self.ncols()) nrows = self.nrows() ncols = self.ncols() def matrix_to_str(tab): if len(tab) == 0 or len(tab[0]) == 0: return "[]" tab = [[str(c) for c in row] for row in tab] widths = [] for i in range(len(tab[0])): w = max([len(row[i]) for row in tab]) widths.append(w) for i in range(len(tab)): tab[i] = [s.rjust(widths[j]) for j, s in enumerate(tab[i])] tab[i] = "[" + (", ".join(tab[i])) + "]" return "\n".join(tab) return s + matrix_to_str(self.table()) __str__ = __repr__ def _repr_latex_(self): return fexpr(self)._repr_latex_() def __getitem__(self, ij): i, j = ij nrows = self.nrows() ncols = self.ncols() assert 0 <= i < nrows assert 0 <= j < ncols x = self._new_ca() libcalcium.ca_set(x, libcalcium.ca_mat_entry_ptr(self, i, j, self._ctx), self._ctx) return x def __setitem__(self, ij, x): i, j = ij nrows = self.nrows() ncols = self.ncols() assert 0 <= i < nrows assert 0 <= j < ncols x = ca(x, context=self._ctx_python) libcalcium.ca_set(libcalcium.ca_mat_entry_ptr(self, i, j, self._ctx), x, self._ctx)
[docs] def trace(self): """ The trace of this matrix. Examples:: >>> ca_mat([[1,2],[3,pi]]).trace() 4.14159 {a+1 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} """ nrows = self.nrows() ncols = self.ncols() if nrows != ncols: raise ValueError("a square matrix is required") res = self._new_ca() libcalcium.ca_mat_trace(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def det(self, algorithm=None): """ The determinant of this matrix. Examples:: >>> ca_mat([[1,1-i*pi],[1+i*pi,1]]).det() -9.86960 {-a^2 where a = 3.14159 [Pi], b = I [b^2+1=0]} """ nrows = self.nrows() ncols = self.ncols() if nrows != ncols: raise ValueError("a square matrix is required") res = self._new_ca() if algorithm == "berkowitz": libcalcium.ca_mat_det_berkowitz(res, self, self._ctx) elif algorithm == "lu": if not libcalcium.ca_mat_det_lu(res, self, self._ctx): raise NotImplementedError("unable to compute determinant") elif algorithm == "bareiss" or algorithm == "fflu": if not libcalcium.ca_mat_det_bareiss(res, self, self._ctx): raise NotImplementedError("unable to compute determinant") elif algorithm == "cofactor": if nrows > 4: raise NotImplementedError("unable to compute determinant") libcalcium.ca_mat_det_cofactor(res, self, self._ctx) else: libcalcium.ca_mat_det(res, self, self._ctx) return res
def __neg__(self): res = self._new(self.nrows(), self.ncols()) libcalcium.ca_mat_neg(res, self, self._ctx) return res def __pos__(self): res = self._new(self.nrows(), self.ncols()) libcalcium.ca_mat_set(res, self, self._ctx) return res def __add__(self, other): s, t = self.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if s is NotImplemented: try: other = ca(other, context=self._ctx_python) m = self.nrows() n = self.ncols() res = self._new(m, n) libcalcium.ca_mat_add_ca(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res except TypeError: return NotImplemented self, other = s, t m = self.nrows() n = self.ncols() if m != other.nrows() or n != other.ncols(): raise ValueError("incompatible matrix shapes") res = self._new(m, n) libcalcium.ca_mat_add(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res def __sub__(self, other): s, t = self.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if s is NotImplemented: try: other = ca(other, context=self._ctx_python) m = self.nrows() n = self.ncols() res = self._new(m, n) libcalcium.ca_mat_sub_ca(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res except TypeError: return NotImplemented self, other = s, t m = self.nrows() n = self.ncols() if m != other.nrows() or n != other.ncols(): raise ValueError("incompatible matrix shapes") res = self._new(m, n) libcalcium.ca_mat_sub(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res def __mul__(self, other): s, t = self.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if s is NotImplemented: try: other = ca(other, context=self._ctx_python) m = self.nrows() n = self.ncols() res = self._new(m, n) libcalcium.ca_mat_mul_ca(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res except TypeError: return NotImplemented self, other = s, t m = self.nrows() n = self.ncols() k = other.ncols() if n != other.nrows(): raise ValueError("incompatible matrix shapes") res = self._new(m, k) libcalcium.ca_mat_mul(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res def __rmul__(self, other): try: other = ca(other, context=self._ctx_python) m = self.nrows() n = self.ncols() res = self._new(m, n) libcalcium.ca_mat_mul_ca(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res except TypeError: pass return NotImplemented def __truediv__(self, other): try: other = ca(other, context=self._ctx_python) m = self.nrows() n = self.ncols() res = self._new(m, n) libcalcium.ca_mat_div_ca(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res except TypeError: pass return NotImplemented def __pow__(self, other): m = self.nrows() n = self.ncols() assert m == n e = int(other) assert 0 <= e <= sys.maxsize res = self._new(m, m) libcalcium.ca_mat_pow_ui_binexp(res, self, e, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def conjugate(self): """ Entrywise complex conjugate. >>> ca_mat([[5,1-i]]).conjugate() ca_mat of size 1 x 2 [5, 1.00000 + 1.00000*I {a+1 where a = I [a^2+1=0]}] """ res = self._new(self.nrows(), self.ncols()) libcalcium.ca_mat_conj(res, self, self._ctx) return res
conj = conjugate
[docs] def transpose(self): """ Matrix transpose. >>> ca_mat([[5,1-i]]).transpose() ca_mat of size 2 x 1 [ 5] [1.00000 - 1.00000*I {-a+1 where a = I [a^2+1=0]}] """ res = ca_mat(self.ncols(), self.nrows()) libcalcium.ca_mat_transpose(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def conjugate_transpose(self): """ Conjugate matrix transpose. >>> ca_mat([[5,1-i]]).conjugate_transpose() ca_mat of size 2 x 1 [ 5] [1.00000 + 1.00000*I {a+1 where a = I [a^2+1=0]}] """ res = self._new(self.ncols(), self.nrows()) libcalcium.ca_mat_conj_transpose(res, self, self._ctx) return res
conj_transpose = conjugate_transpose
[docs] def charpoly(self): """ Characteristic polynomial of this matrix. >>> ca_mat([[5,pi],[1,-1]]).charpoly() ca_poly of length 3 [-8.14159 {-a-5 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}, -4, 1] """ m = self.nrows() n = self.ncols() assert m == n res = ca_poly(context=self._ctx_python) libcalcium.ca_mat_charpoly(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def eigenvalues(self): """ Eigenvalues of this matrix. Returns a list of (value, multiplicity) pairs. >>> ca_mat(4, 4, range(16)).eigenvalues() [(32.4642 {a+15 where a = 17.4642 [a^2-305=0]}, 1), (-2.46425 {-a+15 where a = 17.4642 [a^2-305=0]}, 1), (0, 2)] >>> ca_mat([[1,pi],[-pi,1]]).eigenvalues()[0] (1.00000 + 3.14159*I {a*b+1 where a = 3.14159 [Pi], b = I [b^2+1=0]}, 1) """ m = self.nrows() n = self.ncols() assert m == n lamda = ca_vec(context=self._ctx_python) exp = ctypes.cast(libflint.flint_malloc(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_ulong) * n), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong)) success = libcalcium.ca_mat_eigenvalues(lamda, exp, self, self._ctx) if not success: libflint.flint_free(exp) raise NotImplementedError("failed to compute eigenvalues") else: res = [(lamda[i], exp[i]) for i in range(len(lamda))] libflint.flint_free(exp) return res
[docs] def rref(self): """ Reduced row echelon form. >>> ca_mat([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]).rref() ca_mat of size 3 x 3 [1, 0, -1] [0, 1, 2] [0, 0, 0] >>> ca_mat([[1,pi,2,pi],[1/pi,3,1/(pi+1),4],[1,1,1,1]]).rref() ca_mat of size 3 x 4 [1, 0, 0, 0.401081 {(a^3-a^2-2*a)/(3*a^2+3*a-2) where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}] [0, 1, 0, 1.35134 {(4*a^2+4*a-2)/(3*a^2+3*a-2) where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}] [0, 0, 1, -0.752416 {(-a^3+a)/(3*a^2+3*a-2) where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}] >>> ca_mat([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1-exp(ca(2)**-10000), 0]]).rref() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: failed to compute rref """ res = self._new(self.nrows(), self.ncols()) rank = (ctypes.c_long * 1)() if libcalcium.ca_mat_rref(rank, res, self, self._ctx): return res raise NotImplementedError("failed to compute rref")
[docs] def rank(self): """ Rank of this matrix. >>> ca_mat([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]).rank() 2 >>> ca_mat([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1-exp(ca(2)**-10000), 0]]).rank() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: failed to compute rank """ r = (ctypes.c_long * 1)() if libcalcium.ca_mat_rank(r, self, self._ctx): return int(r[0]) raise NotImplementedError("failed to compute rank")
[docs] def inv(self): """ Matrix inverse. >>> ca_mat([[1,1],[0,1/pi]]).inv() ca_mat of size 2 x 2 [1, -3.14159 {-a where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}] [0, 3.14159 {a where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}] >>> ca_mat([[1, 1], [2, 2]]).inv() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ZeroDivisionError: singular matrix >>> ca_mat([[1, 0], [0, 1-exp(ca(2)**-10000)]]).inv() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: failed to prove matrix singular or nonsingular """ n = self.nrows() m = self.ncols() if n != m: raise ValueError("matrix must be square") res = self._new(n, m) invertible = libcalcium.ca_mat_inv(res, self, self._ctx) if invertible == T_TRUE: return res if invertible == T_FALSE: raise ZeroDivisionError("singular matrix") raise NotImplementedError("failed to prove matrix singular or nonsingular")
[docs] def solve(self, other, algorithm=None): """ Solve linear system (with a nonsingular matrix). >>> ca_mat([[1,2],[3,4]]).solve(ca_mat([[5],[6]])) ca_mat of size 2 x 1 [ -4] [4.50000 {9/2}] >>> ca_mat([[1,1],[2,2]]).solve(ca_mat([[5],[6]])) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ZeroDivisionError: singular matrix >>> ca_mat([[1, 0], [0, 1-exp(ca(2)**-10000)]]).solve(ca_mat([[5],[6]])) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: failed to prove matrix singular or nonsingular """ self, other = self.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: raise TypeError n = self.nrows() m = self.ncols() if n != m: raise ValueError("matrix must be square") c = other.ncols() if n != other.nrows(): raise ValueError("incompatible matrix shapes") res = self._new(n, c) if algorithm is None: invertible = libcalcium.ca_mat_nonsingular_solve(res, self, other, self._ctx) elif algorithm == "lu": invertible = libcalcium.ca_mat_nonsingular_solve_lu(res, self, other, self._ctx) elif algorithm == "fflu": invertible = libcalcium.ca_mat_nonsingular_solve_fflu(res, self, other, self._ctx) elif algorithm == "adjugate": invertible = libcalcium.ca_mat_nonsingular_solve_adjugate(res, self, other, self._ctx) else: raise ValueError("unknown algorithm") if invertible == T_TRUE: return res if invertible == T_FALSE: raise ZeroDivisionError("singular matrix") raise NotImplementedError("failed to prove matrix singular or nonsingular")
[docs] def right_kernel(self): """ Returns a basis of the right kernel (nullspace) of *self*. >>> A = ca_mat([[3,4,6],[5,6,7]]) >>> X = A.right_kernel() >>> X ca_mat of size 3 x 1 [ 4] [-4.50000 {-9/2}] [ 1] >>> A * X ca_mat of size 2 x 1 [0] [0] """ res = self._new(0, 0) if libcalcium.ca_mat_right_kernel(res, self, self._ctx): return res raise NotImplementedError("failed to compute right kernel")
[docs] def diagonalization(self): """ Matrix diagonalization: given a square matrix *self*, returns a diagonal matrix *D* and an invertible matrix *P* such that *self* equals `PDP^{-1}`. Raises *ValueError* if *self* is not diagonalizable. >>> A = ca_mat([[1,2],[3,4]]) >>> D, P = A.diagonalization() >>> D ca_mat of size 2 x 2 [5.37228 {(a+5)/2 where a = 5.74456 [a^2-33=0]}, 0] [ 0, -0.372281 {(-a+5)/2 where a = 5.74456 [a^2-33=0]}] >>> P * D * P.inv() ca_mat of size 2 x 2 [1, 2] [3, 4] A diagonalizable matrix without distinct eigenvalues:: >>> A = ca_mat([[-1,3,-1],[-3,5,-1],[-3,3,1]]) >>> D, P = A.diagonalization() >>> D ca_mat of size 3 x 3 [1, 0, 0] [0, 2, 0] [0, 0, 2] >>> P ca_mat of size 3 x 3 [1, 1, -0.333333 {-1/3}] [1, 1, 0] [1, 0, 1] >>> P * D * P.inv() == A True """ n = self.nrows() m = self.ncols() if n != m: raise ValueError("non-square matrix is not diagonalizable") D = self._new(n, n) P = self._new(n, n) res = libcalcium.ca_mat_diagonalization(D, P, self, self._ctx) if res == T_FALSE: raise ValueError("matrix is not diagonalizable") if res == T_UNKNOWN: raise NotImplementedError("unable to determine if matrix is diagonalizable") return D, P
[docs] def log(self): """ Matrix logarithm. >>> ca_mat([[4,2],[2,4]]).log().det() == log(2)*(log(2)+log(3)) True >>> ca_mat([[1,1],[0,1]]).log() ca_mat of size 2 x 2 [0, 1] [0, 0] >>> ca_mat([[0,1],[0,0]]).log() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ZeroDivisionError: singular matrix >>> ca_mat([[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[1,0,0]]).log() / (pi*I) ca_mat of size 3 x 3 [ 0.500000 {1/2}, 0, -0.500000 {-1/2}] [ 0, 0, 0] [-0.500000 {-1/2}, 0, 0.500000 {1/2}] >>> ca_mat([[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[1,0,0]]).log().exp() ca_mat of size 3 x 3 [0, 0, 1] [0, 1, 0] [1, 0, 0] """ n = self.nrows() m = self.ncols() if n != m: raise ValueError("matrix must be square") res = self._new(n, m) invertible = libcalcium.ca_mat_log(res, self, self._ctx) if invertible == T_TRUE: return res if invertible == T_FALSE: raise ZeroDivisionError("singular matrix") raise NotImplementedError("unable to compute matrix logarithm")
[docs] def exp(self): """ Matrix exponential. >>> ca_mat([[1,2],[0,3]]).exp() ca_mat of size 2 x 2 [2.71828 {a where a = 2.71828 [Exp(1)]}, 17.3673 {b^3-b where a = 20.0855 [Exp(3)], b = 2.71828 [Exp(1)]}] [ 0, 20.0855 {a where a = 20.0855 [Exp(3)]}] >>> ca_mat([[1,2],[3,4]]).exp()[0,0] 51.9690 {(-a*c+11*a+b*c+11*b)/22 where a = 215.354 [Exp(5.37228 {(c+5)/2})], b = 0.689160 [Exp(-0.372281 {(-c+5)/2})], c = 5.74456 [c^2-33=0]} >>> ca_mat([[0,0,1],[1,0,0],[0,1,0]]).exp().det() 1 >>> ca_mat([[0,1,0,0,0],[0,0,2,0,0],[0,0,0,3,0],[0,0,0,0,4],[0,0,0,0,0]]).exp() ca_mat of size 5 x 5 [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] [0, 0, 1, 3, 6] [0, 0, 0, 1, 4] [0, 0, 0, 0, 1] This example currently fails (due to failure to compute the exact Jordan decomposition internally): >>> ca_mat([[0,0,1],[0,2,0],[-1,0,0]]).log().exp() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: unable to compute matrix exponential """ n = self.nrows() m = self.ncols() if n != m: raise ValueError("matrix must be square") res = self._new(n, m) if libcalcium.ca_mat_exp(res, self, self._ctx): return res raise NotImplementedError("unable to compute matrix exponential")
[docs] def jordan_form(self, transform=False): """ Jordan decomposiion: given a square matrix *self*, returns a block diagonal matrix *J* composed of Jordan blocks and optionally an invertible matrix *P* such that *self* equals `PJP^{-1}`. >>> A = ca_mat([[20,77,59,40], [0,-2,-3,-2], [-10,-35,-23,-15], [2,7,3,1]]) >>> J, P = A.jordan_form(transform=True) >>> P * J * P.inv() ca_mat of size 4 x 4 [ 20, 77, 59, 40] [ 0, -2, -3, -2] [-10, -35, -23, -15] [ 2, 7, 3, 1] >>> A = ca_mat([[log(2), log(3)], [log(4), log(5)]]) >>> J, P = A.jordan_form(transform=True) >>> J[0,0] 2.46769 {(a+b+e)/2 where a = 2.63279 [Sqrt(6.93159 {b^2-2*b*e+8*d*e+e^2})], b = 1.60944 [Log(5)], c = 1.38629 [Log(4)], d = 1.09861 [Log(3)], e = 0.693147 [Log(2)]} >>> P * J * P.inv() == A True """ n = self.nrows() m = self.ncols() if n != m: raise ValueError("non-square matrix") J = self._new(n, n) if transform: P = self._new(n, n) if libcalcium.ca_mat_jordan_form(J, P, self, self._ctx): return J, P else: if libcalcium.ca_mat_jordan_form(J, None, self, self._ctx): return J raise NotImplementedError("unable to compute Jordan decomposition")
[docs]class ca_vec: """ Python class wrapping the ca_vec_t type for vectors. """
[docs] def __init__(self, n=0, context=None): if context is None: self._ctx_python = ctx_default else: self._ctx_python = context self._ctx = self._ctx_python._ref self._data = ca_vec_struct() self._ref = ctypes.byref(self._data) n = int(n) assert n >= 0 libcalcium.ca_vec_init(self, n, self._ctx)
def __del__(self): libcalcium.ca_vec_clear(self, self._ctx) @property def _as_parameter_(self): return self._ref
[docs] @staticmethod def from_param(arg): return arg
def __len__(self): return self._data.length def __getitem__(self, i): n = len(self) assert 0 <= i < n x = ca(context=self._ctx_python) libcalcium.ca_set(x, libcalcium.ca_vec_entry_ptr(self, i, self._ctx), self._ctx) return x
[docs]class ca_poly_vec:
[docs] def __init__(self, n=0, context=None): if context is None: self._ctx_python = ctx_default else: self._ctx_python = context self._ctx = self._ctx_python._ref self._data = ca_poly_vec_struct() self._ref = ctypes.byref(self._data) n = int(n) assert n >= 0 libcalcium.ca_poly_vec_init(self, n, self._ctx)
def __del__(self): libcalcium.ca_poly_vec_clear(self, self._ctx) @property def _as_parameter_(self): return self._ref
[docs] @staticmethod def from_param(arg): return arg
def __len__(self): return self._data.length def __getitem__(self, i): n = len(self) assert 0 <= i < n x = ca_poly(context=self._ctx_python) libcalcium.ca_poly_set(x, ctypes.byref(self._data.entries[i]), self._ctx) return x
[docs]class ca_poly: """ Python class wrapping the ca_poly_t type for polynomials. """
[docs] def __init__(self, val=0, context=None): if context is None: self._ctx_python = ctx_default else: self._ctx_python = context self._ctx = self._ctx_python._ref self._data = ca_poly_struct() self._ref = ctypes.byref(self._data) libcalcium.ca_poly_init(self, self._ctx) if type(val) is ca_poly: libcalcium.ca_poly_transfer(self, self._ctx, val, val._ctx) if type(val) is ca_mat: raise TypeError elif val: try: val = [ca(c, context=self._ctx_python) for c in val] for i in range(len(val)): libcalcium.ca_poly_set_coeff_ca(self, i, val[i], self._ctx) except TypeError: val = ca(val, context=self._ctx_python) libcalcium.ca_poly_set_ca(self, val, self._ctx)
def __del__(self): libcalcium.ca_poly_clear(self, self._ctx) @property def _as_parameter_(self): return self._ref
[docs] @staticmethod def from_param(arg): return arg
[docs] def __bool__(self): t = libcalcium.ca_poly_check_is_zero(self, self._ctx) if t == T_TRUE: return False if t == T_FALSE: return True raise ValueError("unable to decide predicate: is_zero")
def _new(self): return ca_poly(context=self._ctx_python) def _new_ca(self): return ca(context=self._ctx_python)
[docs] @staticmethod def operands_with_same_context(a, b): type_a = type(a) type_b = type(b) if type_a is ca_poly and type_b is ca_poly: if a._ctx_python is b._ctx_python: return a, b # which context object to choose? c = a._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_transfer(c, c._ctx, b, b._ctx) return a, c if type_a is ca_poly: try: b = ca_poly(b, context=a._ctx_python) except TypeError: return NotImplemented, NotImplemented return a, b else: try: a = ca_poly(a, context=b._ctx_python) except TypeError: return NotImplemented, NotImplemented return a, b return NotImplemented, NotImplemented
def __eq__(self, other): """ Examples:: >>> ca_poly([1,1]) ** 2 == ca_poly([1,2,1]) True """ self, other = ca_poly.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = libcalcium.ca_poly_check_equal(self, other, self._ctx) if res == T_TRUE: return True if res == T_FALSE: return False raise NotImplementedError("unable to decide equality") def __ne__(self, other): """ Examples:: >>> ca_poly([1,1]) ** 2 != ca_poly([1,3,1]) True """ self, other = ca_poly.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = libcalcium.ca_poly_check_equal(self, other, self._ctx) if res == T_TRUE: return False if res == T_FALSE: return True raise NotImplementedError("unable to decide equality") def __len__(self): return self._data.length def __repr__(self): n = len(self) s = "ca_poly of length %i\n" % n s += str([self[i] for i in range(n)]) return s __str__ = __repr__ def _repr_latex_(self): return fexpr(self)._repr_latex_() def __getitem__(self, i): n = len(self) assert 0 <= i < n x = self._new_ca() libcalcium.ca_set(x, libcalcium.ca_poly_coeff_ptr(self, i, self._ctx), self._ctx) return x def __neg__(self): res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_neg(res, self, self._ctx) return res def __pos__(self): res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_set(res, self, self._ctx) return res def __add__(self, other): self, other = ca_poly.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_add(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): self, other = ca_poly.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() res = ca_poly() libcalcium.ca_poly_sub(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res def __rsub__(self, other): self, other = ca_poly.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_sub(res, other, self, self._ctx) return res def __mul__(self, other): self, other = ca_poly.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_mul(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res __rmul__ = __mul__ def __truediv__(self, other): try: other = ca(other, self._ctx_python) except (TypeError, ValueError): return NotImplemented res = self._new() # todo: catch division by zero libcalcium.ca_poly_div_ca(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res def __floordiv__(self, other): self, other = ca_poly.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() if not libcalcium.ca_poly_div(res, self, other, self._ctx): raise ValueError("failed polynomial division: unable to prove leading coefficient nonzero") return res def __mod__(self, other): self, other = ca_poly.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() if not libcalcium.ca_poly_rem(res, self, other, self._ctx): raise ValueError("failed polynomial division: unable to prove leading coefficient nonzero") return res def __divmod__(self, other): self, other = ca_poly.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res1 = self._new() res2 = self._new() if not libcalcium.ca_poly_divrem(res1, res2, self, other, self._ctx): raise ValueError("failed polynomial division: unable to prove leading coefficient nonzero") return res1, res2 def __pow__(self, other): e = int(other) assert e >= 0 and e * len(self) <= sys.maxsize res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_pow_ui(res, self, e, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def mul_series(self, other, n): self, other = ca_poly.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_mullow(res, self, other, n, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def div_series(self, other, n): self, other = ca_poly.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: return self res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_div_series(res, self, other, n, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def inv_series(self, n): """ Power series inverse truncated to length n. Examples:: >>> ca_poly([1,2,3]).inv_series(10) ca_poly of length 10 [1, -2, 1, 4, -11, 10, 13, -56, 73, 22] >>> ca_poly([sqrt(2), 1, 2]).inv_series(5).inv_series(5) ca_poly of length 3 [1.41421 {a where a = 1.41421 [a^2-2=0]}, 1, 2] >>> ca_poly([]).inv_series(3) ca_poly of length 3 [UnsignedInfinity, Undefined, Undefined] >>> ca_poly([0,1,2]).inv_series(3) ca_poly of length 3 [UnsignedInfinity, Undefined, Undefined] >>> ca_poly([inf,1,2]).inv_series(3) ca_poly of length 3 [Undefined, Undefined, Undefined] """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_inv_series(res, self, n, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def log_series(self, n): """ Power series logarithm truncated to length n. Examples:: >>> ca_poly([1,1]).log_series(4) ca_poly of length 4 [0, 1, -0.500000 {-1/2}, 0.333333 {1/3}] >>> ca_poly([2,1]).log_series(4) ca_poly of length 4 [0.693147 {a where a = 0.693147 [Log(2)]}, 0.500000 {1/2}, -0.125000 {-1/8}, 0.0416667 {1/24}] >>> ca_poly([-2,2,3]).log_series(5).exp_series(5) ca_poly of length 3 [-2, 2, 3] >>> ca_poly([0,1]).log_series(3) ca_poly of length 3 [-Infinity, Undefined, Undefined] >>> ca_poly([inf,1]).log_series(3) ca_poly of length 3 [Undefined, Undefined, Undefined] """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_log_series(res, self, n, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def exp_series(self, n): """ Power series exponential truncated to length n. Examples:: >>> ca_poly([0,1]).exp_series(4) ca_poly of length 4 [1, 1, 0.500000 {1/2}, 0.166667 {1/6}] >>> ca_poly([1,-0.5]).exp_series(2) ca_poly of length 2 [2.71828 {a where a = 2.71828 [Exp(1)]}, -1.35914 {(-a)/2 where a = 2.71828 [Exp(1)]}] >>> ca_poly([inf]).exp_series(3) ca_poly of length 3 [Undefined, Undefined, Undefined] >>> ca_poly([unknown]).exp_series(3) ca_poly of length 3 [Unknown, Unknown, Unknown] """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_exp_series(res, self, n, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def atan_series(self, n): """ Power series inverse tangent truncated to length n. >>> ca_poly([0,1]).atan_series(6) ca_poly of length 6 [0, 1, 0, -0.333333 {-1/3}, 0, 0.200000 {1/5}] >>> ca_poly([1,1]).atan_series(4) ca_poly of length 4 [0.785398 {(a)/4 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]}, 0.500000 {1/2}, -0.250000 {-1/4}, 0.0833333 {1/12}] >>> f = ca_poly([2,3,4]) >>> 2*f.atan_series(5) - ((2*f).div_series(1-f**2, 5)).atan_series(5) == pi True >>> ca_poly([0]).atan_series(3) ca_poly of length 0 [] >>> ca_poly([i,1]).atan_series(3) ca_poly of length 3 [+I * Infinity, Undefined, Undefined] >>> ca_poly([-i,1]).atan_series(3) ca_poly of length 3 [-I * Infinity, Undefined, Undefined] >>> ca_poly([unknown,1]).atan_series(3) ca_poly of length 3 [Unknown, Unknown, Unknown] """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_atan_series(res, self, n, self._ctx) return res
def __call__(self, other): """ Evaluation or composition. >>> ca_poly([1,2,3])(pi) 36.8920 {3*a^2+2*a+1 where a = 3.14159 [Pi]} >>> ca_poly([1,2,3])(ca_poly([3,2,1])) ca_poly of length 5 [34, 40, 32, 12, 3] """ if type(other) is not ca_poly or other._ctx_python is not self._ctx_python: try: other = ca(other, context=self._ctx_python) res = self._new_ca() libcalcium.ca_poly_evaluate(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res except TypeError: pass try: other = ca_poly(other, context=self._ctx_python) except TypeError: other = ca_mat(other, context=self._ctx_python) assert other.nrows() == other.ncols() res = other._new(other.nrows(), other.ncols()) libcalcium.ca_mat_ca_poly_evaluate(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_compose(res, self, other, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def gcd(self, other): """ Polynomial GCD. Examples:: >>> x = ca_poly([0,1]); (x+1).gcd(x-1) ca_poly of length 1 [1] >>> x = ca_poly([0,1]); (x**2 + pi**2).gcd(x+i*pi) ca_poly of length 2 [3.14159*I {a*b where a = 3.14159 [Pi], b = I [b^2+1=0]}, 1] """ self, other = ca_poly.operands_with_same_context(self, other) if self is NotImplemented: raise TypeError res = self._new() if not libcalcium.ca_poly_gcd(res, self, other, self._ctx): raise ValueError("failed polynomial gcd") return res
[docs] def roots(self): """ Roots of this polynomial. Returns a list of (root, multiplicity) pairs. >>> ca_poly([2,11,20,12]).roots() [(-0.666667 {-2/3}, 1), (-0.500000 {-1/2}, 2)] """ n = len(self) roots = ca_vec(context=self._ctx_python) exp = ctypes.cast(libflint.flint_malloc(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_ulong) * n), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong)) success = libcalcium.ca_poly_roots(roots, exp, self, self._ctx) if not success: libflint.flint_free(exp) raise ValueError("failed to compute roots") else: res = [(roots[i], exp[i]) for i in range(len(roots))] libflint.flint_free(exp) return res
[docs] def factor_squarefree(self): """ Squarefree factorization of this polynomial Returns (lc, L) where L is a list of (factor, multiplicity) pairs. >>> ca_poly([9,6,7,-28,12]).factor_squarefree() (12, [(ca_poly of length 3 [0.333333 {1/3}, 0.666667 {2/3}, 1], 1), (ca_poly of length 2 [-1.50000 {-3/2}, 1], 2)]) """ n = len(self) lc = self._new_ca() fac = ca_poly_vec(context=self._ctx_python) exp = ctypes.cast(libflint.flint_malloc(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_ulong) * n), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong)) success = libcalcium.ca_poly_factor_squarefree(lc, fac, exp, self, self._ctx) if not success: libflint.flint_free(exp) raise ValueError("failed to compute factors") else: res = [(fac[i], exp[i]) for i in range(len(fac))] libflint.flint_free(exp) return lc, res
[docs] def squarefree_part(self): """ Squarefree part of this polynomial. >>> ca_poly([9,6,7,-28,12]).squarefree_part() ca_poly of length 4 [-0.500000 {-1/2}, -0.666667 {-2/3}, -0.833333 {-5/6}, 1] """ res = self._new() if not libcalcium.ca_poly_squarefree_part(res, self, self._ctx): raise ValueError("failed to compute squarefree part") return res
[docs] def integral(self): """ Integral of this polynomial. >>> ca_poly([1,1,1,1]).integral() ca_poly of length 5 [0, 1, 0.500000 {1/2}, 0.333333 {1/3}, 0.250000 {1/4}] """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_integral(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def derivative(self): """ Derivative of this polynomial. >>> ca_poly([1,1,1,1]).derivative() ca_poly of length 3 [1, 2, 3] """ res = self._new() libcalcium.ca_poly_derivative(res, self, self._ctx) return res
[docs] def monic(self): """ Make this polynomial monic. >>> ca_poly([1,2,3]).monic() ca_poly of length 3 [0.333333 {1/3}, 0.666667 {2/3}, 1] >>> ca_poly().monic() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: failed to make monic """ res = self._new() if not libcalcium.ca_poly_make_monic(res, self, self._ctx): raise ValueError("failed to make monic") return res
[docs] def is_proper(self): """ Checks if this polynomial definitely has finite coefficients and that the leading coefficient is provably nonzero. >>> ca_poly([]).is_proper() True >>> ca_poly([1,2,3]).is_proper() True >>> ca_poly([1,2,1-exp(ca(2)**-10000)]).is_proper() False >>> ca_poly([inf]).is_proper() False """ if libcalcium.ca_poly_is_proper(self, self._ctx): return True return False
[docs] def degree(self): """ Degree of this polynomial. >>> ca_poly([1,2,3]).degree() 2 >>> ca_poly().degree() -1 >>> ca_poly([1,2,1-exp(ca(2)**-10000)]).degree() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: unable to determine degree """ if self.is_proper(): return len(self) - 1 raise NotImplementedError("unable to determine degree")
[docs]def re(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return
[docs]def im(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return
[docs]def sgn(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.sgn()
[docs]def sign(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.sign()
[docs]def csgn(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.csgn()
[docs]def arg(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.arg()
[docs]def floor(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.floor()
[docs]def ceil(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.ceil()
[docs]def conj(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.conj()
[docs]def conjugate(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.conjugate()
[docs]def sqrt(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.sqrt()
[docs]def log(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.log()
[docs]def exp(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.exp()
[docs]def erf(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.erf()
[docs]def erfc(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.erfc()
[docs]def erfi(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.erfi()
[docs]def gamma(x): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.gamma()
[docs]def fac(x): """ Alias for gamma(x+1). Examples:: >>> fac(10) 3.62880e+6 {3628800} """ if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return (x+1).gamma()
[docs]def cos(x, form=None): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.cos(form=form)
[docs]def sin(x, form=None): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.sin(form=form)
[docs]def tan(x, form=None): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.tan(form=form)
[docs]def atan(x, form=None): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.atan(form=form)
[docs]def asin(x, form=None): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.asin(form=form)
[docs]def acos(x, form=None): if type(x) != ca: x = ca(x) return x.acos(form=form)
[docs]def cosh(x): """ The hyperbolic cosine function is not yet implemented in Calcium. This placeholder function evaluates the hyperbolic cosine function using exponentials. Examples:: >>> cosh(1) 1.54308 {(a^2+1)/(2*a) where a = 2.71828 [Exp(1)]} """ y = exp(x) return (y + 1/y)/2
[docs]def sinh(x): """ The hyperbolic sine function is not yet implemented in Calcium. This placeholder function evaluates the hyperbolic sine function using exponentials. Examples:: >>> sinh(1) 1.17520 {(a^2-1)/(2*a) where a = 2.71828 [Exp(1)]} """ y = exp(x) return (y - 1/y)/2
[docs]def tanh(x): """ The hyperbolic tangent function is not yet implemented in Calcium. This placeholder function evaluates the hyperbolic tangent function using exponentials. Examples:: >>> tanh(1) 0.761594 {(a^2-1)/(a^2+1) where a = 2.71828 [Exp(1)]} """ return sinh(x)/cosh(x)
#class allocated_c_char_p(ctypes.c_char_p): # def __del__(self): # libflint.flint_free(self) libflint.flint_malloc.restype = ctypes.c_void_p libflint.flint_free.argtypes = (ctypes.c_void_p,) libflint.fmpz_set_str.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int libflint.fmpz_get_str.argtypes = ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(_fmpz_struct) libflint.fmpz_get_str.restype = ctypes.c_void_p libcalcium.fexpr_builtin_name.restype = ctypes.c_char_p libcalcium.fexpr_set_symbol_str.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p libcalcium.fexpr_get_str.restype = ctypes.c_void_p libcalcium.fexpr_get_str_latex.restype = ctypes.c_void_p libcalcium.fexpr_set_si.argtypes = fexpr, ctypes.c_long libcalcium.fexpr_set_d.argtypes = fexpr, ctypes.c_double libcalcium.fexpr_set_re_im_d.argtypes = fexpr, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double libcalcium.fexpr_get_decimal_str.restype = ctypes.c_void_p libcalcium.qqbar_set_si.argtypes = qqbar, ctypes.c_long libcalcium.qqbar_set_d.argtypes = qqbar, ctypes.c_double libcalcium.qqbar_set_re_im_d.argtypes = qqbar, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double libcalcium.qqbar_get_str_nd.restype = ctypes.c_void_p libcalcium._qqbar_vec_init.restype = ctypes.POINTER(qqbar_struct) libcalcium.ca_mat_entry_ptr.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ca_mat_struct) libcalcium.ca_vec_entry_ptr.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ca_vec_struct) libcalcium.ca_poly_coeff_ptr.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ca_struct) libcalcium.ca_set_si.argtypes = ca, ctypes.c_long, ca_ctx libcalcium.ca_set_d.argtypes = ca, ctypes.c_double, ca_ctx libcalcium.ca_set_d_d.argtypes = ca, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double, ca_ctx libcalcium.ca_get_str.argtypes = ca, ca_ctx libcalcium.ca_get_str.restype = ctypes.c_void_p libcalcium.ca_get_decimal_str.restype = ctypes.c_void_p libcalcium.ca_ctx_set_option.argtypes = ca_ctx, ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_long libcalcium.ca_ctx_get_option.restype = ctypes.c_long i = j = ca.i() pi = ca.pi() euler = ca.euler() e = ca(1).exp() inf = ca.inf() uinf = ca.uinf() undefined = ca.undefined() unknown = ca.unknown() fexpr.inject() I = NumberI E = NumberE
[docs]def prod(s): res = ca(1) for x in s: res *= x return res
[docs]def gd(x): return 2*atan(exp(x))-pi/2
[docs]def test_floor_ceil(): assert floor(sqrt(2)) == 1 assert ceil(sqrt(2)) == 2
[docs]def test_power_identities(): assert (sqrt(2)**sqrt(2))**sqrt(2) == 2 assert (sqrt(-2)**sqrt(2))**sqrt(2) == -2 assert (sqrt(3)**sqrt(3))**sqrt(3) == 3*sqrt(3) assert sqrt(-pi)**2 == -pi
[docs]def test_log(): assert log(1+pi) - log(pi) - log(1+1/pi) == 0 assert log(log(-log(log(exp(exp(-exp(exp(3)))))))) == 3
[docs]def test_exp(): assert exp(pi*i) + 1 == 0 assert exp(pi*i) == -1 assert exp(log(2)*log(3)) > 2 assert e**2 == exp(2)
[docs]def test_erf(): assert erf(2*log(sqrt(ca(1)/2-sqrt(2)/4))+log(4)) - erf(log(2-sqrt(2))) == 0 assert 1-erf(pi)-erfc(pi) == 0 assert erf(sqrt(2))**2 + erfi(sqrt(-2))**2 == 0
[docs]def test_gudermannian(): assert sin(gd(1)) == tanh(1) assert tan(gd(1)) == sinh(1) assert sin(gd(sqrt(2))) == tanh(sqrt(2)) assert tan(gd(1)/2) - tanh(ca(1)/2) == 0
[docs]def test_gamma(): assert gamma(1) == 1 assert gamma(0.5) == sqrt(pi) assert 1/gamma(0) == 0 assert gamma(sqrt(2)*sqrt(3)) == gamma(sqrt(6)) assert gamma(pi+1)/gamma(pi) == pi assert gamma(pi)/gamma(pi-1) == pi-1 assert log(gamma(pi+1)) - log(gamma(pi)) - log(pi) == 0 assert log(gamma(-pi+1)) - log(gamma(-pi)) - log(pi) == pi * i
[docs]def test_conversions(): assert ca(qqbar(sqrt(2))) == sqrt(2) assert ca(fexpr(ca(Sqrt(2)))) == sqrt(2)
[docs]def test_notebook_examples(): # algebraic number identity I = NumberI lhs = Sqrt(36 + 3*(-54+35*I*Sqrt(3))**Div(1,3)*3**Div(1,3) + \ 117/(-162+105*I*Sqrt(3))**Div(1,3))/3 + \ Sqrt(5)*(1296*I+840*Sqrt(3)-35*3**Div(5,6)*(-54+35*I*Sqrt(3))**Div(1,3)-\ 54*I*(-162+105*I*Sqrt(3))**Div(1,3)+13*I*(-162+105*I*Sqrt(3))**Div(2,3))/(5*(162*I+105*Sqrt(3))) rhs = Sqrt(5) + Sqrt(7) assert qqbar(lhs) == qqbar(rhs) assert ca(lhs) == ca(rhs) assert fexpr(ca(lhs) - ca(rhs)) == fexpr(0) # misc assert fexpr(exp(pi) * exp(-pi + log(2))) == fexpr(2) assert i**i - exp(pi / ((sqrt(-2)**sqrt(2)) ** sqrt(2))) == 0 assert log(sqrt(2)+sqrt(3)) / log(5 + 2*sqrt(6)) == ca(1)/2 assert ca(10)**-30 < (640320**3 + 744)/exp(pi*sqrt(163)) - 1 < ca(10)**-29 A = ca_mat([[5, pi], [1, -1]])**4 assert A.charpoly()(A) == ca_mat([[0,0],[0,0]]) # comparison with higher precision ctx = ca_ctx(prec_limit=65536) eps = ca(10, context=ctx) ** (-10000) assert (exp(eps) == 1) == False
[docs]def test_qqbar_misc(): x = (1 + 100*qqbar(2)**(-1000)).root(100) y = (1 + 101*qqbar(2)**(-1000)).root(101) assert x > y
[docs]def test_context_switch(): ctx2 = ca_ctx() a = ca(3) b = ca(3, context=ctx2) assert a == b a = exp(a) b = exp(b) assert a == b assert a._ctx_python is not b._ctx_python assert a - b == 0 assert a + b == 2 * a assert b + a == 2 * a assert a + b == 2 * b assert b + a == 2 * b A = ca_mat([[b]]) B = ca_mat([[a]], context=ctx2) assert A._ctx_python is not B._ctx_python assert A == B assert A + B == 2 * A assert A + B == 2 * B assert B + A == 2 * A assert B + A == 2 * B assert A.det() == B.det() assert A[0,0] == B[0,0] A = ca_poly([b]) B = ca_poly([a], context=ctx2) assert A._ctx_python is not B._ctx_python assert A == B assert A + B == 2 * A assert B + A == 2 * A assert A + B == 2 * B assert B + A == 2 * B assert A[0] == B[0]
[docs]def test_improved_zero_recognition(): assert sqrt(2)*(1+i)/2 * pi - exp(pi*i/4) * pi == 0 assert (sqrt(3) + i)/2 * pi - exp(pi*i/6) * pi == 0 assert arg(sqrt(-pi*i)) == -pi/4 assert (pi + sqrt(2) + sqrt(3)) / (pi + sqrt(5 + 2*sqrt(6))) == 1 assert log(1/exp(sqrt(2)+1)) == -sqrt(2)-1 assert abs(exp(sqrt(1+i))) == exp(re(sqrt(1+i))) assert tan(pi*sqrt(2))*tan(pi*sqrt(3)) == (cos(pi*sqrt(5-2*sqrt(6))) - cos(pi*sqrt(5+2*sqrt(6))))/(cos(pi*sqrt(5-2*sqrt(6))) + cos(pi*sqrt(5+2*sqrt(6)))) assert log(exp(1j) / exp(-1j)) == 2*i def expect_not_implemented(f): try: v = f() assert v except NotImplementedError: return raise AssertionError expect_not_implemented(lambda: acos(cos(1)) == 1) expect_not_implemented(lambda: acos(cos(sqrt(2) - 1)) == sqrt(2) - 1) expect_not_implemented(lambda: tan(sqrt(pi*2))*tan(sqrt(pi*3)) == \ (cos(sqrt(pi*(5-2*sqrt(6)))) - cos(sqrt(pi*(5+2*sqrt(6)))))/(cos(sqrt(pi*(5-2*sqrt(6)))) + cos(sqrt(pi*(5+2*sqrt(6)))))) expect_not_implemented(lambda: sqrt(exp(2*sqrt(2)) + exp(-2*sqrt(2)) - 2) == (exp(2*sqrt(2))-1)/sqrt(exp(2*sqrt(2)))) # Some examples from Stoutemyer z = pi assert str(i*((3-5*1j)*z+1)/(((5+3j)*z+1j)*z)) == "0.318310 {(1)/(a) where a = 3.14159 [Pi], b = I [b^2+1=0]}" assert str(ca(-1)**(1/8.) * sqrt(i+1) / ca(2)**(3/4.) + i*exp(i*pi/2)) == "-0.500000 + 0.500000*I {(a-1)/2 where a = I [a^2+1=0]}" assert sin(2*atan(z)) + (15*sqrt(3)+26)**(ca(1)/3) == 2*z/(z**2+1) + sqrt(3) + 2
[docs]def test_trigonometric(): def expect_not_implemented(f): try: v = f() assert v except NotImplementedError: return raise AssertionError a = 1+sqrt(2) b = 2+sqrt(2) xsin = sin; xcos = cos; xtan = tan assert xsin(a)**2 + xcos(a)**2 == 1 assert xsin(-a)**2 + xcos(a)**2 == 1 assert xsin(a) == -xsin(-a) assert xcos(a) == xcos(-a) assert xtan(a) == -xtan(-a) assert xsin(a+2*pi) == xsin(a) assert xcos(a+2*pi) == xcos(a) assert xtan(a+pi) == xtan(a) assert xsin(a+pi) == -xsin(a) assert xcos(a+pi) == -xcos(a) assert xtan(a+pi/2) == -1/xtan(a) assert xsin(a+pi/2) == xcos(a) assert xcos(a+pi/2) == -xsin(a) assert xsin(a-pi/2) == -xcos(a) assert xcos(a-pi/2) == xsin(a) assert xtan(a+pi/4) == (xtan(a)+1)/(1-xtan(a)) assert xtan(a-pi/4) == (xtan(a)-1)/(1+xtan(a)) assert xsin(pi/2 - a) == xcos(a) assert xcos(pi/2 - a) == xsin(a) assert xtan(pi/2 - a) == 1 / xtan(a) assert xsin(pi - a) == xsin(a) assert xcos(pi - a) == -xcos(a) assert xtan(pi - a) == -tan(a) assert xsin(2*pi - a) == -xsin(a) assert xcos(2*pi - a) == xcos(a) assert xsin(a+b) == xsin(a)*xcos(b) + xcos(a)*xsin(b) assert xsin(a-b) == xsin(a)*xcos(b) - xcos(a)*xsin(b) assert xcos(a+b) == xcos(a)*xcos(b) - xsin(a)*xsin(b) assert xcos(a-b) == xcos(a)*xcos(b) + xsin(a)*xsin(b) assert xtan(a+b) == (xtan(a)+xtan(b)) / (1 - xtan(a)*xtan(b)) assert xtan(a-b) == (xtan(a)-xtan(b)) / (1 + xtan(a)*xtan(b)) assert xsin(2*a) == 2*xsin(a)*xcos(a) assert xsin(2*a) == 2*xtan(a)/(1+xtan(a)**2) assert xcos(2*a) == xcos(a)**2 - xsin(a)**2 assert xcos(2*a) == 2*xcos(a)**2 - 1 assert xcos(2*a) == 1 - 2*xsin(a)**2 assert xcos(2*a) == (1 - xtan(a)**2) / (1 + xtan(a)**2) assert xtan(2*a) == (2*xtan(a)) / (1 - xtan(a)**2) assert xsin(3*a) == 3*xsin(a) - 4*xsin(a)**3 assert xcos(3*a) == 4*xcos(a)**3 - 3*xcos(a) assert xtan(3*a) == (3*xtan(a) - xtan(a)**3) / (1 - 3*xtan(a)**2) assert xsin(a/2)**2 == (1-xcos(a))/2 assert xcos(a/2)**2 == (1+xcos(a))/2 assert xtan((a-b)/2) == (xsin(a) - xsin(b)) / (xcos(a) + xcos(b)) assert 2*xcos(a)*xcos(b) == xcos(a-b) + xcos(a+b) assert 2*xsin(a)*xsin(b) == xcos(a-b) - xcos(a+b) assert 2*xsin(a)*xcos(b) == xsin(a+b) + xsin(a-b) assert 2*xcos(a)*xsin(b) == xsin(a+b) - xsin(a-b) assert xsin(a) + xsin(b) == 2*xsin((a+b)/2)*xcos((a-b)/2) assert xsin(a) - xsin(b) == 2*xsin((a-b)/2)*xcos((a+b)/2) assert xcos(a) + xcos(b) == 2*xcos((a+b)/2)*xcos((a-b)/2) assert xcos(a) - xcos(b) == -2*xsin((a+b)/2)*xsin((a-b)/2) assert xsin(a) == sqrt(1 - xcos(a)**2) for N in range(1,17): assert sum(cos(n*a) for n in range(1,N+1)) == sin((N+0.5)*a)/(2*sin(a/2)) - 0.5 assert xcos(a) == -sqrt(1 - xsin(a)**2) assert xsin(a/2) == sqrt((1-xcos(a))/2) expect_not_implemented(lambda: xsin(3*a) == 4*xsin(a)*xsin(pi/3-a)*xsin(pi/3+a)) assert xtan((a+b)/2) == (xsin(a) + xsin(b)) / (xcos(a) + xcos(b)) assert xtan((a+b)/2) == (xsin(a) + xsin(b)) / (xcos(a) + xcos(b)) assert xtan(a)*xtan(b) == ((xcos(a-b)-xcos(a+b))/(xcos(a-b)+xcos(a+b)))
[docs]def test_comparisons(): assert inf >= inf assert inf >= -inf assert inf >= 3 assert not -inf >= inf assert -inf >= -inf assert not -inf >= 3 assert not inf > inf assert inf > -inf assert inf > 3 assert not -inf > inf assert not -inf > -inf assert not -inf >= 3 assert inf <= inf assert not inf <= -inf assert not inf <= 3 assert -inf <= inf assert -inf <= -inf assert -inf <= 3 assert not inf < inf assert not inf < -inf assert not inf < 3 assert -inf < inf assert not -inf < -inf assert -inf < 3 for a in [inf, -inf, ca(3)]: for b in [uinf, undefined, inf*i, 2+i]: assert not a < b assert not a <= b assert not a > b assert not a >= b assert not b < a assert not b <= a assert not b > a assert not b >= a assert pi + sqrt(2) + sqrt(3) <= pi + sqrt(5 + 2 * sqrt(6)) assert not pi + sqrt(2) + sqrt(3) < pi + sqrt(5 + 2 * sqrt(6)) assert pi + sqrt(2) + sqrt(3) >= pi + sqrt(5 + 2 * sqrt(6)) assert not pi + sqrt(2) + sqrt(3) > pi + sqrt(5 + 2 * sqrt(6)) assert pi + exp(-1000) > pi assert pi - exp(-1000) < pi assert sin(1) < 1 assert sin(1) <= sqrt(1 - cos(1)**2) assert asin(ca(1)/10) > ca(1)/10
[docs]def test_xfail(): # Test some simplifications that are known not to work yet. # When a case starts working, we will get a test failure so we can # catch it and add it to the working tests def gd(x): return 2*atan(exp(x))-pi/2 def expect_error(f): try: f() except ValueError: return raise AssertionError
# expect_error(lambda: tan(gd(1)/2) - tanh(ca(1)/2) == 0)
[docs]def test_latex(): from pyca_test import test_latex test_latex.test_latex(fexpr)
[docs]def latex_test_report(): from pyca_test import test_latex test_latex.latex_report(fexpr)
if __name__ == "__main__": from time import time print("Testing pycalcium_ctypes") print("----------------------------------------------------------") for fname in dir(): if fname.startswith("test_"): print(fname + "...", end="") t1 = time() globals()[fname]() t2 = time() print("PASS", end=" ") print("%.2f" % (t2-t1)) print("----------------------------------------------------------") import doctest doctest.testmod(verbose=True) print("----------------------------------------------------------")