acb – complex numbers

class flint.acb(real=None, imag=None)

An acb represents a complex number by a rectangular enclosure consisting of arb balls for the real and imaginary parts.

>>> acb(2)
>>> acb(2+3j)
2.00000000000000 + 3.00000000000000j
>>> acb("2 +/- 0.001", fmpq(2,3))
[2.00 +/- 1.01e-3] + [0.666666666666667 +/- 4.82e-16]j
>>> acb(-1) ** 0.25
[0.707106781186547 +/- 6.14e-16] + [0.707106781186547 +/- 6.15e-16]j

Lower bound for the absolute value of self. The output is an arb holding an exact floating-point number that has been rounded down to the current precision.

>>> print(acb(3, "-5 +/- 2").abs_lower().str(5, radius=False))

Upper bound for the absolute value of self. The output is an arb holding an exact floating-point number that has been rounded up to the current precision.

>>> print(acb(3, "-5 +/- 2").abs_upper().str(5, radius=False))

Inverse cosine \(\operatorname{acos}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2).acos(), dps=25)

Inverse hyperbolic cosine \(\operatorname{acosh}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).acosh(), dps=25)
1.983387029916535432347077 + 1.000143542473797218521038j
agm(s, t=None)

Arithmetic-geometric mean \(M(s,t)\), or \(M(s) = M(s,1)\) if no extra parameter is passed.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2).agm(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,1).agm(), dps=25)
1.049160528732780220531827 + 0.4781557460881612293261882j
>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(-95,-65)/100).agm(acb(684,747)/1000), dps=25)
-0.3711072435676023931065922 + 0.3199561471173686568561674j

Computes the Airy function values \(\operatorname{Ai}(s)\), \(\operatorname{Ai}'(s)\), \(\operatorname{Bi}(s)\), \(\operatorname{Bi}'(s)\) simultaneously, returning a tuple.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(-1+1j).airy(), dps=5)
(0.82212 - 0.11997j, -0.37906 - 0.60450j, 0.21429 + 0.67392j, 0.83447 - 0.34653j)
airy_ai(s, int derivative=0)

Airy function \(\operatorname{Ai}(s)\), or \(\operatorname{Ai}'(s)\) if derivative is 1.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(-1+1j).airy_ai(), dps=25)
0.8221174265552725939610246 - 0.1199663426644243438939006j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(-1+1j).airy_ai(derivative=1), dps=25)
-0.3790604792268334962367164 - 0.6045001308622460716372591j
airy_bi(s, int derivative=0)

Airy function \(\operatorname{Bi}(s)\), or \(\operatorname{Bi}'(s)\) if derivative is 1.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(-1+1j).airy_bi(), dps=25)
0.2142904015348735739780868 + 0.6739169237227052095951775j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(-1+1j).airy_bi(derivative=1), dps=25)
0.8344734885227826369040951 - 0.3465260632668285285537957j

Complex argument (phase).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb("3.3").arg(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(-1).arg(), dps=25)
>>> acb(-1, "+/- 1").arg()
[+/- 3.15]

Inverse sine \(\operatorname{asin}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2).asin(), dps=25)
1.570796326794896619231322 - 1.316957896924816708625046j

Inverse hyperbolic sine \(\operatorname{asinh}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).asinh(), dps=25)
1.968637925793096291788665 + 0.9646585044076027920454111j

Computes the inverse tangent \(\operatorname{atan}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).atan(), dps=25)
1.338972522294493561124194 + 0.4023594781085250936501898j

Inverse hyperbolic tangent \(\operatorname{atanh}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).atanh(), dps=25)
0.1469466662255297520474328 + 1.338972522294493561124194j

Barnes G-function \(G(s)\).

>>> acb(8).barnes_g()
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2+3j).barnes_g(), dps=25)
-0.1781021386408216960641890 + 0.04504542715447837909120582j
bernoulli_poly(s, ulong n)

Returns the value of the Bernoulli polynomial \(B_n(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(0.25+0.25j).bernoulli_poly(5), dps=25)
-0.05859375000000000000000000 + 0.006510416666666666666666667j
bessel_i(self, n, bool scaled=False)

Bessel function \(I_n(z)\), where the argument z is given by self and the order n is passed as an extra parameter. Optionally a scaled Bessel function can be computed.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(5).bessel_i(1), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(5).bessel_i(1, scaled=True), dps=25)
bessel_j(self, n)

Bessel function \(J_n(z)\), where the argument z is given by self and the order n is passed as an extra parameter.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(5).bessel_j(1), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2+3j).bessel_j(1+2j), dps=25)
0.5041904509946947234759103 - 0.1765180072689450645147231j
bessel_k(self, n, bool scaled=False)

Bessel function \(K_n(z)\), where the argument z is given by self and the order n is passed as an extra parameter. Optionally a scaled Bessel function can be computed.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(5).bessel_k(1), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(5).bessel_k(1, scaled=True), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2+3j).bessel_k(1+2j), dps=25)
-0.09884736370006798963642719 - 0.02870616366668971734065520j
bessel_y(self, n)

Bessel function \(Y_n(z)\), where the argument z is given by self and the order n is passed as an extra parameter.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(5).bessel_y(1), dps=25)
beta_lower(self, a, b, int regularized=0)

Lower incomplete beta function \(B(a,b;z)\). The argument z is given by self and the parameters a and b are passed as extra function arguments. Optionally the regularized version of this function can be computed.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).beta_lower(1, 2.5), dps=25)
0.2650137734913866999568502 - 7.111836702381954625752124j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).beta_lower(1, 2.5, regularized=True), dps=25)
0.6625344337284667498921254 - 17.77959175595488656438031j
chebyshev_t(s, n)

Chebyshev function of the first kind \(T_n(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(1)/3).chebyshev_t(3), dps=25)
chebyshev_u(s, n)

Chebyshev function of the second kind \(U_n(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(1)/3).chebyshev_u(3), dps=25)

Hyperbolic cosine integral \(\operatorname{Chi}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(10).chi(), dps=25)

Cosine integral \(\operatorname{Ci}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(10).ci(), dps=25)

Returns an acb representing the radii of the real and imaginary parts of self together a single complex number.

>>> print(acb("1 +/- 0.3", "2 +/- 0.4").complex_rad().str(5, radius=False))
0.30000 + 0.40000j
contains(self, other)

Cosine function \(\cos(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).cos(), dps=25)
2.032723007019665529436343 - 3.051897799151800057512116j

Cosine function \(\cos(\pi s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).cos_pi(), dps=25)

Hyperbolic cosine function \(\cosh(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).cosh(), dps=25)
-3.724545504915322565473971 + 0.5118225699873846088344638j

Cotangent function \(\cot(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).cot(), dps=25)
0.03279775553375259406276455 - 0.9843292264581910294718882j

Cotangent function \(\cot(\pi s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).cot_pi(), dps=25)

Hyperbolic cotangent function \(\coth(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).coth(), dps=25)
1.035746637764995396112759 + 0.01060478347033710175031690j

Cosecant function \(\sec(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).csc(), dps=25)
0.09047320975320743980579048 + 0.04120098628857412646300981j

Hyperbolic cosecant function \(\operatorname{csch}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).csch(), dps=25)
-0.2725486614629401995124985 - 0.04030057885689152187513248j

Complex sign function defined as a piecewise extension of the real sign function.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).csgn(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(-1).csgn(), dps=25)
static dft(vec, bool inverse=False)

Returns the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a given iterable vec. The output is a list of acb entries. If inverse is True, computes the inverse transform instead.

>>> for c in acb.dft(acb.dft(range(1,12)), inverse=True):
...     print(c)
[1.000000000000 +/- 1.06e-13] + [+/- 8.66e-14]j
[2.000000000000 +/- 1.25e-13] + [+/- 1.17e-13]j
[3.000000000000 +/- 1.29e-13] + [+/- 1.21e-13]j
[4.000000000000 +/- 1.34e-13] + [+/- 1.22e-13]j
[5.000000000000 +/- 1.40e-13] + [+/- 1.24e-13]j
[6.000000000000 +/- 1.50e-13] + [+/- 1.26e-13]j
[7.000000000000 +/- 1.43e-13] + [+/- 1.26e-13]j
[8.000000000000 +/- 1.47e-13] + [+/- 1.23e-13]j
[9.000000000000 +/- 1.47e-13] + [+/- 1.22e-13]j
[10.00000000000 +/- 1.50e-13] + [+/- 1.20e-13]j
[11.000000000000 +/- 1.43e-13] + [+/- 1.22e-13]j
>>> sum(acb.dft(acb.dft(range(1,10001)), inverse=True)).contains(50005000)

Digamma function \(\psi(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).digamma(), dps=25)
0.7145915153739775266568699 + 1.320807282642230228386088j

Dirichlet eta function \(\eta(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1).dirichlet_eta(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(0).dirichlet_eta(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(0.5+10000j).dirichlet_eta(), dps=25)
-0.08240476492345768707759740 - 0.4458305781469329610368705j

Exponential integral \(\operatorname{Ei}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(10).ei(), dps=25)
Complete elliptic integral of the second kind \(E(m)\).
>>> showgood(lambda: 2 * acb(0).elliptic_e(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(100+50j).elliptic_e(), dps=25)
2.537235535915583230880553 - 10.10997759792420947130321j
>>> showgood(lambda: (1 - acb("1e-100")).elliptic_e(), dps=25)
static elliptic_e_inc(phi, m, bool pi=False)

Incomplete elliptic integral \(E(\phi,m)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.elliptic_e_inc(2, 0.75), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb.elliptic_e_inc(2, 0.75, pi=True), dps=25)
static elliptic_f(phi, m, bool pi=False)

Incomplete elliptic integral \(F(\phi,m)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.elliptic_f(2, 0.75), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb.elliptic_f(2, 0.75, pi=True), dps=25)
elliptic_inv_p(self, tau)

Inverse Weierstrass elliptic function \(\sigma^{-1}(z, \tau)\) where z is given by self.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb("1/3","1/5").elliptic_p(1j).elliptic_inv_p(1j), dps=25)
0.3333333333333333333333333 + 0.2000000000000000000000000j

Returns the lattice invariants \(g_2, g_3\) given the lattice parameter \(\tau\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(0.5+1j).elliptic_invariants(), dps=25)
(72.64157667926127619414883, 536.6642788346023116199232)

Complete elliptic integral of the first kind \(K(m)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: 2 * acb(0).elliptic_k(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(100+50j).elliptic_k(), dps=25)
0.2052037361984861505113972 + 0.3158446040520529200980591j
>>> showgood(lambda: (1 - acb("1e-100")).elliptic_k(), dps=25)
elliptic_p(self, tau)

Weierstrass elliptic function \(\wp(z, \tau)\) where z is given by self.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb("1/3","1/5").elliptic_p(1j), dps=25)
3.686380646078879780287811 - 4.591498371497259422829963j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb("1/3","6/5").elliptic_p(1j), dps=25)
3.686380646078879780287811 - 4.591498371497259422829963j
static elliptic_pi(n, m)

Complete elliptic integral \(\Pi(n,m)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.elliptic_pi(0.25, 0.125), dps=25)
static elliptic_pi_inc(n, phi, m, bool pi=False)

Incomplete elliptic integral \(\Pi(n,\phi,m)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.elliptic_pi_inc(0.25, 0.5, 0.125), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb.elliptic_pi_inc(0.25, 0.5, 0.125, pi=True), dps=25)
static elliptic_rc(x, y)

Carlson incomplete elliptic integral \(R_C(x,y)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.elliptic_rc(1, 2+3j), dps=25)
0.5952169239306156198937085 - 0.2387981909090509407085918j
static elliptic_rd(x, y, z)

Carlson incomplete elliptic integral \(R_D(x,y,z)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.elliptic_rd(1, 2, 1+2j), dps=25)
0.2043722510302629773408686 - 0.3559745898273715996616328j
static elliptic_rf(x, y, z)

Carlson incomplete elliptic integral \(R_F(x,y,z)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.elliptic_rf(1, 2+3j, 3+4j), dps=25)
0.5577655465453921610327459 - 0.2202042457195556054465308j
static elliptic_rg(x, y, z)

Carlson incomplete elliptic integral \(R_G(x,y,z)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.elliptic_rg(1, 2, 1+2j), dps=25)
1.206557168056722980475052 + 0.2752176688707739710008275j
static elliptic_rj(x, y, z, p)

Carlson incomplete elliptic integral \(R_J(x,y,z,p)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.elliptic_rj(1, 2, 1+2j, 2+3j), dps=25)
0.1604659632144333057202530 - 0.2502751672723324201692394j

Returns the elliptic roots \(e_1, e_2, e_3\) given the lattice parameter \(\tau\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(0.5+1j).elliptic_roots(), dps=10)
(6.285388119, -3.142694059 + 3.386618325j, -3.142694059 - 3.386618325j)
elliptic_sigma(self, tau)

Weierstrass elliptic function \(\sigma(z, \tau)\) where z is given by self.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb("1/3","1/5").elliptic_sigma(1j), dps=25)
0.3396549497136886526515370 + 0.1970690762350931272896772j
elliptic_zeta(self, tau)

Weierstrass elliptic function \(\zeta(z, \tau)\) where z is given by self.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb("1/3","1/5").elliptic_zeta(1j), dps=25)
2.219680339508418716159086 - 1.504947925755241700681002j

Error function \(\operatorname{erf}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2+3j).erf() - 1, dps=25)
-21.82946142761456838910309 + 8.687318271470163144428079j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb("77.7").erf() - 1, dps=25, maxdps=10000)

Complementary error function \(\operatorname{erfc}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb("77.7").erfc(), dps=25)

Imaginary error function \(\operatorname{erfi}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(10).erfi(), dps=25)

Exponential function \(\exp(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).exp(), dps=25)
-1.131204383756813638431255 + 2.471726672004818927616931j

Exponential function of modified argument \(\exp(\pi i s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).exp_pi_i(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1.5,2.5).exp_pi_i(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1.25,2.25).exp_pi_i(), dps=25)
-0.0006020578259597635239581705 - 0.0006020578259597635239581705j
expint(self, s)

Generalized exponential integral \(E_s(z)\). The argument z is given by self and the order s is passed as an extra parameter.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2+3j).expint(1+2j), dps=25)
-0.01442661495527080336037156 + 0.01942348372986687164972794j

Exponential function \(\exp(s)-1\), computed accurately for small s.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb("1e-10000").expm1(), dps=25)
fresnel_c(s, bool normalized=True)

Fresnel cosine integral \(C(s)\), optionally not normalized.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(3).fresnel_c(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(3).fresnel_c(normalized=False), dps=25)
fresnel_s(s, bool normalized=True)

Fresnel sine integral \(S(s)\), optionally not normalized.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(3).fresnel_s(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(3).fresnel_s(normalized=False), dps=25)

Gamma function \(\Gamma(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).gamma(), dps=25)
0.1519040026700361374481610 + 0.01980488016185498197191013j
gamma_lower(self, s, int regularized=0)

Lower incomplete gamma function \(\gamma(s,z)\). The argument z is given by self and the order s is passed as an extra parameter. Optionally the regularized versions \(P(s,z)\) and \(\gamma^{*}(s,z) = z^{-s} P(s,z)\) can be computed.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2+3j).gamma_lower(2.5), dps=25)
1.646077010134876664349297 + 1.140585862703100904414519j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2+3j).gamma_lower(2.5, regularized=1), dps=25)
1.238266003780709160156983 + 0.8580088838385611055576971j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2+3j).gamma_lower(2.5, regularized=2), dps=25)
-0.01687942194354244633506487 - 0.05864800341005793099108467j
gamma_upper(self, s, int regularized=0)

Upper incomplete gamma function \(\Gamma(s,z)\). The argument z is given by self and the order s is passed as an extra parameter. Optionally the regularized version \(Q(s,z)\) can be computed.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2+3j).gamma_upper(1+2j), dps=25)
0.02614303924198793235765248 - 0.0007536537278463329391666679j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2+3j).gamma_upper(1+2j, regularized=True), dps=25)
0.1685897763996036749499208 - 0.02694171301624093921683609j
gegenbauer_c(s, n, m)

Gegenbauer function \(C_n^{m}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(1)/3).gegenbauer_c(5, 0.25), dps=25)
hermite_h(s, n)

Hermite function \(H_n(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(1)/3).hermite_h(5), dps=25)
hypgeom(self, a, b, bool regularized=False, long n=-1)

Generalized hypergeometric function \({}_pF_q(a;b;z)\). The argument z is given by self and a and b are additional lists of complex numbers defining the parameters. Optionally the regularized hypergeometric function can be computed.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.pi().hypgeom([1+1j, 2-2j], [3, fmpq(1,3)]), dps=25)  # 2F2
144.9760711583421645394627 - 51.06535684838559608699106j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb.pi().hypgeom([1+1j, 2-2j], [3, fmpq(1,3)], regularized=True), dps=25)
27.05849150326959272369764 - 9.530893707861133993129862j

The optional parameter n, if nonnegative, controls the number of terms to add in the hypergeometric series. This is just a tuning parameter: a rigorous error bound is computed regardless of n.

hypgeom_0f1(self, a, bool regularized=False)

Hypergeometric function \({}_0F_1(a,z)\) where the argument z is given by self Optionally the regularized version of this function can be computed.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(-5).hypgeom_0f1(2.5), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(-5).hypgeom_0f1(2.5, regularized=True), dps=25)
hypgeom_1f1(self, a, b, bool regularized=False)

Kummer’s confluent hypergeometric function \({}_1F_1(a,b,z)\) where z is given by self.. Optionally, computes the regularized version.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(40000+50000j).hypgeom_1f1(2+3j, 3+4j), dps=25)
3.730925582634533963357515e+17366 + 3.199717318207534638202987e+17367j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(40000+50000j).hypgeom_1f1(2+3j, 3+4j) / acb(3+4j).gamma(), dps=25)
-1.846160890579724375436801e+17368 + 2.721369772032882467996588e+17367j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(10).hypgeom_1f1(5, -3, regularized=True), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(10).hypgeom_1f1(-5,-6), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(10).hypgeom_1f1(-5,-5,regularized=True), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(10).hypgeom_1f1(-5,-6,regularized=True), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(10).hypgeom_1f1(-5,-4,regularized=True), dps=25)
hypgeom_2f1(self, a, b, c, bool regularized=False, bool ab=False, bool ac=False, bc=False, abc=False)

The hypergeometric function \({}_2F_1(a,b,c,z)\) where the argument z is given by self Optionally the regularized version of this function can be computed.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(5).hypgeom_2f1(1,2,3), dps=25)
-0.5109035488895912495067571 - 0.2513274122871834590770115j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(5).hypgeom_2f1(1,2,3,regularized=True), dps=25)
-0.2554517744447956247533786 - 0.1256637061435917295385057j

The flags ab, ac, bc, abc can be used to specify whether the parameter differences \(a-b\), \(a-c\), \(b-c\) and \(a+b-c\) represent exact integers, even if the input intervals are inexact. If the parameters are exact, these flags are not needed.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb("11/10").hypgeom_2f1(arb(2).sqrt(), 0.5, arb(2).sqrt()+1.5, abc=True), dps=25)
1.801782659480054173351004 - 0.3114019850045849100659641j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb("11/10").hypgeom_2f1(arb(2).sqrt(), 0.5, arb(2).sqrt()+1.5), dps=25)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: no convergence (maxprec=960, try higher maxprec)
hypgeom_u(self, a, b, long n=-1, bool asymp=False)

Tricomi’s confluent hypergeometric function \(U(a,b,z)\) where z is given by self.

If asymp is set to True the asymptotic series is forced. If \(|z|\) is small, the attainable accuracy is then limited. The optional parameter n, if nonnegative, controls the number of terms to add in the asymptotic series. This is just a tuning parameter: a rigorous error bound is computed regardless of n.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(400+500j).hypgeom_u(1+1j, 2+3j), dps=25)
0.001836433961463105354717547 - 0.003358699641979853540147122j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(-30).hypgeom_u(1+1j, 2+3j), dps=25)
0.7808944974399200669072087 - 0.2674783064947089569672470j
>>> print(acb(-30).hypgeom_u(1+1j, 2+3j, n=0, asymp=True))
[+/- 3.41] + [+/- 3.41]j
>>> print(acb(-30).hypgeom_u(1+1j, 2+3j, n=30, asymp=True))
[0.7808944974 +/- 7.46e-11] + [-0.2674783065 +/- 3.31e-11]j
>>> print(acb(-30).hypgeom_u(1+1j, 2+3j, n=60, asymp=True))
[0.78089 +/- 8.14e-6] + [-0.26748 +/- 5.34e-6]j
static integral(func, a, b, params=None, rel_tol=None, abs_tol=None, deg_limit=None, eval_limit=None, depth_limit=None, use_heap=None, verbose=None)

Computes the integral \(\int_a^b f(x) dx\) where the integrand f is defined by func.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.integral(lambda x, _: x.sin(), 0, arb.pi()), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb.integral(lambda x, _: (x + x.sin()).gamma(), 1, 1+1j), dps=25)
-0.2732681890680958866139676 + 0.7064496061603478580993410j

The function func takes two parameters as input: the argument x and a boolean flag analytic. If analytic is False, func should return \(f(x)\), and in this case there are no restrictions on f; for instance, the integrand can be discontinuous on x. If analytic is True, func must verify that f is analytic on x, and if not, return a non-finite ball instead of \(f(x)\).

The analytic flag can be ignored for meromorphic functions, because evaluation at poles automatically leads to non-finite balls. However, it must be checked for functions that are non-analytic in some regions (for instance, functions with branch cuts such as \(\sqrt{x}\) and \(\log(x)\)), even if the integration path does not touch any non-analytic points. Some methods have an analytic option built-in, so the user simply has to forward this flag:

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.integral(lambda x, _: x.sqrt(), 1, 4), dps=25)  # WRONG!!!
>>> showgood(lambda: acb.integral(lambda x, a: x.sqrt(analytic=a), 1, 4), dps=25)  # correct

The following works without handling the analytic flag, because the integrand is meromorphic:

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.integral(lambda x, _: x.sech(), -1000, 1000), dps=25)

The options rel_tol and abs_tol specify the relative and absolute tolerance goal for the integration. Both default to \(2^{-p}\) where p is the current precision.

The options deg_limit, eval_limit, depth_limit and use_heap allow control over the amount of work done before aborting; see the documentation for acb_calc_integrate for details.

jacobi_p(s, n, a, b)

Jacobi polynomial (or Jacobi function) \(P_n^{a,b}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(1)/3).jacobi_p(5, 0.25, 0.5), dps=25)
laguerre_l(s, n, m=0)

Laguerre function \(L_n^{m}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(1)/3).laguerre_l(5, 0.25), dps=25)
lambertw(s, branch=0, bool left=False, bool middle=False)

Lambert W function, \(W_k(s)\) where k is given by branch.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1).lambertw(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1).lambertw(-1), dps=25)
-1.533913319793574507919741 - 4.375185153061898385470907j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1).lambertw(-2), dps=25)
-2.401585104868002884174140 - 10.77629951611507089849710j

The branch cuts follow Corless et al. by default. This function allows selecting alternative branch cuts in order to support continuous analytic continuation on complex intervals.

If left is set, computes \(W_{\mathrm{left}|k}(z)\) which corresponds to \(W_k(z)\) in the upper half plane and \(W_{k+1}(z)\) in the lower half plane, connected continuously to the left of the branch points. In other words, the branch cut on \((-\infty,0)\) is rotated counterclockwise to \((0,+\infty)\). (For \(k = -1\) and \(k = 0\), there is also a branch cut on \((-1/e,0)\), continuous from below instead of from above to maintain counterclockwise continuity.)

If middle is set, computes \(W_{\mathrm{middle}}(z)\) which corresponds to \(W_{-1}(z)\) in the upper half plane and \(W_{1}(z)\) in the lower half plane, connected continuously through \((-1/e,0)\) with branch cuts on \((-\infty,-1/e)\) and \((0,+\infty)\). \(W_{\mathrm{middle}}(z)\) extends the real analytic function \(W_{-1}(x)\) defined on \((-1/e,0)\) to a complex analytic function, whereas the standard branch \(W_{-1}(z)\) has a branch cut along the real segment.

>>> acb(-5,"+/- 1e-20").lambertw()
[0.844844605432170 +/- 6.18e-16] + [+/- 1.98]j
>>> acb(-5,"+/- 1e-20").lambertw(left=True)
[0.844844605432170 +/- 7.85e-16] + [1.97500875488903 +/- 4.05e-15]j
>>> acb(-5,"+/- 1e-20").lambertw(-1, left=True)
[0.844844605432170 +/- 7.85e-16] + [-1.97500875488903 +/- 4.05e-15]j
>>> acb(-0.25,"+/- 1e-20").lambertw(middle=True)
[-2.15329236411035 +/- 1.48e-15] + [+/- 4.87e-16]j
legendre_p(s, n, m=0, int type=2)

Legendre function of the first kind \(P_n^m(z)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(1)/3).legendre_p(5), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(1)/3).legendre_p(5, 1.5), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(3)).legendre_p(5, 1.5, type=2), dps=25)
-12091.31397811720689120900 - 12091.31397811720689120900j
>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(3)).legendre_p(5, 1.5, type=3), dps=25)

The optional parameter type can be 2 or 3, and selects between two different branch cut conventions (see Mathematica and mpmath).

legendre_q(s, n, m=0, int type=2)

Legendre function of the second kind \(Q_n^m(z)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(1)/3).legendre_q(5), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(1)/3).legendre_q(5, 1.5), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(3)).legendre_q(5, 1.5, type=2), dps=25)
-18992.99179585607569083751 + 18992.99179585607569083751j
>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(3)).legendre_q(5, 1.5, type=3), dps=25)

The optional parameter type can be 2 or 3, and selects between two different branch cut conventions (see Mathematica and mpmath).


Logarithmic gamma function \(\log \Gamma(s)\). The function is defined to be continuous away from the negative half-axis and thus differs from \(\log(\Gamma(s))\) in general.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).lgamma(), dps=25)
-1.876078786430929341229996 + 0.1296463163097883113837075j
>>> showgood(lambda: (acb(0,10).lgamma() - acb(0,10).gamma().log()).imag / arb.pi(), dps=25)
li(s, bool offset=False)

Logarithmic integral \(\operatorname{li}(s)\), optionally the offset logarithmic integral \(\operatorname{Li}(s) = \operatorname{li}(s) - \operatorname{li}(2)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(10).li(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(10).li(offset=True), dps=25)
log(s, bool analytic=False)

Natural logarithm \(\log(s)\). The analytic flag allows verifying that the branch cut is not touched; this is useful for numerical integration.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).log(), dps=25)
0.8047189562170501873003797 + 1.107148717794090503017065j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(-5).log(), dps=25)
1.609437912434100374600759 + 3.141592653589793238462643j

Computes \(\log(1+s)\), accurately for small s.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).log1p(), dps=25)
1.039720770839917964125848 + 0.7853981633974483096156608j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(0,"1e-100000000000000000").log1p(), dps=25)
5.000000000000000000000000e-200000000000000001 + 1.000000000000000000000000e-100000000000000000j

Logarithmic Barnes G-function \(\log G(s)\). Like the logarithmic gamma function, continuous analytic continuation is implied.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2+3j).log_barnes_g(), dps=25)
-1.694395396880976849503750 - 3.389316783507118550918827j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2+3j).barnes_g().log(), dps=25)
-1.694395396880976849503750 + 2.893868523672467926006460j

Logarithmic sine function with analytic continuation defined to be consistent with the functional equation of the log gamma function.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(5+2j).log_sin_pi(), dps=25)
5.590034639271204166020651 - 14.13716694115406957308190j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(5+2j).sin_pi().log(), dps=25)
5.590034639271204166020651 - 1.570796326794896619231322j

Returns an exact acb representing the midpoint of self:

>>> acb("1 +/- 0.3", "2 +/- 0.4").mid()
1.00000000000000 + 2.00000000000000j

Modular discriminant \(\Delta(\tau)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(0.25+5j).modular_delta(), dps=25)
1.237896015010281684100435e-26 + 2.271101068324093838679275e-14j

Dedekind eta function \(\eta(\tau)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1+1j).modular_eta(), dps=25)
0.7420487758365647263392722 + 0.1988313702299107190516142j

Modular j-invariant \(j(\tau)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: (1 + acb(-163).sqrt()/2).modular_j(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(3.25+100j).modular_j() - 744, dps=25, maxdps=2000)
-3.817428033843319485125773e-539 - 7.503618895582604309279721e+272j

Modular lambda function \(\lambda(\tau)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(0.25+5j).modular_lambda(), dps=25)
1.704995415668039343330405e-6 + 1.704992508662079437786598e-6j
modular_theta(z, tau)

Computes the Jacobi theta functions \(\theta_1(z,\tau)\), \(\theta_2(z,\tau)\), \(\theta_3(z,\tau)\), \(\theta_4(z,\tau)\), returning all four values as a tuple. We define the theta functions with a factor \(\pi\) for z included; for example \(\theta_3(z,\tau) = 1 + 2 \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} q^{n^2} \cos(2n\pi z)\).

>>> for i in range(4):
...     showgood(lambda: acb(1+1j).modular_theta(1.25+3j)[i], dps=25)
1.820235910124989594900076 - 1.216251950154477951760042j
-1.220790267576967690128359 - 1.827055516791154669091679j
0.9694430387796704100046143 - 0.03055696120816803328582847j
1.030556961196006476576271 + 0.03055696120816803328582847j
overlaps(self, other)
static pi()

Returns tthe constant \(\pi\) as an acb.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.pi(), dps=25)
polygamma(self, s)

Polygamma function \(\psi_s(z)\) where z is given by self.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2+3j).polygamma(2), dps=25)
0.05267618908093586035755719 + 0.07303622933440580692454450j
polylog(self, s)

Computes the polylogarithm \(\operatorname{Li}_s(z)\) where the argument z is given by self and the order s is given as an extra parameter.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(3).polylog(2), dps=25)
2.320180423313098396406194 - 3.451392295223202661433821j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).polylog(1+2j), dps=25)
-6.854984251829306907116775 + 7.375884252099214498443165j
pow(s, t, bool analytic=False)

Power \(s^t\). The analytic flag allows verifying that the branch cut is not touched; this is useful for numerical integration.

>>> acb.integral(lambda z, a: z.pow(acb("1/3")), -5-1j, -5+1j)  # WRONG!!!
[+/- 5.03e-15] + [1.81137435753228 +/- 7.32e-15]j
>>> acb.integral(lambda z, a: z.pow(acb("1/3"), analytic=a), -5-1j, -5+1j)
[+/- 2.66e-14] + [1.8108516218463 +/- 3.58e-14]j

Returns an upper bound for the radius (magnitude of error) of self as an arb.

>>> print(acb("1 +/- 0.3", "2 +/- 0.4").rad().str(5, radius=False))
real_abs(s, bool analytic=False)

Absolute value of a real variable, extended to a piecewise complex analytic function. This function is useful for integration.

>>> f = lambda z, a: (z**3).real_abs(analytic=a)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb.integral(f, -1, 1), dps=25)
real_ceil(s, bool analytic=False)

Ceiling function of a real variable, extended to a piecewise complex analytic function. This function is useful for integration.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.integral(lambda x, a: x.real_ceil(analytic=a), 0, 100), dps=15)
real_floor(s, bool analytic=False)

Floor function of a real variable, extended to a piecewise complex analytic function. This function is useful for integration.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.integral(lambda x, a: x.real_floor(analytic=a), 0, 100), dps=15)
real_heaviside(s, bool analytic=False)

Heaviside step function of a real variable, extended to a piecewise complex analytic function. This function is useful for integration.

>>> acb(-5+2j).real_heaviside(analytic=True)
>>> acb(5+2j).real_heaviside(analytic=True)
>>> acb(0).real_heaviside(analytic=True)
nan + nanj
>>> acb(0).real_heaviside()
real_max(s, t, bool analytic=False)

Maximum value of two real variables, extended to a piecewise complex analytic function. This function is useful for integration.

>>> f = lambda x, a: x.sin().real_max(x.cos(), analytic=a)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb.integral(f, 0, acb.pi()))
real_min(s, t, bool analytic=False)

Minimum value of two real variables, extended to a piecewise complex analytic function. This function is useful for integration.

>>> f = lambda x, a: x.sin().real_min(x.cos(), analytic=a)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb.integral(f, 0, acb.pi()))
real_sgn(s, bool analytic=False)

Sign function of a real variable, extended to a piecewise complex analytic function. This function is useful for integration.

>>> acb(-5+2j).real_sgn()
>>> acb(0).real_sgn()
>>> acb(0).real_sgn(analytic=True)
nan + nanj
real_sqrt(s, bool analytic=False)

Square root of a real variable assumed to be nonnegative, extended to a piecewise complex analytic function. This function is useful for integration.

>>> acb.integral(lambda x, a: x.sqrt(analytic=a), 0, 1)
[0.6666666666667 +/- 4.19e-14] + [+/- 1.12e-16]j
>>> acb.integral(lambda x, a: x.real_sqrt(analytic=a), 0, 1)
[0.6666666666667 +/- 4.19e-14]

Reciprocal gamma function \(1/\Gamma(s)\), avoiding division by zero at the poles of the gamma function.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).rgamma(), dps=25)
6.473073626019134501563613 - 0.8439438407732021454882999j
>>> print(acb(0).rgamma())
>>> print(acb(-1).rgamma())
rising(s, n)

Rising factorial \((s)_n\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).rising(5), dps=25)
-540.0000000000000000000000 - 100.0000000000000000000000j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).rising(2+3j), dps=25)
0.3898076751098812033498554 - 0.01296289149274537721607465j
rising2(s, ulong n)

Computes the rising factorial \((s)_n\) where n is an unsigned integer, along with the first derivative with respect to \((s)_n\). The current implementation does not use the gamma function, so n should be moderate.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).rising2(5), dps=25)
(-540.0000000000000000000000 - 100.0000000000000000000000j, -666.0000000000000000000000 + 420.0000000000000000000000j)
root(s, ulong n)

Principal n-th root of s.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(-1).root(3), dps=25)
0.5000000000000000000000000 + 0.8660254037844386467637232j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(10,11).root(3), dps=25)
2.364674532267765964410078 + 0.6739866114818132500777466j
rsqrt(s, bool analytic=False)

Reciprocal square root \(1/\sqrt{s}\). The analytic flag allows verifying that the branch cut is not touched; this is useful for numerical integration.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).rsqrt(), dps=25)
0.5688644810057831072783079 - 0.3515775842541429284870573j

Secant function \(\sec(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).sec(), dps=25)
-0.04167496441114427004834991 + 0.09061113719623759652966120j

Hyperbolic secant function \(\operatorname{sech}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).sech(), dps=25)
-0.2635129751583893096436042 - 0.03621163655876852087145690j

Complex sign function.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(-1).sgn(), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(5,5).sgn(), dps=25)
0.7071067811865475244008444 + 0.7071067811865475244008444j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(0).sgn(), dps=25)

Hyperbolic sine integral \(\operatorname{Shi}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(10).shi(), dps=25)

Sine integral \(\operatorname{Si}(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(10).si(), dps=25)

Sine function \(\sin(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).sin(), dps=25)
3.165778513216168146740735 + 1.959601041421605897070352j

Computes \(\sin(s)\) and \(\cos(s)\) simultaneously.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).sin_cos(), dps=15)
(3.16577851321617 + 1.95960104142161j, 2.03272300701967 - 3.05189779915180j)

Computes \(\sin(\pi s)\) and \(\cos(\pi s)\) simultaneously.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).sin_cos_pi(), dps=25)
(-267.7448940410165142571174j, -267.7467614837482222459319)

Sine function \(\sin(\pi s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).sin_pi(), dps=25)

Sinc function, \(\operatorname{sinc}(x) = \sin(x)/x\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).sinc(), dps=25)
0.4463290318402435457438585 - 2.753947027743647493993194j

Normalized sinc function, \(\operatorname{sinc}(\pi x) = \sin(\pi x)/(\pi x)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).sinc_pi(), dps=25)
455.1212281938610260024088 + 303.4141521292406840016059j

Hyperbolic sine function \(\sinh(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).sinh(), dps=25)
-3.590564589985779952012565 + 0.5309210862485198052670401j

Computes \(\sinh(s)\) and \(\cosh(s)\) simultaneously.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).sinh_cosh(), dps=15)
(-0.489056259041294 + 1.40311925062204j, -0.642148124715520 + 1.06860742138278j)
static spherical_y(long n, long m, theta, phi)

Spherical harmonic \(Y_n^m(\theta, \phi)\). The present implementation only supports integer n and m.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.spherical_y(5, 3, 0.25, 0.75), dps=25)
0.02451377199072374024317003 - 0.03036343496553117039110087j
sqrt(s, bool analytic=False)

Square root \(\sqrt{s}\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).sqrt(), dps=25)
1.272019649514068964252422 + 0.7861513777574232860695586j

The analytic flag allows verifying that the branch cut is not touched; this is useful for numerical integration.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.integral(lambda z, a: z.sqrt(), 0, 1).real, dps=25)  # WRONG!!!
>>> showgood(lambda: acb.integral(lambda z, a: z.sqrt(analytic=a), 0, 1).real, dps=25)
static stieltjes(n, a=1)

Generalized Stieltjes constant \(\gamma_n(a)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb.stieltjes(1), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb.stieltjes(10**10), dps=25)
>>> showgood(lambda: acb.stieltjes(1000, 2+3j), dps=25)
-1.206122870741999199264747e+494 - 1.389205283963836265123849e+494j
str(self, *args, **kwargs)

Tangent function \(\tan(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).tan(), dps=25)
0.03381282607989669028437056 + 1.014793616146633568117054j

Tangent function \(\tan(\pi s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).tan_pi(), dps=25)

Hyperbolic tangent function \(\tanh(s)\).

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(2,3).tanh(), dps=25)
0.9653858790221331242784803 - 0.009884375038322493720314034j

If self represents exactly one integer, returns this value as an fmpz; otherwise returns None.

>>> acb("5 +/- 0.1").unique_fmpz()
>>> acb("5 +/- 0.9", "10 +/- 11").unique_fmpz()
>>> acb("5 +/- 0.9", 11).unique_fmpz()
>>> acb("5.1 +/- 0.9").unique_fmpz()
zeta(s, a=None)

Riemann zeta function \(\zeta(s)\), or the Hurwitz zeta function \(\zeta(s,a)\) if a second parameter is passed.

>>> showgood(lambda: acb(0.5,1000).zeta(), dps=25)
0.3563343671943960550744025 + 0.9319978312329936651150604j
>>> showgood(lambda: acb(1,2).zeta(acb(2,3)), dps=25)
-2.953059572088556722876240 + 3.410962524512050603254574j