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Arb 2.4.0
November 15, 2014
I've tagged Arb version 2.4.0. Major new features include: modular forms, theta functions and elliptic functions, hypergeometric functions. Check out the Arb documentation for the fine details. I've also made further optimizations to elementary functions (see the preprint).
Here is a copy of the changelog from the documentation:
- arithmetic and core functions
- made evaluation of sin, cos and exp at medium precision faster using the sqrt trick
- optimized arb_sinh and arb_sinh_cosh
- optimized complex division with a small denominator
- optimized cubing of complex numbers
- added floor and ceil functions for the arf and arb types
- added acb_poly powering functions
- added acb_exp_pi_i
- added functions for evaluation of Chebyshev polynomials
- fixed arb_div to output nan for input containing nan
- added a module acb_hypgeom for hypergeometric functions
- evaluation of the generalized hypergeometric function in convergent cases
- evaluation of confluent hypergeometric functions using asymptotic expansions
- the Bessel function of the first kind for complex input
- the error function for complex input
- added a module acb_modular for modular forms and elliptic functions
- support for working with modular transformations
- mapping a point to the fundamental domain
- evaluation of Jacobi theta functions and their series expansions
- the Dedekind eta function
- the j-invariant and the modular lambda and delta function
- Eisenstein series
- the Weierstrass elliptic function and its series expansion
- miscellaneous
- fixed mag_print printing a too large exponent
- fixed printd methods to use a fallback instead of aborting when printing numbers too large for MPFR
- added version number string (arb_version)
- various additions to the documentation |
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