/ blog ( RSS feed)
Fredrik Johansson's blog
- 2025-02-20: Palaiseau FLINT workshop report
- 2024-10-17: Further optimizing bigfloat matrix multiplication
- 2024-06-10: Complex floats and some big root-finding speedups
- 2024-05-19: Faster, vector-friendly bigfloats in FLINT
- 2024-04-18: Faster crypto-sized residue ring arithmetic in FLINT
- 2024-04-04: Bordeaux FLINT workshop report
- 2024-02-25: What's new in FLINT 3.1
- 2023-11-15: The reciprocal Fibonacci constant
- 2023-10-16: Kaiserslautern FLINT meeting report
- 2023-04-14: FLINT furnished with faster FFT
- 2022-07-19: Generics in FLINT
- 2022-06-29: Arb 2.23 released
- 2022-05-29: Multithreaded elementary functions
- 2022-05-19: Parallelizing Arb for fun and profit
- 2022-04-20: Things I would like to see in a computer algebra system
- 2022-04-05: Arb is 10
- 2022-02-28: Long-term development of some mathematical software projects
- 2022-02-18: Computing the Lerch transcendent
- 2022-01-20: A series complexity problem
- 2021-12-12: Computing special functions using numerical integration
- 2021-12-02: Optimizing erf in arbitrary precision
- 2021-11-23: Computing classical combinatorial numbers
- 2021-09-25: Floating-point wrappers in Arb
- 2021-06-22: Citing papers in software
- 2021-06-03: Bringing Calcium to Julia
- 2021-05-13: Calcium development update
- 2021-03-24: Printing algebraic numbers
- 2021-02-24: Computing with metavalues
- 2021-01-31: The symbolic formula language in Calcium and Fungrim
- 2021-01-28: Developing mathematical software in C
- 2021-01-25: Infinity in Calcium and Fungrim
- 2021-01-15: Flat-packed symbolic expressions
- 2020-11-10: Exact matrix functions in Calcium
- 2020-09-14: Benchmarking exact DFT computation
- 2020-09-08: Calcium 0.1
- 2020-01-31: Grim symbolic computation
- 2019-10-16: Arb 2.17 released
- 2019-09-25: Fungrim ♥ OEIS
- 2019-09-21: What is the most common real number?
- 2019-07-08: New logos: Fungrim, FLINT, mpmath
- 2019-05-31: A grimoire of functions
- 2018-12-02: Eigenvalues in Arb
- 2018-11-01: Announcing Python-FLINT 0.2
- 2018-09-18: Accelerated arithmetic in Arb 2.15
- 2018-07-31: High-precision linear algebra in Julia: BigFloat vs Arb
- 2018-07-22: Arb 2.14 released
- 2018-07-12: Interesting interference integrals
- 2018-07-03: The Arb matrix revolutions
- 2018-06-29: The Arb matrix reloaded
- 2018-04-06: New color functions
- 2018-02-28: Arb 2.13.0 released, and more on integration
- 2017-11-29: Arb 2.12 released
- 2017-11-23: New rigorous numerical integration in Arb
- 2017-10-02: mpmath 1.0, and a ten-year retrospective
- 2017-09-06: Faster exp, sin and cos at high precision
- 2017-07-10: Arb 2.11 is available
- 2017-02-27: Arb 2.10.0 released
- 2016-12-02: Arb 2.9.0 released
- 2016-11-17: Dirichlet L-functions in Arb
- 2016-10-25: The Riemann-Siegel formula in Arb
- 2016-08-26: Additional results
- 2016-03-16: Taking the error out of the error function
- 2016-03-12: Phaseful plots
- 2015-12-29: Arb 2.8.0 released
- 2015-11-20: Airy in the library
- 2015-10-19: The 2F1 bites the dust
- 2015-09-25: Finding Nemo
- 2015-08-06: Computing Bell numbers
- 2015-07-14: What's new in Arb 2.7.0
- 2015-07-11: Tio taktlösa trubadurer (tretton timmar till Tunis)
- 2015-01-28: Arb 2.5.0 released
- 2015-01-07: Arb and FLINT in Python
- 2014-12-07: Faster high-precision arctangents
- 2014-11-15: Arb 2.4.0
- 2014-11-09: Hypergeometric functions in Arb
- 2014-10-21: Theta functions and elliptic functions in Arb
- 2014-10-08: Modular forms in Arb
- 2014-10-03: Wrapping up FLINT's Summer of Code 2014
- 2014-09-25: Arb 2.3.0 with faster elementary functions
- 2014-08-12: Thirty times faster arctangents
- 2014-06-25: Easy hypergeometric series at unity
- 2014-06-20: Arb 2.1 released
- 2014-05-27: Arb 2.0 available
- 2014-05-11: Arb 2.0 preview: intervals at the speed of points
- 2014-05-03: Arb 1.1 released, 2.0 right around the corner
- 2014-04-17: Embettered polynomial multiplication
- 2014-03-02: New partition function record: p(1020) computed
- 2014-02-28: Blog simplified
- 2013-12-22: FLINT 2.4 and Arb 1.0
- 2013-10-25: Tradeoffs in ball arithmetic
- 2013-10-03: Rigorous numerical integration
- 2013-09-26: Arb example programs, rigorous calculus
- 2013-08-24: Parallelism and scaling
- 2013-08-07: Arb 0.7: getting serious with power series
- 2013-08-04: More digits of zetazero(1)
- 2013-07-29: Computing 100,000 digits of zetazero(1)
- 2013-07-11: Numerical power series reversion
- 2013-04-02: Numerically stable fast polynomial arithmetic
- 2013-03-28: Testing Li’s criterion
- 2013-03-28: Arb 0.5
- 2013-03-26: Coping with a big argument
- 2013-03-21: Machin-like formulas for logarithms
- 2013-02-27: An even speedier gamma function
- 2013-02-26: Precise computation of roots of unity
- 2013-02-20: Timings for the complex gamma function in Arb
- 2013-01-26: Arb 0.4
- 2012-11-07: Arb 0.3, with complex numbers
- 2012-10-08: Automatic hypergeometric series
- 2012-09-29: Ball linear algebra
- 2012-09-24: Sometimes faster is worse
- 2012-09-19: Implementing log-gamma using the Stirling series
- 2012-09-17: Karatsuba’s algorithm for the gamma function
- 2012-09-06: Code rewrite, and Fibonacci numbers
- 2012-07-02: What’s new in FLINT 2.3
- 2012-05-16: Experiments with low-level ball arithmetic
- 2012-05-02: Logarithms as well
- 2012-04-30: Revisiting transcendental functions
- 2012-04-19: Algorithm selection for zeta(n)
- 2012-04-05: High-precision ball arithmetic
- 2012-03-31: Partitions into the quintillions
- 2012-03-19: Factorials mod n and Wilson’s theorem
- 2012-01-26: Blog moved
- 2011-06-08: Some FLINT 2.2 highlights
- 2011-03-14: 100 mpmath one-liners for pi
- 2011-03-11: A FLINT example: Lambert W function power series
- 2010-09-24: Announcing mpmath 0.16
- 2010-09-22: Again, mpmath in Sage is about to get faster
- 2010-09-05: Fast combinatorial and number-theoretic functions with FLINT 2
- 2010-07-28: Euler-Maclaurin summation of hypergeometric series
- 2010-07-27: Post Sage Days 24 report
- 2010-07-10: Sage Days 23, and Bessel function zeros
- 2010-07-02: Symbolic infinite series
- 2010-06-21: Incomplete elliptic integrals complete
- 2010-06-15: Assorted special functions update
- 2010-06-06: Announcing mpmath 0.15
- 2010-03-17: Hypergeneralization
- 2010-03-12: Computing large zeta zeros with mpmath
- 2010-03-11: Speedups of elementary functions
- 2010-02-12: Numerical multidimensional infinite series
- 2010-02-11: A new gamma function implementation
- 2010-02-05: Mpmath 0.14 released
- 2010-02-01: mpmath in Sage to become 3x faster
- 2010-01-27: Using Sage numbers in mpmath
- 2010-01-19: Zeta evaluation with the Riemann-Siegel expansion
- 2010-01-13: YAMDU (yet another mpmath development update)
- 2010-01-07: Accurate hypergeometric functions for large parameters
- 2009-12-22: Analytic continuation of 3F2, 4F3 and higher functions
- 2009-09-10: Python floats and other unusual things spotted in mpmath
- 2009-08-13: Released: mpmath 0.13
- 2009-08-11: Torture testing special functions
- 2009-08-09: 3D visualization of complex functions with matplotlib
- 2009-08-04: Coulomb wave functions and orthogonal polynomials
- 2009-07-14: Hurwitz zeta function, Dirichlet L-series, Appell F1
- 2009-07-12: Another Mathematica bug
- 2009-07-10: Improved incomplete gamma and exponential integrals; Clausen functions
- 2009-06-29: Meijer G, more hypergeometric functions, fractional differentiation
- 2009-06-19: Massive hypergeometric update
- 2009-06-11: Hypergeometric 2F1, incomplete beta, exponential integrals
- 2009-06-09: Mpmath 0.12 released
- 2009-06-06: Cython mpmath performance, part 2
- 2009-05-27: Cython mpmath performance
- 2009-05-22: Report from Sage Days 15
- 2009-03-04: Computing (generalized) Bell numbers
- 2009-02-21: How (not) to compute harmonic numbers
- 2009-02-19: Python 3.1 twice as fast as 3.0
- 2009-02-17: Approximate prime counting
- 2009-02-04: Galerkin’s method in SymPy
- 2009-02-04: Fun with zeta functions
- 2009-01-24: Mpmath 0.11 released
- 2009-01-15: Jacobi theta function fractals
- 2008-11-23: A spiralling little tune
- 2008-10-15: ANN: mpmath 0.10
- 2008-10-04: Mpmath’s first birthday
- 2008-09-25: Fun with the digamma function
- 2008-08-07: Wrapping it up
- 2008-07-27: Division: the sequel (with bonus material)
- 2008-07-08: Making division in Python faster
- 2008-07-07: Hypergeometric series with SymPy
- 2008-07-03: Faster pi, more integrals and complex numbers