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Bordeaux FLINT workshop report

April 4, 2024

The fourth official FLINT workshop took place two weeks ago at LaBRI at the University of Bordeaux. The turnout was similar to last time, with 14 on-site participants and a couple of people working remotely, some discussions taking place on Zulip chat.


What did we accomplish? In total, 15 issues and 31 pull requests (25 closed) have been tagged "workshop 2024". There was less commit activity than in Kaiserslautern, but for good reason: there was no big 3.0 release to fix a million little issues for this time (FLINT 3.1 was strategically released a couple of weeks before this workshop). A couple of major features were developed but have not yet been merged.

I'll try to make a very brief overview of the most important developments:


I'd like to thank the following people and entities who ensured that the workshop ran very smoothly:

It was fun to meet everyone again (plus a couple of new faces)! We will try to organize another workshop later this year. Anyone who has preferences for dates and locations (two options discussed so far are Paris and Bristol) should get in touch.  |  Blog index  |  RSS feed  |  Follow me on Mastodon  |  Become a sponsor