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New partition function record: p(1020) computed

March 2, 2014

The partition function p(n) counts the number of partitions of n, i.e. the number of ways n can be written as a sum of positive integers when disregarding the order of the terms. For example, 4 has the five distinct partitions 4, 3+1, 2+2, 2+1+1, 1+1+1+1, so p(4) = 5. This week, I set a new record by computing the exact number of partitions of n = 1020 = 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 (100 quintillion). The number p(1020) has more than 10 billion digits (11,140,086,260 digits to be precise), starting with

and ending with

The computation was done using git versions of Arb (slightly tweaked) and FLINT, built against MPIR 2.6.0 and MPFR 3.1.1. It took four and a half days on a system with a Xeon E5-2650 CPU and 256 GB of RAM (the "popeye" server at RISC).


In 1946, banknotes of 1020 Hungarian pengő were issued as a result of hyperinflation. Now, the world finally has the answer to the pressing question: in how many different ways can you make change for a 1020-pengő banknote using stacks of 1-pengő coins?

= +


100000000000000000000 1 3 3 99999999999999999993

Illustration: one of the approximately 1.8381765 ×1011,140,086,259 partitions of 1020. Image credits: 1, 2 (CC-BY-SA).

The skeptical scientist might be tempted to verify the result experimentally, by explicitly counting all the possible ways to make change. The pre-war 1-pengő coin has a diameter of 23 mm and a thickness of 1.5 mm. A single vertical stack of 1020 coins requires 16 light-years of headroom, so you would have to choose a location for the experiment that stays clear of various celestial bodies such as Proxima Centauri (4.24 light-years away). Even if you split the stacks up, the total coin volume of 68720 cubic kilometers (assuming a circle-packing ratio of 0.9069) is sufficient to fill Lake Superior five times over and still have change left. The silver content of the coins alone would make the budget for such a project very difficult to justify to many funding agencies. Besides, even using your favorite cryptocurrency instead of physical coins, you would not have time to go through a significant fraction of the (more than) 1011,140,086,259 partitions before the presumed heat death of the universe sets in 10150 years from now.

More seriously, a motivation for computing the partition function is to study congruences. Ramanujan famously discovered the identities $$p(5k+4)\equiv 0 \pmod {5}$$ $$p(7k+5)\equiv 0 \pmod {7}$$ $$p(11k+6)\equiv 0 \pmod {11}$$ when inspecting a table of p(n) for n up to 200, which MacMahon had computed by hand! Today an extensive body of knowledge exists about partition congruences (they are closely related to modular forms), but several important problems are open, and experimental investigations could potentially lead to new insights. With current technology, the most efficient way to determine p(n) modulo a small integer is to compute the full value p(n) and then reduce it.

Calculating the partition function is also a quite nice benchmark problem for number theory software. The basic idea is to compute a sufficiently precise numerical approximation of p(n) from an infinite series (the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher formula), and rounding to the nearest integer. The Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher formula states that $$p(n)=\frac{1}{\pi \sqrt{2}} \sum_{k=1}^\infty \sqrt{k}\, A_k(n)\,
\frac{d}{dn} \left(
\frac {1} {\sqrt{n-\frac{1}{24}}}
\sinh \left[ \frac{\pi}{k}
\right)$$ where $A_k(n)$ is a certain sum over roots of unity with a complicated definition.

This requires arbitrary-precision arithmetic, including the ability to compute $\pi$ and the exponential function $\exp(x)$ to high precision (in this case over 10 billion digits). In fact, the computation requires a small number of arithmetic operations at very high precision and a large number of operations at decreasing precision, with roughly equal time spent doing arithmetic with numbers of all sizes. It also requires doing a lot of arithmetic with word-size integers (modular arithmetic, factoring, GCDs, modular square roots, etc.). The same core operations are used for all kinds of tasks in computational number theory, so optimizing and stress-testing them is useful in a general sense.


Since numerical approximations are used, it's a challenge to guarantee that the result actually is correct. For example, past versions of Maple gave the wrong value of p(n) for n = 11269, 11566, 12376, 12430..., presumably due to floating-point roundoff error and/or too few terms in the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher series being used.

To avoid such problems, my implementation uses ball (mid-rad interval) arithmetic to bound the contribution of all rounding errors. The error that results from truncating the infinite series after a finite number of terms is also accounted for (using Rademacher's rigorous error bound). The final numerical result is a ball $[m-\varepsilon, m+\varepsilon]$ guaranteed to contain p(n), and the code checks that this interval contains exactly one integer, which then provably is the correct value. Of course, "provably correct" comes with the usual caveat that there could be bugs in the code (or even hardware errors). In this computation, the distance between the approximation $m$ and the nearest integer was smaller than 10−10, which provides a strong consistency check.

With computations of this magnitude, all kinds of things risk breaking. For example, after dumping p(1020) to a file, reading it back gave a different value! It turns out that the size information written by the GMP/MPIR mpz_out_raw function overflows when the number takes more than 232 bytes. Luckily, mpz_out_raw still writes all the extra bytes, so the correct value could be recovered (just not directly with mpz_inp_raw).

Software improvements

The computation was done with the same general algorithm as the previous record of p(1019), described in my 2012 paper, but with completely rewritten code for numerical evaluation. The implementation used for the 2011 record (still available in FLINT and easily accessed via Sage) uses floating-point arithmetic along with (incomplete) a priori error bounds. Deriving error bounds this way was cumbersome, and interfered with code and algorithm optimizations (changing the algorithm required doing a new analysis). This was one of my main motivations for developing Arb and reimplementing the partition function there.

The algorithm has time and space complexity O(n0.5+ε), which is softly optimal since p(n) has Θ(n0.5) bits. In theory, p(1020) is therefore 100.5 ≈ 3.16 times more expensive to compute than p(1019). If you account for the nε factor, the time increases by a factor closer to 4 in practice when n increases by a factor 10. Memory increases quite precisely by a factor 100.5. In fact, the computation of p(1020) only required 110 hours and 130 GB of memory, comparable to the 100 hours and 150 GB used for the computation of p(1019) done in 2011. Thus the efficiency (both time and space) has improved by more than a factor three. Computing p(1019) is now about as expensive as computing p(1018) used to be, and so on. Some of the speedup (about 30%) is simply due to using faster hardware, but most of it is due to the following improvements:

Not everything has gotten faster. Computing the error bounds automatically at runtime adds some overhead. The original FLINT implementation also uses hardware floating-point arithmetic and libm transcendental functions for low-precision calculations, which Arb avoids in order to guarantee the error bounds (actually, the libm log is used in one place right now, but in a safe way). These de-optimizations only turn out to make a significant difference for small n, up to 108 or so.

Since 1020 exceeds the maximum value of a 64-bit unsigned integer (264−1 ≈ 1.8 × 1019), I had to change the implementation to take a multiprecision integer as input. This is a trivial edit and doesn't cause any slowdown, because all "index" variables in the algorithm are smaller than some fixed multiple of n0.5 and thus comfortably fit in a single word on a 64-bit system. As a byproduct, the implementation now works for input greater than 232−1 ≈ 4.3 × 109 on 32-bit systems. I tested computing p(1010), p(1011), ..., p(1016) on a 32-bit system, and all came out with the correct value. The fact that nothing broke when n crossed the word size boundary on a 32-bit system provided some reassurance that the word size boundary wouldn't pose a problem on a 64-bit system either. I haven't tested what p(1017) does to a 32-bit system yet; presumably, malloc will fail at some point since the computation requires more than 4 GB of memory.

I will push the latest modifications to the partition function code to the Arb git repository in the near future.

Going further

At the moment, my implementation can't be used to compute p(1021). The limitation is the GMP/MPIR mpz type, which overflows around 40 billion digits. The output would have 35 billion digits, and the internal calculations involve numbers up to twice as large.

To compute bigger values, you would also want better parallelization (the edit-run-debug cycle gets cumbersome when the "run" step starts taking weeks). The "tail" in the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher series parallelizes embarrassingly well, but the first term takes nearly 1/2 of the total CPU time, so by Amdahl's law, it's only possible to gain roughly a factor two by distributing the terms. There is an "easy" way to parallelize the computation of the first term, but it would use much more memory. What you really want is parallel (and memory-efficient) FFT code to split individual bignum multiplications across several cores. You also need multithreaded code for the leaf computations in the binary splitting algorithms for $\pi$ and exp, but that's trivial to implement.

With a more sophisticated implementation, present-day hardware should allow computing numbers at least as large as p(1024) (1.1 trillion digits). The $\pi$ record is 12 trillion digits (set by Shigeru Kondo and Alexander Yee over 94 days in 2013). Computing the partition function to a similar number of digits as $\pi$ requires slightly more memory (or swap space), and 10-20 times more computation time.

Computation statistics

The partition function was computed for a range of powers of ten to get an accurate picture of the efficiency, and to compare results with the previous computation up to n = 1019 (see the paper for the old timings).

n Digits N Mem (MB) Wall (s) CPU (s) T1 (s) T2 (s) Pi (s) Exp (s)
108 11132 3328 2.8 0.037 0.07 0.031 0.032 0.004 0.016
109 35219 9721 3.05 0.237 0.29 0.061 0.227 0.008 0.035
1010 111391 28601 4.89 0.441 0.75 0.307 0.429 0.039 0.184
1011 352269 84632 9.82 1.834 3.29 1.449 1.805 0.168 0.841
1012 1113996 251600 19.82 6.247 10.39 6.169 4.159 1.004 3.475
1013 3522791 750925 61.31 25.637 43.06 25.436 17.435 3.282 15.834
1014 11140072 2248842 202.81 104.07 188.33 103.57 84.346 12.389 66.326
1015 35228031 6754864 553.77 441.603 845.42 404.175 440.417 47.035 263.662
1016 111400846 20343453 1469.73 1614.84 2858.31 1611.65 1244.68 194.188 1099.58
1017 352280442 61413562 4593.42 7398.2 13643.7 6251.35 7389.06 762.067 4167.94
1018 1114008610 185795691 12937.41 23354.6 44330.3 23327.1 20997 2913.12 16171.8
1019 3522804578 563188404 38881.84 87825.3 170934 87742.6 83184.9 10860.9 61796.3
1020 11140086260 1710193158 131071 399206 738425 339610 398959 42394.2 239099

Digits: number of decimal digits in p(n)
N: number of terms used in the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher series
Mem: peak memory usage (resident set) during the computation
Wall: total wall time of the computation
CPU: total CPU time of the computation
T1: time for thread 1 (terms 1 to 16)
T2: time for thread 2 (terms 17 to N)
Pi: time to compute $\pi$ to full precision (T1)
Exp: time to compute $\exp(x)$ to full precision (T1)

Edit: Ondrej Certik has put up some plots of the timing data.

Data about p(1020)

The full number is not currently available for download, as it is 4.6 GB in packed binary format. If you really want a copy, contact me.

First (most significant) 1000 digits:


Last 1000 digits:


Digit distribution (fun fact: radix conversion takes over 3 hours):

Digit Occurrences
0 1114003393
1 1114004671
2 1114044302
3 1113995927
4 1114027762
5 1114020496
6 1113993310
7 1113982144
8 1114004097
9 1114010158

First 1000 hexadecimal digits (total hex length: 9251641382):


Last 1000 hexadecimal digits:


Edit: replaced table of limbs with hex digits to avoid confusion.

Value modulo small primes:

2 0 3 0 5 3 7 3 11 10 13 7 17 1 19 9
23 22 29 25 31 26 37 14 41 19 43 38 47 7 53 10
59 6 61 36 67 62 71 53 73 29 79 23 83 63 89 51
97 79 101 52 103 9 107 64 109 43 113 81 127 9 131 96
137 21 139 132 149 132 151 11 157 123 163 129 167 42 173 8
179 161 181 173 191 162 193 106 197 66 199 40 211 24 223 181
227 20 229 111 233 85 239 8 241 7 251 25 257 33 263 202
269 222 271 100 277 264 281 176 283 109 293 190 307 277 311 308
313 217 317 248 331 16 337 233 347 56 349 342 353 79 359 146
367 6 373 294 379 44 383 362 389 103 397 49 401 80 409 63
419 65 421 320 431 318 433 295 439 401 443 54 449 394 457 99
461 281 463 43 467 18 479 273 487 372 491 392 499 453 503 362
509 483 521 30 523 219 541 527 547 254 557 213 563 499 569 420
571 358 577 174 587 332 593 228 599 573 601 334 607 533 613 352
617 263 619 226 631 88 641 361 643 201 647 126 653 520 659 614
661 178 673 171 677 274 683 532 691 58 701 286 709 601 719 716
727 489 733 546 739 610 743 707 751 690 757 495 761 71 769 385
773 237 787 602 797 590 809 293 811 668 821 258 823 394 827 801
829 642 839 288 853 750 857 51 859 730 863 312 877 801 881 335
883 120 887 232 907 355 911 728 919 145 929 15 937 154 941 859
947 186 953 311 967 455 971 872 977 963 983 93 991 572 997 152

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